A very good guess here from someone on twitter: the yellow on the left could be the lady character from Alien Storm. Great to see Thunder Force III on there, though I personally prefer IV but still very cool, especially with Sega now owning the IP even!
I am so goddamn down for Thunder Force III, one of my favorite games of all time. Hands down top 5 Sega Genesis soundtrack. This is so fucking crazy, I've actually been working on an Thunder Force inspired Dreamcast game here lately. Just the other night, I was working on a test of my parallax scrolling:
So the last two games have been revealed to be Alien Syndrome (not storm, quite a surprise actually, especially as the character on the cover looks a lot like the one from Storm and that game had more in the way of parallax 3D effects) and Columns, put on there I assume because its super easy to port and to give this pack a puzzle game like Puyo Puyo did for 2. Both appear to be the arcade versions.
Aw... My hopes were really getting up for one of them being Sonic 3. I would have loved to have all three classic sonic games on my 3DS. I never beat a classic Sonic game till I got these Sega 3D Classic versions. For me, they're a "lying in bed and can't sleep" kind of game. That save feature really helps too. I can just beat one or two stages, fall asleep, then play a few more the next night.
I was going to post this on Saturday after I'd got mine, but as the thread's been bumped... Now's the time to put up following our campaign, and keep up the pressure for future titles. Tomorrow, the game's released in Europe (officially, I know a few have broken street date). Now's the time to get the thing, take a picture of it, and tweet it at Sega with the #TakeMyMoneySoE hashtag =P
Picked up my copy! The local EB Games weren't even sure as to what the release date was. They had a copy, but didn't want to break the street date!
For UKers: Argos has it for £25 http://www.argos.co.uk/product/6014674 Oddly enough can't seem to find it anywhere else like GAME etc so ended up grabbing it at Argos. UPDATE: Tweeted it with the hashtag , along with some other tweets showing how many times I own Puyo Puyo 2 and Power Drift now haha.
All in all, I think that the 3rd collection is the strongest out of the 3, and I hope we get it (or the triple pack) outside of Japan. Sonic 2, Streets of Rage 2, and Gunstar Heroes alone would make it a must have. The 3D classic series in general seems to be successful enough to keep making them, but I haven't seen any details about how the compilation sold. As for the 4 newly announced games... I'm of varying opinion. I like the Thunder Force series, but I don't know why they chose Thunder Force III... It's neither the first in the series on Genesis, nor is it the most impressive, Thunder Force IV might be one of the most stunning Genesis games. Then there's Columns... I like puzzle games as much as the next guy, but after Puyo Puyo, I didn't expect another one... Also! OutRun received an update that adds custom racers from other classic SEGA games (Altered Beast, Shinobi, Streets of Rage, etc). Right now it's only available if you bought the stand-alone eShop version, but hopefully the compilation will receive a patch. http://archives.sega.jp/3d/powerdrift/
There seems to be a reason for this: it's apparently an exclusive. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2016/11/argos_seems_to_have_the_uk_retail_exclusive_for_sega_3d_classics_collection I suspect SoE decided to be conservative with the numbers - a brief conversation with TimmiT hints that the same thing is happening in the Netherlands as well, so I'd guess there's one assigned chain across all of the Europe/Australasia area.
Yeah, here in the Netherlands a lot of stores aren't selling the game. It seems like most of the big stores have it listed on their websites, but don't have it in stock. There are only a couple of online stores that are selling it right now.
Sega 3D Classics Collection - Nintendo 3DS [reviewed] They fixed the spindash charge sound and the special stage fade flicker. 4.5/5
Tweeted @Sega_Europe with the hashtag as well: https://twitter.com/Overlord_public/status/794910148942774276 It's important to let them know we're getting these. That said, the saga of getting this! Argos had exactly one copy (I checked the stock checker on my way out to confirm it wasn't just them saying 1 copy for the sake of it, but nope, it was gone) - and thanks to their staffing levels and the car park it took an HOUR just to buy this. It seems every time Sega Europe picks Argos as an exclusive distributor I have issues, did with the Colours pre-order bonuses as well =P
Has anyone taken a look at the ROM patches used for 3D Sonic 1, especially with Spindash and "Japan mode" enabled? Given that ctr from vgmrips was able to apply the patches stored in 3DS RAM to make complete Afterburner II and OutRun ROMs, it's likely that the process will be the same for other M2 releases aswell.
I want to get the first 3D collection bu i already own Fantasy Zone 2 and they said that they were gonna release a standalone Powerdrift with an Allstars racing mode on the Eshop so it makes me worried about buying it. do you guys think it will still be worth it if i own 2 of the games on it already?
Holy cow, I never knew about this. I just quickly tested it on my US copy and it's the same thing there.