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Region Bypass Game Genie/ PAR codes

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by Glisp, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.
    Yeah, you heard correctly. Some of you may know this already but you can bypass region lock with a cheating device if you know the correct codes.

    I want those of you looking in the Mega Drive Wiki article to understand that those codes only work on a "Few" games (at least the Game Genie ones anyways not sure about the PAR but I'd imagine the same.)

    However several of the more popular imports such as Alein Soldier, Bare Knuckle 3, and a few others have region bypass Game Genie codes designed specifically for them and them only. I'll get these codes as soon as I can.

    What I want out of all of this is for someone to create a Region bypass Code for the Japanese version of Dynamite Headdy. (yes for those of you who don't know Dynamite Headdy suffered some uncalled for censorship like Ristar did. Plus they removed most of the Dialouge.)

    I'd create these codes my self but I'm not 100% sure where to begin. I could base the code off the import codes already available.
    If anyone feels up to the test by all means please. I need the code for my Dynamite Headdy import.

    I'll get the codes I've found surfing the internet and post them here. (Most likely in the form of a link to the original source page.)

    Racket boy Game Genie Region lockout thingy.

    The reason why this is nice information is because some people may not enjoy taking apart their Genesis (s) or just don't have the skill to do it correctly because they are too sloppy. (In other words, that would be me.)
  2. GerbilSoft


    RickRotate'd. Administrator
    Any game that uses the standard Sega lockout code can be bypassed by modifying the ROM header.

    For these games, the following codes will work:
    - US: 0001F0:5520 (EAAT-BL1T)
    - EU: 0001F0:4E20 (EAAT-A61T)
    - JP: 0001F0:4A20 (EAAT-AY1T)
  3. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.
    I don't have a PAR. I have a Game Genie. I want to play this on the actual system. Thank you for contributing this information. I've tested those Game Genie codes you posted and they do not work on a real Game Genie. I said this at the beginning of my first post.

    I'm primarily looking for a Region bypass for Dynamite Headdy Japan. Yeah they don't work on Dynamite Headdy Japan because I just tested them once again. Thanks for the help but no dice. Anybody else?
  4. GerbilSoft


    RickRotate'd. Administrator
    Perhaps you missed the part where I said it works for games that use the standard Sega lockout code. Dynamite Headdy doesn't use the standard Sega lockout code.

    I did a hexdump between the known-good Dynamite Headdy J ROM and a fixed version, and found three word differences:

    - 00036E:4E71 (REBT-A6XR)
    - 000370:4E71 (REBT-A6XT)
    - 0003CE:4E71 (REBT-A60R)

    Basically, this is NOP'ing the (non-standard) checksum and region check code.
  5. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.
    Kick ass Gerbilsoft! You are the man! So do I need to use all of those codes or just one? I'lll write them all down just to be on the safe side. Thank you for helping me. :)

    Anyone else who would like a region bypass Game Genie code for a game that is not imported very often, feel free to request it here and hopefully someone will get back to you.
  6. Sik


    Sik is pronounced as "seek", not as "sick". Tech Member
    being an asshole =P
    Them all.
  7. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.
    They work. Thanks!
  8. Toasty


    BulbaSAUR! Member
    I bought a lot of 7 games on eBay, and they just arrived today. One of the games was Bare Knuckle II, so that was the first game I popped in. Oh no, it's region locked. :ohdear: It must not be standard Sega lockout, because that code doesn't work.

    GerbilSoft, since you're such a great fellow, mind making me a code to bypass region lockout? <3
  9. GerbilSoft


    RickRotate'd. Administrator
    Unfortunately, the GoodGen set doesn't have a "fixed" version of the Japanese Bare Knuckle II ROM, so I can't simply do a binary diff. :(

    I don't have any 68000 disassemblers available at the moment, either.
  10. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.

    I've actually came across a code for Bare Knuckle 2. I'll get it for you in a few minutes so hang on. Btw, Bare Knuckle 2/Streets of Rage 2 was actually one of the very first games to be region locked.

    Edit: Found it.
    Streets of Rage 2 (JE)

    Lets you play the "JE" cart on a US Genesis.

    Let me know if that doesn't work.
  11. Toasty


    BulbaSAUR! Member
    Wow, thanks a lot Glisp! It actually WORKED! You're a great guy. <3

    Thanks for trying GerbilSoft. After you told me you couldn't get a code I figured it was hopeless. If a 1337 haxx0r couldn't get me a code I didn't think anyone could. :P

    But now I'm even more disappointed. It started up and was Streets of Rage 2! Am I going to end up with the shitty Streets of Rage 3 version when I try it with Bare Knuckle 3? Now I'm kind of regretting buying it....

