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Ring Poll

Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by Vincent, Mar 21, 2009.

Which one do you prefer most?

  1. 1

    0 vote(s)
  2. 2

    0 vote(s)
  3. 3

    0 vote(s)
  4. 4

    0 vote(s)
  5. 5

    0 vote(s)
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  1. TmEE


    Master of OPL3-SA2/3 Tech Member
    Norway, Horten
    5 got my vote
  2. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    That's putting personal preferences over the original designers'.

    Perhaps we should make a poll to see if people would rather have a Sonic Adventure-style Sonic. =P
  3. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    You're the cancer that made this project into an uncreative human filter.
  4. Namagem


    He was being sarcastic. It's obvious this project wouldn't have an SA style sonic, and everyone knows this. Lighten up and stop being so nonconstructive.
  5. How about once a design of a ring is picked (I'm on about the design and shading, not the ring itself), then vector over that?

    It'll keep the correct 3D ring, but it'll be vectored. I imagine it'll be easier than trying to vector the original ring sprite, as it's already in HD?

    Just a thought - I was thinking of doing this for some of my rings, but I can't do vector art to save my life...
  6. Gambit


    Sonic 2 HD Staff - Level Artist Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    Don't forget that these rings can be rendered to ANY size we want. We could make a ring that's 5000x5000 pixels if we wanted to. I imagine having massive references would help since it'd be easier to see details and such, though I'm sure it would still be difficult to remaster them in Illustrator.

    Here's an example for people that may consider this. I rendered a frame much larger than needed and then resized it to 64x64 pixels for comparison.

  7. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    Chimpo, stop. I in fact agree with your vision that all the rings are not looking good as the originals but you know you are only saying that shit because you want to say shit, If you were really knew Sonic 2HD you would knew ICEknight was since the beggining always trying to give us a large feedback about that and most of the times I don't like ICEknight's comments sometimes but I have to say that 90% of the time he is right, so, you should learn a bit more before posting.
  8. Tweaker



    So because ICEknight consistently gives feedback—mind you, solely of his own opinion and general perspective—he is automatically "right" a large majority of the time? What kind of reasoning is that? That's like saying that if Hitler came in and eloquently explained how he thought Jews were the scum of the universe enough times that it would become truth. It has absolutely no basis in fact whatsoever.

    At the end of the day, all ICEknight is posting is his opinion. This entire project will always be based on opinion. When you have tons of people working on a single project all at once, everybody is going to differ in how they interpret this project's art direction. The constant expression of opinion does not constitute truth, however; the fact that you think it does in some form is highly discerning.
  9. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    My complaints aren't that they look as good as the originals. I never said that at any point. My complaint has always been that the rings clash so badly with the rest of the art that none of them should even be considered. They do not match with the rest of the environment. This is not about ORIGINALPIXELS, this is about consistency in the artwork.

    You seem to have confused my opinions with ICEknight my good chum.

    I have never agreed with any of his feedback, and I've been watching the project from the very start. ICEknight has again and again influenced the project to become more of a human filter process rather than to encourage some form of creative liberties. When you're upscaling something so small to a larger size, you're going to need to put some detail into that big empty color space. I've seen people try to apply what they thought some works would look like at a larger scale, only to be shot down because it doesn't match the original art. At this point, you're not aiming to get artist to work on a project that's entirely based on art. You're just looking for people who are good at photoshop and can apply filters here and there.

    The cool idea inspired by an awesome wallpaper that re imagined the original game has now become a dull boring by the numbers factory produce work with little room for it to breath and take advantage of the new possibilities it can reach. All because you want it to look exactly like the original, but four times bigger.
  10. I really think the original ring sprite is wide so it can be seen in the game(because of the animation). Even though it is wide, when I still look at it while playing the game it looks thinner.
  11. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    No but, "You're the cancer that made this project into an uncreative human filter." Is not truth. I only said that he has to be more active here to see that we don't ignore that fact, and you, Tweaker, know that. And we try at the maximum not to put our personal feeling on the remasters because we want to put the artists' original emotion and meaning. Putting our interpretation almost always distort it. And you have to agree that coming here and posting things like "Hmm, all you have is shit guys, Cya", does not add anything to the project. If you want to give opinion like that it would be better: Oh your rings look like shit because.... this, this and this. And it would have been better if you could have done this, and this too. You can still say that Sonic 2HD looks like shit but you have to do it with style! =P


    Now, I got your point Chimpo.
  12. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    This has been tried. And tried. And tried.

    Every time, either the original sprite or the promotional artwork gets waved around as an excuse to not have to be creative.

    HD to me means that I get a lot more adorable little details than at the original resolution. Which was sort of the original point, which was lost very early on anyway.

    Relevant: ALL FIVE RINGS SUCK. None of them look like they're made of gold at all. So we're not allowed to think outside that little 320 x 224 box that is the original? And therefore not make gold rings that actually LOOK LIKE FUCKING GOLD RINGS?

  13. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm


    They will have to be changed.
  14. Tarheeltim


    It's just an animated yellow circle. fsghadf

    also that
  15. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    I chose #2, but I think #3 could look better with a *little* more shine to it.
  16. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    I'd like some feedback on those of you specifically saying that none of the rings look good. The general opinion I'm getting from you guys is similar to what Chimpo just elaborated on -- that the rings clash with the artwork and more creative liberties should be taken with them. Ok, got it. That's what Vincent and I would like to push for. The official artwork and commercials have been used as a foundation to that extent I believe. My point is, if you guys are looking to have the rings shaded as a more golden, more metallic look, can you explain how this process wouldn't clash with the current cartoon style we've developed thus far? I'm genuinely curious how something shaded more realistically is fitting in in your views. Please correct my interpretation if it's not spot on, and add any details you see fit.
  17. T.Q.


    The Sims 2, Tim Drake [Robin] Member
    I guess people are looking for colour/metallic characteristics like these rings?


    I mean sure, these look nothing in shape like the Sonic rings, but part of the issue seems to be colour and metal issues.
  18. Those are the shapes of #4 and #5, albeit a little thinner.

    I'd also like to see what people thought of vectoring over the 3D rendered rings?
  19. Scarred Sun

    Scarred Sun

    Be who you needed when you were younger Administrator
    Tower 8 ️
    Welp, this.
    If anything, I'm looking for the opposite--think closer to the representation of rings in each of the animated series.
  20. Gambit


    Sonic 2 HD Staff - Level Artist Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    <!--quoteo(post=292904:date=Mar 23 2009, 10:53 PM:name=Scarred Sun)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Scarred Sun @ Mar 23 2009, 10:53 PM) [​IMG]
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