I'm looking into testing the Z80 emulator in Gens/GS. I've found a Z80 test program called ZEXALL, but it's for Z80-only systems, such as SMS and CP/M-based machines. If anyone could port it to the MD such that the UI would run on 68k but the Z80 test functions run on the Z80, I'd appreciate it. ZEXALL source: http://mdfs.net/Software/Z80/Exerciser/
I guess it may be too late to post but anyways. If your intention is to just test your Z80 emulator, you can modify the message printing routine to "out" the character to some imaginary port and just print(f) the character in your port handler function. That should do it I think.
This might be something of a stretch, but what if you compiled ZEXALL for the SMS, then ran it through something like GG2MD?
Stupid question: for what is it? Does it have cycle benchmarks? (that just came to my mind) If so, then probably ZEXALL should be ported. Otherwise it'd be impossible to make accurate comparsions against the real hardware.
Last time I checked that thing, it did nothing but added a header to enable SMS/Mark III mode on Genesis. None of the emus out there right now support this mode so that won't work. It tests out for the correct flag calculations of the emulator.
That util converts a GG/SMS ROM into MGD format, so you could upload it into the copier device and play the game on your HW. GG stuff should have wrong palettes and input issues on MD...
Actually Fusion may, as it supports SMS/GG emulation and probably the ROM can be run in that way. Then again, it'd be easier to just use the original one for SMS =P