    May I ask how you came across this code? Overlord and I googled the fuck out of it and came up with nothing. Since BK2 was one of the first games to suffer an retarded region lockout, is that why the region lockout screen is so...weird? It appears after the Sega logo and everything...
  12. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Googling that GG code brings up only a very small number of pages - no wonder we had so many issues finding it =P

    And seeing as the ROM for Bare Knuckle 3 is iirc quite different to SoR3, you may well get the actual title. Couldn't tell you for sure. Try the JP ROM in an emulator, Kega Fusion should do it. Set the country to USA and then put GG codes in for the JP ROM and see what happens (it'll accurately simulate the lock-out system).

    More than likely. The widely used lock-out comes up before the Sega screen, but there's no technical reason why they'd have to be put there.

    Fuck, you could put it just before the ending sequence if you wanted =P Wouldn't THAT be a kick to the balls? "Congratulations, you win - but as you're using a different region cart, NO ENDING FOR YOU! AHAHAHAHAHA"

    EDIT: Also, a reason it may be coming up as SoR rather than BK might be because the ROM header might be set to JE and it's assuming the EU one. Try running EAAT-AY1T as well as the SoR2 code, see what that does.
  13. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.
    The European version was just about the same as the Japanese version. Therefore they both occupy the same rom. So you actually have the European and Japanese version simultaniously. You can see up Blaze Fielding's Skirt when she does a flying kick among other animations as well and Mr.X Smokes a Cigar. (Although I'm not really sure if the cigar is there if the console setting is PAL but probably it still is.)

    I found the code while googling Dynamite Heady Japanese version Game Genie Region bypass codes by accident while searching for a code for Dynamite Headdy Japan. Which I didn't find but I came across this and some other codes which are mostly PAL and U/C Region Bypass codes for games that are no different from their other Japanese counterparts. There was even a code to get Sonic 3 E to work on US consoles which was totally pointless.

    No you won't end up with the Shitty version of Streets of Rage 3. I know this because the game isn't multi-regional so each game from either region is not able to play on another region's console.

    The European version of Streets of Rage 2 is unchanged from its Japanese counterpart so you could very well play it unless you of course want the Bare Knuckle 2 title screen then I understand. Other than that though Bare Knuckle 2 and PAL Streets of Rage 2 are exactly the same. The censorship in the US version doesn't really bother me that much as only two changes were made and they were necessary for ethical reasons. (I'm not counting the title screen btw) Those reasons were promotion of smoking and perversion. Other than those two things the US version is completely unchanged. It wasn't slaughtered like SOR 3 was. To be truthful I don't have a problem with censorship as long as it has to do with ethical reasons. However if it gets into pointless changes because the creators are trying to eliminate references to Japanese culture, that's where I draw the line which is one of the reasons why I imported Dynamite Headdy Japan.

    Ash's removal from SOR 3 was, while sad and stupid it was completely necessary because it was offensive to gays and plus it would have probably caused parents to be in an uproar. However they should have stopped after removing Ash but decided to go ahead and change all kinds of shit for no reason. I find it stupid that SOA didn't have any good translators. Why the hell didn't they hire Yuji Naka? He was working on Sonic 3 at STI and could have set aside some time to help translate. What sucks is that this version is on ultimate Genesis collection which ruins the fun a bit.

    There is one Genesis game I will accept changes of and that's Ristar, because they added some special features to make up for the Changes. All they did with SOR 3 was make the game more difficult and for Dynamite Headdy the changed enemy names and Graphics heavily to the point that I frown upon it and they also made it harder. None of these changes were called for.

    Okay I think I'm done ranting about stuff that is in the past now and am now focusing on the here and now.
  14. Namagem


    sorry for the derail, but I noticed something similar with the puggsy (gen) rom. It's not region lockout, but pirate lockout. It lets you play a certain portion of the game, but when you get to a particular level, it tells you that "If you enjoyed this game, please buy the cartridge to continue playing!" I've been looking for a fixed rom, but no luck yet.

    Anyone know of a way to fix it?
  15. Toasty


    BulbaSAUR! Member
    Yeah, I'm not too disappointed about BK2 being SOR2. I was only worried that it'd be the same for BK3. So it won't have the censorship the US SOR2 had? To be honest, I didn't even know SOR2 was censored, lol.

    I paid $40 for Bare Knuckle 3, because it's a great game. I wouldn't pay more than $15 for SOR3, and even $15 is pushing it. I don't really consider them the same game...I agree with you on everything you mentioned. Ash's removal doesn't bother me, however changing the WHOLE GAME does. I was pretty lucky to find it on eBay for $40 though...usually its $80 or some other ridiculous price like this. My game doesn't come with the manual or box, but oh well.

