In their defence, most of the comments main argument was less the quality and more that it's more playable on a DS than on a touch screen (which to many gamers is true, though that's more the platform and stingy SEGA's fault than Taxman and Stealth). Some might not be that bothered by lack of extras and what not, believe it or not, some out there HAVEN'T played it a million times over like we all have. I do agree we should have gotten SOMETHING more than this weird little difficulty buffer. Heck, just adding flight for Tails would have been something to make the game feel more complete.
Yeah, I agree, I just didn't like the casual dismissal of the remastered versions. But I guess feeling like you're actually in control of the game would be a better selling point than all the extras the remasters bring. I do feel like a lot of gamers don't really give it a chance, though. Like, yeah, when I first played Sonic CD on a touchscreen it felt awful... but the first time I held a controller, it wasn't remotely natural, either. When I started playing TF2 on PC with a keyboard and mouse instead of a 360 pad, I absolutely sucked. It all just takes time to pick up. And I can totally understand that if you're not a massive fan of these games, it may not be worth the effort. EDIT: And before someone jumps down my throat about THAT, I know there are plenty of people here who are certainly massive fans of the classic series who couldn't or just didn't WANT to get used to the touch controls, and that's a perfectly legit stance, too.
I'll say, as one of touchscreen's most vocal critics... The touchscreen controls in the Sonic remasters are great. I wouldn't use them for speedrunning, but for casual gameplay they work.
I still stand the 3DS ports are lazy, even if the assets have to be semi-redone just to get the 3D effect working. It's neat they can get it working stereoscopic, but it's a gimmick that most 3DS owners don't even use for more than a few minutes. Seems wasteful overall. Although, now I'm curious if they'll bother to do any fixes like a certain Super Sonic game breaking bug.
Vanilla Sonic 2 is still pretty fun, the parallax effects will probably look nice in 3D, and it shows support for more 3D Classics. Even if there's no real gimmick incentive to buy, I'm still getting it.
It's especially frustrating because M2 does do some great work. Outrun was well done and Shinobi III was a treat to play with the easily accessible six button option that was a code in the original (And required the six-button controller).
I don't think so, maybe because of the smaller screen it seems to go slower? I don't know, but yeah it seems somewhat off I guess. Either that or I haven't played Sonic 2 in god knows how long.
The video's encoded at 30fps, while Sonic 2 runs at 60fps. A lot of the animations in the classic series, like shields, emeralds, and even the fast-spinning variation of Sonic's jump will look very odd at 30. That's probably what's causing it to seem off.
So I just picked up Streets of Rage 2 3D the other day. Thankfully the 3D treatment here was a welcome addition since it looks quite nice, especially durning sequences with the alien miniboss or the elevator sequence. My only gripe with it so far is with the controls, mainly movement related Its not too much of a problem, Streets of Rage 2 if you've played before, has a distinct feeling when you play it. It feels heavy in a way, carrying a lot of raw power these characters have. It'll take a little bit to get used to them again with the circle pad, and the D-Pad I never use for this game to be honest. Also that and this exists for some reason when you access credits on the menu
So Sonic 2 won't have an expanded 2-player mode? I could give or take the inclusion of Tails' and Knuckles' abilities (though they'd be fairly easy to implement...) but I'd really like to see more levels on offer, especially since they don't have to tie themselves down to some of the restrictions interlaced mode brings
So, 3D Gunstar Heroes recently came out in US and UK. Out of the genesis games that have been given this 3D treatment, this is arguably the best when it comes to using the 3D. There's some impressive visual effects when the 3D is turned on, to the point where it almost looked like a 2.5D at some points. Still plays as smooth as ever, and the Gunslinger mode is a nice addition. Lets you choose when playing through the stages, to switch through any of the weapons in the game and along with switching between Fixed and Free shot at anytime with a push of a button. Definitive port of Gunstar Heroes for me, and yes there is a silly credits sequence. Can't find good footage of it on youtube besides this
If this is real, there may be even more... Source:
ToeJam & Earl, yay. Golden Axe Mega Drive version, boo. EDIT: I hope they fix their emulator's sound engine at least for Comix Zone.