The 3DS Virtual Console seems all but dead at this point in all regions. I don't believe Japan ever got Sonic Chaos in general. 3D classics would be our only shot and Sega hasn't bothered with Game Gear ones (The SMS version is still on the Wii's Virtual Console.)
So um, wasn't 3D Sonic 2 supposed to be out in US/EU by now? Didn't see any announcement of a delay or anything.
On the other hand, that also means the least amount of extras and modes if this is another 'as is' release, compared to the SNES or PC versions that added stuff like Exercise Mode or Nazo Puyo missions.
Been a while! We just got a physical collection announced. EDIT: I should note this is NA-only right now, hopefully this isn't the start of a trend considering Yakuza 0.
This is making me wonder how much of an effect Atlus USA has on Sega America. Cause the way they're releasing games in the west now seems to be very similar to how Atlus handles it. As in, they prioritize North America while Europe almost seems like an afterthought. Who knows, maybe they'll get NIS America to publish it here cause Sega Europe sure as hell isn't doing a good job releasing Atlus/Sega USA's localizations here.
If that hits Europe, that's a day 1 buy. Don't be the NoA of old, Sega. Your European base is arguably your strongest.
You should probably complain to Sega Europe instead. I don't think Sega America has much say on if their localizations get released in Europe or not, outside of them getting a different publisher to handle it there. Which is what Atlus USA has been doing, pretty much all of their games since they were acquired by Sega have been published by NIS America in Europe. The exceptions being Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, which Sega Europe did publish here, and a couple of games Atlus USA published themselves in Europe but only did so digitally.
You know, I saw that game in a few shops in Japan thinking it was just placeholder boxart because I never bothered to actually try to read it. So that's what this is... interesting.
I briefly thought "Oh, I'll just import it", and then remembered that Nintendo decided to start region locking handhelds at a time when most home consoles aren't even region locked.
Sega Europe did tease 3D Puyo Puyo 2 on Sega Central a couple of days ago at least, so hopefully they'll be announcing the collection soon as well.
Woah, wait. The West's actually getting Puyo Puyo 2??? They even translated the logo at last. Shame, though, the 3D version from what I heard is one of few ports not to add new modes. Just one and two player basic (but with lots of rule options).
Is Puyo 2 eventually coming out as digital standalone? I already bought Sonic and a couple of others so it would be kind of a dick move if early adopters had to buy everything again just for some mean beans.
The bad news being, there's no chance they're releasing the first collection outside Japan now (this is the second one).