Wow, I get here not even an hour after the release and we're on the 3rd page already. I was worried about download speed but it's actually not bad. Lot's of good stuff here. DRX you're the king.
I would just like to thank everyone responsible for making this happen. This is unbelievably awesome.
ROFL to the earliest Sonic 3D Blast Prototype (Sonic 3D Blast (Prototype 73 - Jul 03, 1996, 13.58). It's music is missing instruments, there're like three songs in the game. The stages just play the first stage/first act's song while the boss plays the Final boss' music. To make it worse, press start then press A to skip the level and all it says is "Level Complete". And if you do it after the final stage (the 3rd or forth one, forget) it says "To be continued..". The greatest part of the prototype is the Sega screen. It says the classic "Sega" but the letters don't fly away like in the other beta/final, the entire screen breaks into 3D shards. Man, I can't wait till these games are hacked to death. This is beyond greatness.
... my godness.. did you see the hiper sonic sprite?? the stars?? is most very cool !! the final version is bad.. I think Sonic 3C (Prototype 0517 - May 17, 1994, 17.08) ( and Sonic & Knuckles (Prototype 0525 - May 25, 1994, 15.28) ( the most complete games..
The Sonic & Knuckles proto is the least complete of the S&K protos, can'a agree with you there. IMHO, while Sonic 2 protos were -all in all- nothing truly groundbreaking, seeing how those protos weren't the fabled "have-the-updated-level-select-but-with-lost-levels" thingie but more polished versions, S3C and Sonic 3D Blast were truly fun to explore. :drool: Even though I'm not that good at hacking cheat codes and I had to wait for help.
While the lack of Wood Zone or a pink Casino Night is disappointing, there's denying everything else is completely badass. Grats on your success DRX. You've become a legend.
Oh sweet, I'm on the contributor list, hot. :P This is a pretty historic day (yesterday, that is... I had a comedy show to attend to when the release happened, and drinking to do after that). Congratulations on an epic win, drx. EDIT: HOLY SHIT, Shining Force II for GG is in here? Oh my god, I love you, drx. Also, a really impressive number of Pico titles on here.
Rememer when I said I wasn't impressed unless a Sonic 1 proto was found? Well fuck it, 1000 prototypes, plus a Shining Force 2 one. I'm fucking amazed. I was totally not expecting 1000 prototypes.
I only tried Sonic 3C 0408, Sonic 2 (Many various versions), Ristar 0812, and Knuckles Chaotix 213B, 1227, and 1229. That was an awesome release, thanks drx. Hope to see more from you soon.
Found a LOAD sourcecode inside Motocross Championship (32X) (Prototype - Nov 07, 1994) ( @ 0x001F3A00 Code (Text): ve.b (A0)+,104(A1); Move 32 to 104, delta 32. move.b (A0)+,108(A1); Move 33 to 108, delta 33. move.b (A0)+,112(A1); Move 34 to 112, delta 34. move.b (A0)+,116(A1); Move 35 to 116, delta 35. move.b (A0),120(A1); Move 36 to 120, delta 36. addq.l #2,A0 move.b (A0)+,124(A1); Move 38 to 124, delta 38. move.b (A0)+,1024(A1); Move 39 to 1024, delta 39. move.b (A0)+,1028(A1); Move 40 to 1028, delta 40. move.b (A0),1032(A1); Move 41 to 1032, delta 41. addq.l #2,A0 move.b (A0)+,1036(A1); Move 43 to 1036, delta 43. There's a lot more than that but it's too much to paste here. Also found some odd windows related stuff inside Doom (32X) (Prototype - Sep 09, 1994) ( @ 0x000DBFC8 Code (Text): ce for environment R6018 - unexpected heap error ü ÿ run-time error R6002 - floating-point support not loaded ÿÿÿ ž SB16 Wave Out SB16 Wave In ¢ AL @œ A| @ 4 AŠ â þLH MpCONFIG=full_system COMSPEC=C:\COMMAND.COM PROMPT=$P$G MOUSE=C:\MOUSE BPATH=;c:\brief\macros BHELP=c:\brief\help BFILE=c:\brief\state.rst BPACKAGES=s-asm,asm:s;h-c,c,pas:r BFLAGS=-k -bi120z -mJKT -mrestore -Dega -D101key BTMP=c:\brief DIRCMD=/OEDN TEMP=C:\DOS SOUND=C:\SB16 BLASTER=A240 I5 D3 H3 P300 T6 PATH=D:\WATCOM\BIN;D:\WATCOM\BINW;D:\WATCOM\BINB;C:\DOS;C:\UTIL;C:\BRIEF;C:\NORTON;C:\WINDOWS;Z:. EDPATH=D:\WATCOM\EDDAT INCLUDE=D:\WATCOM\H;D:\WATCOM\H\win WATCOM=D:\WATCOM windir=C:\WINDOWS }œ€“ª¶ÅÜð +\jwƒ‘¯(L] p4˜ EDIT: More source... Star Trek - The Next Generation (Prototype - Dec 28, 1994) ( & Star Trek - The Next Generation (Prototype - Jan 10, 1994) ( @ 0x00029BFD Code (Text): 0000046C GoNorth: 0000046C 302C 000E Move.w Obj_Action(A4),D0 00000470 0240 0007 And.w #$07,D0 00000474 6700 Beq.s WalkUp 00000476 0C40 0002 Cmp.w #2,D0 0000047A 6700 Beq.s @TurnUR 0000047C 0C40 0006 Cmp.w #6,D0 00000480 6700 Beq.s @TurnUL 00000482 6000 FF3E Bra GoWest 00000486 00000486 @TurnUR: 00000486 397C 0022 000C Move.w #ACT_TURNUR,Obj_DesAction(A4) ; Turn up from right. 0000048C 6000 0000 Bra SkipDBotAI 00000490 00000490 @TurnUL: 00000490 397C 0027 000C Move.w
This is probably the most valuable thing here. This is the execution environment for the machine that compiled this DOOM prototype. It tells us a lot about the hardware that was attached to it, and the assembler itself. Code (Text): CONFIG=full_system COMSPEC=C:\COMMAND.COM PROMPT=$P$G MOUSE=C:\MOUSE BPATH=;c:\brief\macros BHELP=c:\brief\help BFILE=c:\brief\state.rst BPACKAGES=s-asm,asm:s;h-c,c,pas:r BFLAGS=-k -bi120z -mJKT -mrestore -Dega -D101key BTMP=c:\brief DIRCMD=/OEDN TEMP=C:\DOS SOUND=C:\SB16 BLASTER=A240 I5 D3 H3 P300 T6 PATH=D:\WATCOM\BIN;D:\WATCOM\BINW;D:\WATCOM\BINB;C:\DOS;C:\UTIL;C:\BRIEF;C:\NORTON;C:\WINDOWS;Z:. EDPATH=D:\WATCOM\EDDAT INCLUDE=D:\WATCOM\H;D:\WATCOM\H\win WATCOM=D:\WATCOM windir=C:\WINDOWS So, we can see that this machine had an assembler (of course), a Watcom tablet, and a sound card. I don't see anything that may have been used for music development, though. The machine appears to have run DOS and Windows 3.1 (we have both C:\DOS and C:\WINDOWS in the path, and a WINDIR variable). Great find, sir. EDIT: It looks like the variables that I thought were being used by their assembler were actually being used by their text editor. So now we know what text editor they used. =D
Uh oh, looks like Star Wars Arcade (32X) (Prototype - Sep 06, 1994) ( built wrong. Its all Odd bytes :\ (even bytes are duplicates of odd bytes)