Wow, this has a lot of potential. It may end up working its way out of the mini hack thread altogether.
It's a good hack, but there are a few issues with it. Namely: 1: You keep rings between acts, but not shields ore powerpus. 2: You keep the rings you had from touching a lamp post if you die, but if you start the act over again before touching a checkpoint, you still lose them. 3: If you have more than 100 Rings, you get a one-up for the first ring you touch every time a level loads or reloads from dying. 4: By Marble Zone Act 2, I had 527 rings. I then took damage and ragequit, but I'm guessing the ring cap is still 999? More extensive modification may be needed.
Thanks for reporting these! However, it may be a very long time before I fix the above issues, as I am working on my main project at the moment (in which I am encountering a few roadblocks, unfortunately.)
I'm not sure if this fits here, but I was messing about with the old PC version of Sonic 3D Blast and found a hidden debug/cheat menu in the code. I used a program called Resource Hacker to replace the standard menu (ID 102) with the debug one (ID 103). There's probably a way to enable it in-game but I wouldn't know where to start. Do the change with the Resource Hacker program and then press M then Esc to activate it. (If you don't use Resource Hacker the menu still appears after the key presses, it just won't have the Cheats submenu.) Screenshots: (rather large) Spoiler I'd show in-gameplay screenshots but Windows 7 doesn't like to take screenshots of that for some reason. Also "Skip to Last Boss" takes you to PPZ Act 3, not The Final Fight, even if you do have all 7 Chaos Emeralds, which is rather strange. I can post the modified .exe file if anybody wants it. (It would still need the original CD though.) Also about the Sonic 1 Continuous, it would probably require a rewrite of the engine to load and unload the nearest chunks ala Minecraft, so it would be a rather large project.
So, we now know what it's like to be drunk on rings, but do we know what it's like to be doped on rings? Let's find out About 60 rings should be substantial enough, but if you can go further, then be my guest.
Holy shit Markey, more like doped on acid. 92 rings in GHZ Act 1 and the special stage got so fucked up it was impossible to complete. Sweet.
Oh gosh that's just brilliant. Got 120 rings on GHZ1, did the first special stage and am now off to progress further.
The harmony like pad music you hear is sampled from the end half of the track "Kombat Drinking" by LFO, I wanted to use the track "Forever" originally as it has a more crystalised feel and provides the personification of ease, but the bass was too deep and strong so much so, that upon raising the volume, the bass ruined the atmosphere. But Kombat Drinking seems to provide enough justice, and I haven't recieved complaints, so it's not a real problem.
I managed to finish GHZ1 with 174 rings and got the first emerald... but I think I REALLY should stop playing this. Damn. :D
Twas pretty neat Markey. Notice that it leads to some broken visual effects in the special stage though
Might as well repost this from Josh's Geek Critique thread: Underwater Marble Zone This is a quick, two-act mini hack that features the first two acts of Marble Zone, only underwater, and with plenty more Caterkillers around! Break open the Goggles monitors for more air (got the idea from Electroball's LZ hack). They are one-time use monitors, so use wisely! I found them to be kind of difficult myself, but both acts can be completed. Known Bugs: -Broken 'splash' graphics -Invincibility music doesn't come back when you break a Goggles monitor after the drowning countdown music Enjoy!
In response, I feel this is suitable =) --------------------------------- If you've seen my sig, you'll know what I've been up to recently. So I looked into it as a sort of POC (Proof of concept), and this is how it turned out: ROM I took the liberty of giving him double the walking/running/rolling frames, and x4 the rotational angles, it doesn't seem to do so well with Marble Zone due to the sharp change in the hills, but whatever, 1 out of 6 ain't bad.
That looks absolutely GORGEOUS, Markey. The animations are actually fluent enough now to seem as though they were meant to be like that since the beginning. I just played this and immediately got out a normal ROM after it, just so I could do the comparision. I got used to this improved style set so quickly I almost felt something was wrong with the untouched Sonic 1 when I looked at the quirky animations of Sonic there. Really nice job, MJ! Now I'd only wish to see this being put into use for an actual hack.
I... want to take these. I was wondering what the hell you were doing with that beautiful stuff in your signature... You should add the 8 frame rings and smooth Special Stage rotation (Unless you already added the smooth Special Stages... IDK I didn't play them.)
One thing I always liked about Sonic's sprites in Sonic 2 Beta is that his walking animation was so insanely fluid. But my God, you just took fluidity to the next level. Thank you for blessing my eyes. Unfortunately, the smooth special stages aren't implemented, but that and the 8 rings frames (if you can even find room for that) would be great additions to the aesthetic pleasure of this hack.
Oh Markey you. Sonic's sprites are pure water. I mean fluid. Even though it's a POC, it would've been perfect had you used the later Rev of S1 with the parallax scrolling and at least had the spike bug fixed. But who cares, it's phenomenal.
This is awesome, I tried doing this myself a while ago but stopped when I realised I was making a mess of it... this is very nicely done! At the time I was thinking though, it seems a shame that Sonic Team never considered doing this themselves in the later games. Once you notice how suddenly Sonic flips between 45 degree angles when running down slopes and through loops it can be quite jarring, and you'd think that with all the extra sprites they had to draw for Sonic 2 and (in particular) S3&K they could have exerted just a *little* more effort... Anyway, glad you've done it for us now, great job!