I noticed that they attempted to get the invincibility stars to kind of trail behind you properly when you go around slopes, but when you fly around in the air (off ramps or springs) they end up pointing at bizarre angles.
On a somehow off topic note, notice how the build date for this one is just around one week away from the final; that basically means they implemented the new title screen and the level select/options screen in less than a week. Quite impressive if you ask me. Edit: Typos.
As far as I can tell, it works. Try this PAR code: FFFFD2:0001 Look at the score, debug mode is on... but it doesn't appear to be usable. Debug mode doesn't actually "work" until Beta 7.
WFZ zone: Weird object stuff everywhere; everything moved around, platforms, etc. Looks fairly early. Also, it transports you to a black screen when you beat it, instead of Death Egg Zone (although it claims the black screen in that zone) Also also as mentioned elsewhere the laser boss blows up the platforms as you fight it. And the weird thrower-thingies get stuck/make copies of themselves when used. Also, the turret crossing area is freaky, with laser turrets randomly opening and closing. Much harder. Not to mention many low-lying jets you actually JUMP through without damage and I think propellers have better sound stuff than in the original—they actually drown out the music and dynamically fade away when you run away (Could be in the final, never looked this close before) And of course, the demos are messed up.
Super sonic stuff is completed and implemented in this build, but the code ($1082A) is not referenced at all (I believe), so it can only be triggered with hacking. Other than that, it seems to be rather close to the final super sonic.
When you die, the camera follows sonic to the bottom of the zone. I died for no reason going around a loop in EHZ. I checked all the level slots by editing the level select menu, and they are all the same as the final.
So this is Hidden Palace Zone folks. At least what's left of Hidden Palace Zone. All of the sprite placements are still intact and in the same areas as previously seen in Simons Sonic 2 prototype and Sonic 2 NA prototype. Some more snapshots of all the sprite placements that are intact still. The most interesting snapshot taken was being able to insert a triceratops badnik into the stage. It's no where located throughout Hidden Palace and was the only other badnik aside from the t-rex & bat badnik that was insert able. On a side note, the spin action when going down into a tube exists. If you've played Hidden Palace Zone for Sonic 2 final, there's pretty much no difference other than the intact sprites (including triceratops badnik). EDIT: As for how I was able to move around in debug mode, I just simply switched on the sprite placement mode. I also switched off on the emulator a couple of layers to show just the sprites in case some of you are wondering how I got the more clearer snapshots. I've placed a copy of the savestate below for whoever wants it.
When standing still Sonic has a different waiting animation. He looks at his wrist implying that he is wearing a watch.
Sonic 2 Beta 4 Always Have 99 Rings - FFFE21:0063 Always Have 99 Lives - FFFE12:0063 Should have the same effect on all the betas, actually.
-Checkpoints are pretty stuffed in this build. When you die and go back to a checkpoint, the horizontal scroll data is reset, as if you were at the far left of the level. This means that when you walk to the left after returning to a checkpoint, the background turns to mush. The game also doesn't keep track of what layer your charater should be on when you return to a checkpoint, so sometimes you find you fall through the floor or encounter other issues when you try and move. -At the first checkpoint in ARZ2, there's a good example of bad object placement. They've placed a badnick almost right on top of the checkpoint, so if you end up being sent back to this checkpoint, you die instantly because there's an enemy sitting on top of you. You of course then get sent back to the same checkpoint and watch it happen all over again. Talk about screwed. -There seems to be some kind of glitch which occurrs somewhat randomly when sonic dies. As you're falling off the level, you sometimes get extra points thrown at you. Occasionally it's just 100-200 points, but sometimes you get millions of points added to your counter, giving you 20 or so extra lives in one hit. I've seen this happen most in ARZ. It probably has something to do with colliding with enemies while in the death animation. -In DEZ, when you've defeated Silver Sonic and Robotnic comes out and makes a run for the Death Egg, you can actually outrun the fat bastard. If you spindash to the right immediately after the screen unlocks, you can get through before the second barricade comes down, and get in front of Robotnic. Man, that's like a childhood dream right there. -The Death Egg is only 8 hits in this build, so you can kill him before he takes off for the first time, and you can still control Sonic after you've destroyed the Death Egg. You can also go partway out the end tunnel, then double back and fight the Death Egg over again, since the object respawns when you go far enough offscreen. It's the same in the final, but you usually have to use debug to break the automatic control over your character first. I've also seen one of the other builds where the Death Egg is only 1 hit.
I must say, it's interesting to see just how many bugs there were in the game at this stage. I've encountered dozens of little random ones that are hardly worth mentioning by themselves, except to say that they're not in the final release. The number of issues the developers ironed out in just a few short weeks is quite incredible. I've gotta tip my hat to them.
that's in the final thank you so much for that =D EDIT: HAHA, then he like teleports in front of you XD and can someone please tell me why my sig has so many lines under it? It's not supposed to do that.
I think Orengefox00 turned off the background layers so as to more easily discern the sprites. I got the same results.
The special stages in this and Beta 5 have some pretty wild color choices. They're normal by Beta 6. Left is Beta4/5, right is final. Special Stage 1: Special Stage 2: Special Stage 3: Special Stage 4: Special Stage 5: Special Stage 6: Special Stage 7: Notes: *Color scheme for Beta6/5 stage 1 is shifted to stage 2 in the final. *Color scheme for Beta6/5 stage 3 is shifted to stage 5 in the final. *Color scheme for Beta6/5 stage 5 is shifted to stage 7 in the final. *All other color schemes aren't used.