As I posted in the other topic, If you're having problems with the torrent, right click on Drx's torrent link, Save Target As/Save Link As, save it to desktop, then open the .torrent file in your torrent program of choice. I specifically recommend uTorrent for this.
I look forward to the other releases throughout the day too. I thought I heard something of a Castlevania proto.... :D
Downloading all the Sonic prototypes in the first torrent + Ristar. There's no cap on my upload speed - since I can only get around 30 kb/s it would be ridiculous for me to do so. Sonic 2 Beta 8 is finished downloading.
I did that; it's looking a little better in utorrent. Not much availability, but that'll change soon I hope. I only ticked off the Sonic and Ristar things, so hopefully it won't take too long.
I'll seed for a few days. But this is taking forever, so I might have just the Sonic protos in maybe two days.
Yea, got Sonic 2 Beta 8 here too. Playing it now, looks complete. Edit: Ooooh, what's this? Sonic and "Tails" in...
It looks to me that the name change to Miles "Tails" Prower was one of the last things before the final release. Edit: Beta 5 doesn't have an options section, and beta 6 does. =P
Downloading the S2 Protos and S3K Stuff now... drx you are the biggest fucking legend I have ever known mate! BRAVO on these Protos!!!
... haha, Sonic Blast is somehow even more unplayable in the prototypes. I don't even know what to say. Chaotix proto 111 finished. It has the overworld map on the SEGA! screen and the title says "Featuring Espio the Chameleon". The stage select menu has the "Wechina" asterisks but the game crashed when I selected to play as it. About to try S&K proto 612. EDIT: S&K seems pretty much final. I only messed around but didn't notice anything particularly different. A few others have finished since then, I'll mess around with them.
In beta 5, kill Sonic somewhere high in EHZ, and watch his sprite fall, with the camera following it.
This is epic on so many levels, I'm downloading and it's going at a blazing 1KB/s!... (or at least it was, now it's going faster.)
Mine's not even going anywhere at the mo, but that's generally the case for me outside of the hours of 2-8AM, so I can wait I guess. = P Thanks so much for this awesome release, drx! = D Can't wait to have a look at the Sonic / Ristar (Dexstar?!) / SoR3 stuff, among others. = )
I'm downloading all the Sonic Protos, Comix Zone, Streets of Rage, and Saturn Sonic demos...and I'm not getting any seeds... SEED MOAR!!!
If anyone here has the Ristar/Dynamite Headdy protos, please upload them and contact me ASAP. I hate to request, but I really really want to see them. EDIT: Also, I'd love to take a look at Sonic Triple Trouble protos as well.
I'm not going to be downloading anything till these are on some other file sharing site, and even then I'll be just be looking for the pack with the Sonic roms.
This is just plain awesome. Thanks for the greatest proto release ever, drx! (That sounded a lot better in my head. :P)