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Random Hack/Mini Project Thread

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Malevolence, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. redhotsonic


    Also known as RHS Tech Member
    United Kingdom
    I know I said it would be released today, but it's been pushed back to 24th November. There's still one or two things I need to clear up on it, and I'm running out of time. Every new bug I fix, a new one arises.

    It should be ready by 24th. Picked 24th November because that's when the EU got the game, so it will be 20th anniversary for us then. Apologies.
  2. Dragon Dude

    Dragon Dude

    My posts are rarer than the rarest Pepe Member
    Learning about stuff.
    This might be a dumb question, but would a small sprite hack I made a while back be suitable for posting here? Also, I have downloaded and played a bunch of these hacks, and I think you all have something cool here. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished Sonic 2 Time Attack.
  3. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    This is the place for small hacks, so go ahead and post your sprite hack here. ;) Since it's a small modification, it fits better here than it's own topic. I can't wait to see your hack. ^_^
  4. Dragon Dude

    Dragon Dude

    My posts are rarer than the rarest Pepe Member
    Learning about stuff.

    Sonic 2: Pants Edition. I made this about a year and a half ago because I was bored.
    I wasn't very good at Sonic back then, lol.
    Download link is in the description, I'm 99% sure it still works.
    Video on YouTube.
    EDIT: I don't use this channel anymore, so don't bother subscribing to it.
  5. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    So, after my hiatus, I've decided to give hacking another try, although slowly to get something special done and be all "BOOM BITCHES, I'm BACK!" with another remade avatar. Well, I got the remade avatar, but that's about it, because, unfortunately, this amazing comeback won't happen the way I expected.

    I've started working on something after I privately spoke to MarkeyJester a little and gave myself some time. In one day the basic concept was done so I could start building an entire game around it. It was supposed to be completely different to ERaZor, trying out new stuff with the experiences I've developed over the past years.

    Well, here kicks in the problem of having a secret solo-project: Your idiocy easily makes you do dumb shit. In this case, it was deleting the wrong files after my hard drive reached its limits of capacity. I took a break there because I was working on YouTube videos (Team Fortress 2 related if you want to know) so I didn't noticed until I decided to continue working. Everything from the beginning of the year to this point is gone. May not sound like a lot of time, but considering I worked on it on a daily basis pretty much, countless hours of work are gone to waste, and I've pretty much 'deleted' my entire motivation. Should I decide to restart working on this project, I will definitely do the one thing every person with a brain should do: CREATE BACKUPS!

    The only thing leftover was the one-day Proof Of Concept I showed off to MarkeyJester, which is the only thing I have to show you, so here it is (be aware though, it's buggy, incomplete, and very primitive):

    Sonic 1: MICORL (MInd COntRoL)

    Press A while you're standing near a badnik and B for special attacks (if available). Only works in GHZ. The rest is self-explanatory.

    So yeah, although it wasn't the amazing comeback I was hoping for (and a lot sooner than I expected on top of that), I hope I can somehow continue wasting my life with a blue hedgehog.
  6. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    Hah, very interesting concept; reminds me of Abe's Oddysee/Exoddus, with posessing your enemies and using their available abilities. A pity about losing a year's-worth of work on it, but definitely something that I'd most certainly enjoy seeing expanded on again.

    If not, I'd gladly pick it up (ha ha ha says the person who never finishes a project himself).
  7. FeliciaVal


    Yeah, what Cinossu said, my thoughts exactly! and that was a very impressive work you did there, Selbi. And at least I missed you so much, so I'm glad to have you here back on track! Looking forward to what you come up in the future :)
  8. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    Taking your slow development into account, I don't think it'd make any difference whether I'd just give up on it or pass it onto you. :v:

    Go ahead, if you feel like!
  9. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    Ha ha ha, so very true. And sure, if you're not going to work on it anymore due to losing stuff, I'll gladly pick it up as something to play with.

    Out of curiosity, did you manage to tackle/solve in some way the "problem" of, when as a badnik and off-screen, objects near/around Sonic (or Sonic himself) would get deleted or skipped from the object loop run? During your lost year's work, I mean.
  10. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    Not that I remember. I was focusing more on story elements and introduction stuff first in that month (yeah, should've been at a lower priority). The only big bug that was fixed in a day was the camera jerking off once the enemy exploded (using this).

    But isn't there some way to block this repeating section of code to do stuff?

    Code (ASM):
    1.         move.w  8(a0),d0
    2.         andi.w  #$FF80,d0
    3.         move.w  ($FFFFF700).w,d1
    4.         subi.w  #$80,d1
    5.         andi.w  #$FF80,d1
    6.         sub.w   d1,d0
    7.         cmpi.w  #$280,d0
    8.         bhi.w   ObjXX_Delete
  11. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    I know how that feels, I ended up deleting the folder than contained the source code for Sonic 2 Remixed, and ever since I haven't had the motivation to start working on it again. :\ I've already downloaded the hack from SSRG, and I love this concept! It's too bad you've accidentally deleted your hard work. :( Glad to see you back in the Sonic community as well. :)
  12. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    Oh damn sorry for the double post. :v: Anyway I've hacked Sonic 2 GG, and well made it easy. What did I do? I just simply edited the code that checks to see if you're in Act 3 of any level and changed it so once Act 2 is completed you advance to the next level. Nothing too special, but it makes the game very easy. xD Now you don't have to complain about the boss in UGZ. xP
  13. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water
    So, earlier today I decided to take a break from my work to create a hack centering around an idea saw a couple weeks back.

