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Sally in Sonic 1!

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by E-122-Psi, Jan 2, 2010.

  1. E-122-Psi


    I could probably make a Julian-style Robotnik in due time, especially since Eggman seems to use such a small tile variation. As said though I want to refine the playable character before I start on the rest of the game. This project is just 'Sally in Sonic 1' as is, the game redesigns will likely be put into a separate project.

    I will probably make Julian sprites beforehand however since another guy desires them for his project elsewhere .
  2. Looking forward to your next release bud. ^^

    I did however, find a bug in the game... I dun remember if it's just my DS, or the ROM, but the ending sprites are still whacked in the good ending... no matter what settings I set my DS to...

    This in the ROM? If so, you still trying to fix it?
  3. E-122-Psi


    Yep it's in the ROM, and it's one of the most tedious bugs so far since I have to play the entire game to check on it (the changes I've made to the program seem to stop Game Genie codes working on it). I think I'll either have to relocate the VRAM location or just try redoing it from scratch, has anyone else had this problem when editing the good ending?

    I'm trying to fix things and make a newer better revision, it's just at the moment I don't really have a lot to show for it. A lot of the problems seem to be those annoying ones that you can't get around or figure out why it's doing it. I'm thinking of maybe revamping Sally sprites however as well switching the pallette around while I'm at it (since this was my first project things were obviously done a bit sloppily this time round). Also do you think the SatAm design ending/title sprites work or should I go for more a SEGASonic revamp?

    Still not really satisfied with her move list either. Maybe I'll look into projectile programming so I give her NICOLE lazer attacks instead. Also anyone know how to program Wall Jump moves? I really think Sally fits jump and agility abilities.
  4. ShadowsofYesterday


    I have no idea what's going on. Member
    Fort Wayne, IN
    Sonic and the Magic Hat
    You could just make the Start button redirect you to the ending instead of GHZ1 from the title screen, and make it so that you don't need the Chaos Emeralds to access the good ending. I did the latter when I was working on the ending sequence, but then I just used the in-game level select code to play through Final Zone, because at the time I didn't think to move the ending in front of GHZ1. Changing even the smallest thing in the game always seems to screw up most if not all of the Game Genie codes though, so you'll have to get used to doing your own workarounds.

    EDIT: Actually, you COULD move the ending to the very beginning of the game, in front of even the "SEGA" screen. But whatever.
  5. Hmm... Maybe when I get the ointers I need, I'll help you out in debugging the bug there. XD

    The sprites however, they're actually quite fine the way they are. You said you hand drew them yourself? Yeah man! Keep em the way they are. As for the design, you could try what you think is fitting for this project. I however, just feel that Sally along with her name instead of "Sonic the Hedgehog" would work great as well.

    As for her moves, the kick is quite useful and adds difficulty to the game; as it takes skill to know when to use it. However, integrating moves that require the 'a' button to used with up and down would work good too. So, keep the kick if you like, I like it very much. Adding other moves though would be cool too.
  6. E-122-Psi


    Thanx that would be appreciated, don't trouble yourself over it though, I've had too many people doing that already before.

    I may remap the sprites however as said it's a bit sloppily done and I could probably minimize tile numbers with a second chance.

    I actually thought of implementing a little logo similar to the Knux lock-ons, I'm just not sure how to program it in:


    It's not the kick is a bad move to me, the basic A button attack works, it's just the attack itself is kinda generic, how many characters have martial arts? (actually it tends to happen a lot with female action characters, though most Sonic girls from the games break the mould and have unique setups, Amy's Piko hammer, Blaze's pyro attacks). I wouldn't mind keeping the same move programming but changing the sprite to a more unique attack, something distinct that I would expect from Sal. As said jump moves are another prospect that fits her character somewhat but I'll need to gain more experience for that.
  7. Aha... I see I see... The title screen actually looks very well done. You could probably ask the guy who the Knuckles hack for advice on that one.

    As for the moves, I understand now what you're going for. Of course-- I myself wouldn't know what Sally does best except that she is just straight up a good fighter... ^^; But still, you could try some unique stuff on her for references? I'd test those out if you like. I'll even think of some stuff you could implement into her.
  8. Quickman


    be attitude for gains Tech Member
    omg porjcet
    This is what you get for using codes deliberately designed to obfuscate what they're actually doing. If you used a Pro Action Replay code it'd be patently obvious what value was being changed. (Protip: the reason your Game Genie codes break is because they edit values in ROM. When you hack the ROM, the ROM changes.)
  9. E-122-Psi


    My biggest guess as to a unique move would be utilizing NICOLE in some manner, in SatAm she used it as a lazer weapon. As said jumping skills I think would also work due to her agility (and the fact she is a squirrel), it would also be somewhat unique as a lot of characters skills, while envoked by jumping, revolve less around the move (Sonic had a lot of jump skills, but they were inconsistant, his main shtick being more from speed).

    Truthfully Sally's distinctive traits came less from physical powers and more her personality, Bunnie on the other hand...

