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SA1 Comes to XBLA & PSN.

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Lanzer, Jan 11, 2010.

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  1. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    Translation: They're lazy fucks - wait this isn't news, nor is SEGA not giving a shit if anyone has fun with their games, carry on. :eng101:
  2. Tiranno


    Steveosaurus Rex Member
    From a friend who hasn't played SA since 2002 and not a Sonic fan at all:

    "I don't remember game being this unplayable..."

  3. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    Consider yourself lucky, my roommate (more into sandboxy realism games) goes, "This is the one with Shadow, right?"

    *hurls everywhere*
  4. Dissent


    @SailsSez on Twitter Member
    I tried to play this and SA2B last year. I should have just left them alone...
    Childhood ruined. Life in shambles.

    I'm glad that the press is finally seeing how bad SA1 really was though, it's always annoying to see them say "SA and SA2B were great!!!".
  5. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    This just sounds ignorant. Sorry. Major rewrites also require major retesting. The cost off all of that would bump up the cost of the game considerably. Why spend all that money to fix a few things that only a minority are going to hark about anyway? And then lose even more customers that wouldn't have cared about those bugs by appropriately hiking up the price a couple of dollars? Doesn't make business sense.

    And don't act like Sega is the only company that ports games without fixing infamous or game-breaking bugs.
  6. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    I agree, Sonic should have just followed every other trend at the time, it would have stood the test of time better. Although SA1 and 2 do have some of the better Sonic stories, I tried playing SA2B again, and just fuck it. I got to the second-last boss in the final story and I just can't take this cheap ass shit. Ironically, SA1's boss is the most piss easy excuse for a final battle I've ever seen. At least the chao gardens aren't broken or I would have sold these games years ago.

    Note that I said "game companies" in two posts.

    Also, if they're going to not fix bugs for budget reasons, why go in and fix the ones people actually like? To be dicks? Why not leave them alone and kill two birds with one stone? (Keep customers happy and save money.)
  7. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL

    "Hey kids! Do you like Sonic Adventure? Great, because we ported it to XBLA, and fixed some bugs while we were at it!"

  8. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    I don't know what you guys are talking about. I haven't really played SA1 at all in years, and it's as fun and enjoyable as it's ever been. I still consider it miles ahead of any of the 3D games after SA2. (I haven't actually played anything after Shadow though...)

    Besides that, we have known for MONTHS before it's release on XBL and PSN that it's basically a straight port of the PC version, so why would anyone expect anything different.
  9. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    Because I never played the PC version. :v: I expected it to be the GC version, minus the GBA teleporter. I didn't know they fixed some of the fun glitches.

    That was a rhetorical question, as in, the answer to it should be obvious. "SEGA, next time you want to fix bugs for marketing, don't fix the good ones. Or, y'know, actually do some work, but that's unrealistic expectations."

    Edit: For clarity, I meant that replying with an answer was unnecessary since everyone knew what I was getting at. It was a complaint obviously masked in a question, so don't read into it any farther than that, there's nothing else there.

    They should have just ported the better version. :colbert:
  10. Flare


    Maybe Sega never thought "we know glitches are bad and we can fix some but there are some prats on interweb who like to use them, oh well let's keep them in" - either way they are doing there job regardless of what the reasons for doing so were.
  11. Clutch


    It was a dark and stormy night... Member
    Since people have talked about liking the non-DX title screen and menu better, I'm curious: did anyone ever hack those into the PC version? I'm pretty sure the old textures are still in PC version's system files despite not being used, and this game shows it can be done (and probably with little effort).
  12. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.

    They aren't still in the game, but it takes less than 5 seconds to put it back for the menu background, but the title screen is set up in a very different way with multiple layers and animation, so that is a bit harder.
  13. I'll be blunt, I didn't like Sonic Adventure at all, the fishing was just horrid, no question, the Knuckles and Gamma stages were just too boring. Gamma being straight forward and Knuckles being the complete opposite of that. With Amy... Lets just say she makes you want to be Sonic. But we all know that.

    Nevertheless, the Sonic and Tails stages are fantastic and I still play them to this day, the Xbox Live and PSN port have the best controls and graphics, so I guess this is the version to buy if your interested in it.
  14. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    best graphics in what way? solid 60fps? pc can do that and in widescreen with a little hack or patch, the cube version has some better working shaders for water and whatever. Also remember the 360/ps3 port is sub HD stretched and still windowed.
  15. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    Bought the game on the 360 today for me and my young brother to share, I knew what to expect from the trial but I'm having light fun, I've fallen through the floor more then I do in the dreamcast version and I forgot how little was changed in the DX mix since I sold my cube copy weeks after buying it years ago.

    Completed sonic and tails so far, I have more fun finding emblems then actually playing the game but then I've done this so much now I know it like the back of my hand, sort of, but I'm enjoying it for the price but the game really hasn't held up well even if I am a fan of the game. I just wish the screen wasn't so small, top and bottom borders suck like shit and I can see them due to vga not giving overscan on my tv, most people will never notice that the game is bordered around the entire thing and it's annoying.

    A solid 6/10 for me, it only holds up due to nostalgia, I would have given the game up to 8/10 if it was full 720p without any kind of frame.

    What helps me ease the pain of this buy is that I will unlock sonic's red shoes for my avatar, lol.

    *edit* Just finished up supersonic, been a long time since I completed everyone's story like that, up to 6 hours that took I think as I unlocked the 5h teeshirt sometime before I started supersonic which is what 15-20 minutes long if you watch the cut scenes. There's a few places where textures are missing their alpha maps such as the entrance to the showers ladder in the casino basement, the floor is suppose to have light from above shining down through grating but instead it's a black texture with white on it, looks dumb but this feeling like such a cheap port I am not surprised.

    BTW not buying the DX dlc, I see no point and I don't think I could stomach all those missions for nothing but an achievement, metal sonic doesn't interest me either as just a reskin sonic I had my taste of that in SA2 years back in 2 player.
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