    Sonic 1 Continuous

    In this hack, Sonic travels through to the next act without Signpost or "Sonic Passed/Got Through" Cards. Special Stages are accessed via hidden 'S' Monitors, and require 30 rings to enter (you receive 30 rings and a shield should you not meet the requirement). Rings carry over with you to the next stage (you also keep them when returning from lampposts).
    These are all among several changes made (many of which done via Mercury's ReadySonic).

    Special Thanks go to Mercury (for ReadySonic), and Xtremer$adiq over at MegaGZone (for his original idea/inspiration).

    EDIT:Sorry, posted the wrong build. Link updated with the correct ROM.
  14. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    Interesting concept! But the change is very minimal, since it barely changes the way the game plays (despite the hidden S monitors). It would be cool to see an actual "continuous" game, or in other words, Sonic 1: One-Level-Edition, you know, with level transition.
  15. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water

    That was the original idea, but I had no idea how to program it! I also only pretty much only had Saturday to work on it; given more time I might be able to figure it out, but I can't these days. Maybe I'll save it for a future date (after the Contest, perhaps)...
  16. Mr Lange

    Mr Lange

    A wise guy eh. I know how to DEAL with wise guys. Member
    The Land of Waldos
    Sonic Utopia, Sonic Overture
    I agree with Selbi. I've always wanted to see a true continuous version of any of the original Sonic games. I plan to do it myself, but not as a hack, rather as a remake of the games in another engine.
    I've seen another hack do it, but in a glitchy way, where there's a sort of a lag, skip, messed up palette flash, and the background has to re-orient. It also only works between acts, not zones. My mind would be blown if it could be done for an entire game and accomplished more seamlessly.
  17. MainMemory


    Kate the Wolf Tech Member
    The problem is that unlike Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic 1 (and 2)'s acts are not designed to seamlessly flow into each other, you would have to change the end of act 1 to match the beginning of act 2.
    One might be able to avoid the background reset, but not for Scrap Brain Zone's acts. SBZ1 and 2 have different BG layouts, and of course SBZ3 uses Labyrinth Zone's art, making a full reload absolutely necessary, unless you can figure out how to adopt S3K's primary/secondary tileset system to have an 'inbetween area' that stays loaded for both acts.
  18. Mr Lange

    Mr Lange

    A wise guy eh. I know how to DEAL with wise guys. Member
    The Land of Waldos
    Sonic Utopia, Sonic Overture
    In the project I have in mind, I intend to make short transition levels that link the zones together. It'd be a lot of fun and some would be especially challenging, like Emerald Hill to Chemical Plant, or Labyrinth Zone to Star Light Zone. If that were possible in a hack somehow, I'd love to see it, but I would imagine it would require much more memory than the Genesis has to successfully load every tile set at once to accomplish the transition, or have a drawback of some kind like lag or visual skips.
    In that case, there could be a tile set for every transition act, that has tiles necessary to create the illusion of transition. The tile sets are swapped one at a time when going from the zone to transition area, and from transition area to zone. Then the memory would be the rom's burden and not so much ram. I suppose the catch is figuring out how to ease the tile set swaps so it doesn't kick the illusion too hard.
  19. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    I posted an image in the Screenshot/Video thread the other day, featuring my image converter. This alone, sure isn't really HACKING. However given the fact that it is to be an upcoming feature in my HACKING tool, I figured it could sneak in. If not then can this be moved to where it should be? That said, I'm presenting to you here: My standalone image converter.
    It is available in open source and .exe, so you may modify it, port it to your project, tell me that my coding sucks... blah blah blah etc. (Seriously on the last part, if you have any coding suggestions PLEASE tell me, as this is going into Triad!)

    I guess I should mention that this is written using Game Maker 8.1. SO, if you don't have the registered version of GM 8.1, you probably can't do too much with the open source.

    F1 - Help/Info
    L - Load an image (Only when NOT converting)
    C - Convert said image
    S - Save after converting
    Page Up/Down - Zoom
    Arrows - Scroll across large images
    Left Click the background Color box to choose a rendering color for transparent pixels.
    Right Click the box to remove the color, and leave all transparent pixels as they are.

  20. I just did a quick and dirty port of Sonic 1 HG disassembly to the 32X, currently makes no use of 32X hardware other than letting the slave SH-2 play DAC samples on the PWM... currently all at the same sample rate, as I haven't finished that part of the driver yet.

    It works best in Kega, I'm unsure if it works on real hardware, but I don't think I've done anything to prevent it.

    Sonic 1 32X

    EDIT: I've fixed many issues in this, but I'm not posting a new build until it's more feature complete, I'll be posting progress in the General Screenshot thread,