Not particularly - Japanese gamers have been exposed to a few of the Western games on that list via re-releases. Some are still odd, though. More suspicious is the presence of Master System games, considering none have been announced or released so far. Even more suspicious is the presence of Sonic Spinball, because it's Sonic Spinball and seriously. Yet more suspicious is that they're working on them in waves of five, yet apparently have a whole sixteen games there. More suspicious still is the way misspellings appear in both the title and headings. I don't expect any Japanese person to use the British "Defence" over the American "Defense", especially not when the original game used "Defense"; I also don't expect any Japanese person to misspell "Poseidon" given it's exactly that in Japanese (?????, poseidon) as well as also being on the box they'd presumably be working on. Given "Defence", I'm sure it's a coincidence that the original poster has their home country as "Grenada", which uses English as its main language and is derived from fairly recent British English. The real kicker is that the RAM addresses given in the first post of the link above are mostly consecutive bytes, and therefore could not hold strings of characters as presented at all. In other words, it's entirely fabricated.
I wouldn't say that. Similar listings appeared inside the old Wii's Virtual Console dumps. Those didn't mean a thing in the end, though, so there's that. Sega 3D Classics Archive 2 artwork, with mystery game/s? Lovely seeing Sonic drawn by Ken Sugimori! There's also a small chance some of those Master System 3D games from that list could be on this, seeing as Archive 1 had a couple.
Ken Sugimori is such an awesome artist, I'm glad he's doing the artwork for these compilations. Shame the compilations aren't coming to NA though. Congrats ICEknight, you guessed right. :v:/> 3D Puyo Puyo 2 and 3D Maze Walker being in there also lends credit towards the thing the GBAtemp user found
Now I'm just worried about Puyo 2 releasing here: especially after the re-skin of Puyo Quest. Need a western confirmation. Super happy about Power Drift though, I've been saying for ages that this game would be perfect for the 3DS and like Galaxy Force would actually really benefit from the added depth.
A translated Puyo 2 would be nice after all these years, even if it is the scaled down Genesis version. I'd gladly settle for a spruced up Mean Bean Machine though.
Oh my god, classic Arle on a 2015 cover is kind of a big deal too. I hope that SEGA will be bringing some good overseas news, soon.
I hope Sega will let M2 make 3D Sonic 3 & Knuckles and (3D) Sonic 3D Blast/Flickies' Island. The Master System versions of Sonic 1, 2 and Chaos in 3D with the same treatment as the Genesis games would be great too. I know Sonic 1 and 2 are already on the Game Gear Virtual Console, but the Game Gear screen is too small. Would be great to play the Master System Sonic games (or Game Gear version because some Sonic games were not released on Master System) in full screen on the 3DS.