    Nice to have you on here by the way, any ideas what you'd like to do for your project yet?
  10. Ralbalboa


    I've found this glitch in the Title Screen animation.


    The animation is great! And the end credits sprites are AWESOME!!!
    This hack is awesome. The jumps, the kicks, don't change them. And I would love to see Sally using Nicole for an extra move! Keep it up. Your work is great!!!

    EDIT: Sorry, just read the whole thread and noticed that you already noticed this. My bad. I'm leaving the snapshot cause is great!!!
  11. The jpg burns D:.

    It's also obvious that Sally ate the TM.

    As for the hack itself, I am loving it. I'd really like to see this project get far!
  12. E-122-Psi


    Well thanx.

    Yeah I know about that glitch but not sure how to go around it, my guess is I used up too many tiles and VRAM space. I might try placing everything all over again.

    Curiously I edited the ending sprites for my Amy hack recently and there have been no glitches suggesting maybe I made a placement problem in the Sally code (I know I didn't edit things quite as cleanly anyway).
  13. ShadowsofYesterday


    I have no idea what's going on. Member
    Fort Wayne, IN
    Sonic and the Magic Hat
    Indeed. What he said. But then again, cheating devices aren't really necessary anyway. If you think about it, the Game Genie is really just a more primitive, less versatile method of hacking. So why use the Game Genie when you can hack the game yourself and get results that are infinitely more desirable? Like I said, you've gotta get used to not being able to use your cheating devices anymore if you're going to be hacking the game. The workaround? Code the effects of the cheats directly into the game yourself. It's not as painful as it sounds, really.
  14. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    Re: the TM glitch, just remove the art for the TM from the vram, it's not like Sega is going to sue you anyway...
  15. Aha! Yes yes yes! Utilizing Nicole, Now that I think about it deeper, would be the perfect thing to place into the game! However, when it comes to a rather unique set of actual moves, it may be more complicated as if I remember correctly, the most she did in the show was kicking and using Nicole. I never neccessarily saw anything that had to do with her fists unfortunately... And yeah... When it comes to her traits, it less physical power, and more personality.

    And thanks for the greeting, my friend. ^^ As for my project, you may want to send me a message so we can talk about it there. Better than to spam my details here on YOUR thread.
  16. Ralbalboa


    WHAT??!!!! You made an AMY HACK TOO?!!! When are you making a thread for that hack that I know it would be awesome too?
    My dream, now that you've done this Sally hack (and the Amy one), is that someday someone could make a Sonic 1 with the choice to play with all the characters available here in your great hack, Sally, Aquaslash's Sonia, Silver, Scourge (and I saw a Blaze the cat sprite from him somewhere) from The S Factor, MarkyJester's Manic from Sonic 1 Brother Trouble, and all the selectable characters in Sonic Megamix, Metal Sonic, I'm a lunatic. It would need permission from all these people, maybe someday, maybe I will try. Thanks a lot for this games E-122-Psi and to all the people in this community making all possible.
  17. ShadowsofYesterday


    I have no idea what's going on. Member
    Fort Wayne, IN
    Sonic and the Magic Hat
    Why would you need permission from all those people? Those are all official Sonic characters - the permission you'd need would be that of Sega, and as a rule, rom hackers don't generally give a shit about Sega's permission. To this day, I honestly still don't know if any of this (rom hacking, that is) is actually legal, but Sega themselves don't seem to care about the rom hacking scene, so feel free to make your megahack.
  18. E-122-Psi


    I don't think she even used martial arts in the show, her main utility was being the brains of a mission rather than physical combat. I think Cry of the Wolf, where she used NICOLE to lazer through her restraints and then roughed up a baddie (albeit Snively so...yeah) was the nearest to her having a physical role.

    I think NICOLE would be the closest to her having a unique movelist, that little device is kinda a signiture part of her, like Amy's hammer.

    Okay if you want we can talk about it elsewhere, I don't really have that much of a problem talking here though. If you want you can go to the Mini Hack/Project thread.

    Probably when I have a basic finished version working. I'm still finishing off the sprites and extra moves (though my work on Sally's movelist will make things easier). Plus I have to fine tune a lot things due to Amy's pallette, which conflicts somewhat with Sonic's:


    I think you'll be lucky buddy, it's a nice idea, but characters take memory, MegaMix is suggested have reached it's limit in characters and that's a SEGA CD game. I like the concept of merging AquaSlash and MarkyJester's Manic and Sonia hacks however. :D

    Well if you wanna try things out yourself I'm not gonna stop you, my sheets are free to use to those who want them, not sure how others feel about it though. Thanx for the compliments.
  19. Ralbalboa


    I knew it! This is great, the classic Amy from Sonic CD. So will her attacking move be to use that fancy hammer of hers?
  20. Right right... Now I remember... I even took a look at the episode and what do you know? It showed exactly what you had described here... ^^;

    Well then, you could probably do something like a lazer whip or something, you know?

    Go ahead and send me a message in that case and we'll start talking about that.