Hah, this is a really neat mod. Kudos! How difficult was this to do, given you had most of the components from S&KC for the player part?
The most time consuming part was definitely selecting the music. The initial implementation was fairly simple, given that the mod loader gives me a reference for which functions need to be overridden. Making speed shoes speed up the music instead of playing a separate song (btw it does that) was also fairly simple. The various jingles gave me the most trouble, though the solution for the majority of them was surprisingly simple once I figured out what the problem was. I could, in theory, replicate the mod for SA2, but I'm hesitant purely by the fact that there aren't nearly enough songs to cover all the city levels, desert levels, and space levels. SA2 is not much for variety in level tropes.
Knuckles' Emerald Hunt has a few tracks from SA1 and SA2 adapted to SMPS. Why not work toward a full set of adaptations, with permission from the artists of course?
I'd have to build a special version of the DLL for that purpose, which is more than I'm willing to do right now, especially if it's relying on being able to get other people to make the songs to even be worthwhile.
This is especially cool for those few levels that already used remixes of Sonic 3D Blast music. I can't wait to try it out this Sunday.
Honestly I'd be willing to crack FL back open to make some transcriptions for this if it's agreeable. I've actually wanted to make SMPS conversions of Adventure songs for a while, I've just had difficulty finding the motivation. I was working on a Pleasure Castle transcription a while back - excuse the shoddy instruments, they were FL stock placeholders. I stopped because fitting it in the limited channels was proving to be a challenge. Seriously though, I'd be down for doing more.
Well, I mean... that one in particular is already covered: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTJTJPqZ8fU I suppose it would be possible.
I'm going to reserve my opinion on the transcription job and anyway, the point was just to demonstrate that I have some enthusiasm for the prospect. You know where to find me if you're interested. :v: seriously though it's off key at several points who did this
You know, help and opinions like you're offering now would have been really useful while I was making KEH. Edit: Release v2 adds a config editor tool with preview functionality.
Well for what it's worth, had I been following KEH at the time I absolutely would've offered opinions/help. Anyway, the SMPS functionality is pretty cool looking, good job on it.
Have you ever looked at SADX and thought, "Yeah, it's great that they got it to run at 60fps, but I wish it had more, like, a whole 60 more FPS."? Well look no further! Introducing the SADX 120 FPS Mod! Now you can enjoy all the SADX action you love, but with twice the FPS! You will need to remove the d3d8.dll file for the palette lighting mod (and disable that mod) for it to work though. Thanks to Morph for the base mod.
Small mod time, this one lets you spawn a snowboard in any level when playing as Sonic/Tails. http://youtu.be/wCeE8eoJWLk Download
Update time for anyone curious, the SA1 character mod is coming along nicely! I just finished porting over the models for the cutscenes. Examples of this include Sonic's pointing finger (noticeable at the end of his story), the event model for the Tornado 1 (just prior to Sky Chase Act 1), the event model for the Tornado 2, and the one used for landing on the Egg Carrier. Here's a pic of the Tornado 1's event model! It's working completely now (earlier version of it was broken), and the other event models should be working. I haven't officially tested them in-game just yet, but I will be soon. As for a tentative release as I know many of you will want to know, I'm going to finish up Tails (currently crashing the game), and then have the first initial release of the mod for the public. I don't have a date, but I'm hoping to get to that point as soon as I can.
SAMDL now has the ability to export and import individual model pieces to/from OBJ files, and export all the pieces of the current model to multiple OBJ files. This should make custom models easier to import.
http://youtu.be/FdBguGOs44c In the GameCube versions of SADX and SA2B, shiny jewel Chao are rendered as transparent or invisible. This mod restores that behavior to the PC version of SADX makes normal-colored Chao invisible, other Chao transparent, and shiny jewel Chao constantly switch between shiny and jewel colors. Download: http://mm.reimuhakurei.net/misc/TransparentChao.7z
Big the Cat Nukem is coming to SADX. https://www.youtube....h?v=sEqoN0BRlWE link for download in video description
Darkspine, any progress on the SA1 character model mod? It's looking great. I love the Dreamcast mod pack, but I cannot bear to play the game with DX's awful looking shiny Sonic on the screen at all times. Actually, I can't bear any of the changes they made in DX. Such a shameless butchering of a classic.
If it helps, MainMemory made a 'no gloss' mod to ease that suffering a wee bit. :v: https://mm.reimuhakurei.net/?page=sadxmods