    By the way, do you think Dynamite Headdy JP is worth picking up? I'm a fan of the American Version, but its really hard. I've never beat it. ;) This is a bit steep for a game I already own, but if its really worth it, I might purchase it.
  16. TmEE


    Master of OPL3-SA2/3 Tech Member
    Norway, Horten
    I find putting a switch or 2 into my MD much much simpler than entering some damn codes every time I wanna play a game... I think at least quarter of my 100 or so games are locked and I really do not feel like doing something else than flipping a switch to play those.
  17. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Thing is, not everyone has the technical skill and proficiency that you do =P I'd like to mod one of my MDs at the point but I don't consider myself skilled enough to do it.
  18. Toasty


    BulbaSAUR! Member
    I was actually planning on making my brother mod my Genesis this weekend. Like Overlord, I don't have the technical skill, but I know my brother does. :O

    It doesn't look TOO difficult...I just don't know how to use a soldering iron. I'm also afraid to cut the links between JP 2 and JP 4, I don't want to ruin my Genesis. ;)
  19. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.
    Something very interesting about the Sega Genesis Nomad is that Japanese Cartridges can fit into the cartridge port. (Although taking them out can be difficult at times.) Also modding the Nomad is like playing a video game with ballon animals as enemies. In other words it is amazingly simplistic. Actually it may even be the easiest Sega Console to mod. I'll post a link to it because this might just boost the Nomad's popularity some.

    Also the reason why Streets of Rage 3 US is extremely expensive is that it is rarer than the previous games because it sold terribly and as a result fewer copies were made. Japanese Cartridges in General are expensive because as I said, fewer were produced due to the unpopularity of the Mega Drive in Japan.

    Dynamite Headdy Japan is different graphically than Dynamite Headdy US/PAL. First off character and level names (ie Trouble Bruin is Maruyama and Heather is named Fingy. Puppet Tower being changed to Stair Wars) were changed, some bosses and enemies' graphics and palletes were altered (Trouble Bruin is brown and constantly frowning in the US/PAL version while Maruyama is constantly smiling and purple). In the US/PAL version you start out with 0 continues while in the Japanese version you start out with 3 continues. Bosses take fewer hits to kill in the Japanese version. For some reason an H was added to Headdy's Health meter in the US/PAL version and he takes fewer hits to die In US/PAL version too.
    Whomever did the Dynamite Headdy Beta comparison on X-Cult fucked up because they compared a US rom to the Japanese Prototype rom. What a dummy. Unfortunately I only have a free E-Mail account so I can't create an account Access X-Cult's Wiki to change the noobish and incorrect info. I got my Dynamite Headdy for 17.99 plus shipping and handling which totaled out to 23.00 or so. My cartridge case is sun faded on the front which is why I got it for such a fair price. Actually that very Dynamite Headdy game you showed me, I was also considering to buy if I lost the chance to buy the 17.99 one but it all worked out in the end. My Bare Knuckle 3 cost 34.00 US and something cents. It was a fair price considering the fact most mint condition copies sell for around 60.00 - 70.00. I'd go ahead and buy that Dynamite Headdy because Specific Japanese games are only available in very minute amounts at any given time on Ebay due to their rarity. I saw a Dynamite Headdy Cartridge for 11.95 but missed out on buying it which is why I had to buy the 17.99 one.

    Ristar was altered from the Japanese version. For some reason they thought that Ristar should constantly be angry. I don't know why but for some reason as the person on X-Cult put it, they made him a "bad ass star thing." At least to make up for it SOA decided to add two lost features never used in the Japanese version but the objects are presnt in the Japanese rom.

    Now if you want to really bitch about finding a Japanese import at a fair price then bitch about Treasure's Alein Soldier game. It skipped the US all together. It was only released in Japan and Europe. As a result it is a collector's item and one of the most heavily demanded imports currently on the market. I saw one complete mint copy that sold for 125.00 US. Trust me that A lone Cartridge probably will be expensive of this game but this is one of the most wanted imports so it makes sense.

    Well some people don't enjoy taking apart their Genesis/Mega Drive consoles. Either that or like Overlord already said they aren't technologically skilled enough to. I happen to be one of the people in the category I first mentioned. Just because I want to be an Asshole I'm going to ask you to mod a Multi-Mega/CDX. Believe me according to a site that teaches people how to mod Genesis consoles, the Multi-Mega/CDX is not the easiest Sega system to mod. Likewise the Nomad is the easiest and as a bonus the Cartridge door's shape allows quite a few international titles to be inserted without difficulty. (taking them out is a different story though.)
  20. TmEE


    Master of OPL3-SA2/3 Tech Member
    Norway, Horten
    Nomad is some of my favorite systems to mod aswell as few MD2 versions.... I have done quite a few mods for the Nomad, latest being that :
    I really need to update my site where I offer my modding services (for very fair prices or trades) and show off my fun projects I've done (there's plenty :3 ).