I hope the Physical Collection gets a European release. The extra games are great and make it worth getting even though I purchased all the digital versions. The box art is amazing too. Side note: how does one get the 'good ending' on 3D Fantasy Zone II W (I have gotten both the Bad/Dark ending and the Normal ending)?
IIRC: enter the store on the level before the boss and get the weapon 'Tear of the Opa opa' and drop it on the bad opa opa after the battle.
How would I do that though? I purchased it, and it shows up in menu as Weapon 3, but I press all the buttons and nothing activates it in the battle. ?????? Okay, figured it out now. Thanks for your help Master Emerlad, much appreciated.
Just got my hands on it as well! Out at the local Meijer they had them up in the display case since like the 20th, which I thought was a little early, but I tried to buy it anyway. Of course the system wouldn't let me break the street date then. But I have it now and all is well. I'm having a damn good time playing Fantasy Zone 2, it looks so good in 3D. All those layers with the parallax scrolling, it's beautiful.
I'll just leave this here: a survey for people who bought the new collection. I know a few of us aren't getting the collection because we've bought most of the games individually already. The last question asks what game you'd like to see get the 3D treatment next, so it's worth filling out. Vote Pulseman ;__;
It's been awhile, hasn't it? But the saga just doesn't seem to stop! Sega 3D Classics Collection 3: Final Stage announced for Japan. After Burner II Super Hang-On Bare Knuckle II Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Gunstar Heroes. "The collection will also contain one additional game that was picked by fans."
So guess that's Turbo Outrun confirmed. Also apparently there'll be four new 3D Classics games in the collection, with Turbo Outrun being one of them.
4 new games? D-darn.. I kind of hope Golden Axe Revenge of Death Adder is one of them, but it would probably make more sense to do the original Golden Axe first, which I would be cool with if it was the arcade version with the Mega Drive extras added to it. I wonder if anyone will be able to guess anything from the pixels? Heh, I'm gonna throw an unlikely guess out there and say the top right is the bird creature from Alien Soldier. Maybe that's wishful thinking heh. I could also be OG Arcade Shinobi as well I guess with an explosion behind him.
I'd say the thing on the top right could be Bin from Dynamite Dux, but that one's not so clear to me...