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Random Hack/Mini Project Thread

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Malevolence, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
  2. Spyro Cool

    Spyro Cool

    I've tried that, but I'm terrible with coding. Thanks anyway!
  3. Hey, first thing, can you maybe upload this file somewhere different than Megaupload? For some time they have some sort of issue and you only get this error:
    I didn't try the hack yet (will try it nonetheless) but it sounds like that it's just a little character palette hack. I think at this state, I wouldn't make a thread yet. It's not really extraordinary and I would say it's better for the Random Hack/Mini Project Thread.
    Also, if you make threads showcasing your hacks, I would definitely suggest to put some Screenshots. Lots of people want to see how it looks like before trying to play a hack.

    Then about changing the "Tails has completed" text, the tool which was suggested by Selbi should be good enough. You don't really need any knowledge about coding because the tool should easily explain what to do.
    You just need to use an assembly. I don't know if the tool accepts the newest disassembly. The one suggested in the Wiki article of Sonic 2 Text Code Generator is the Sonic 2 (Split and Text by Xenowhirl) Dissasembly.
    Changing the "Sonic and Tails in" text for example can be manually edited in s2.asm with any text editor. Just search for "byte_BCE9:" and you will find four lines. Change them, save and then run build.bat and you will have a .bin file.

    My suggestion for now would be, try experimenting more with the tools, read some tutorials, (break the game) and if you have any questions there is for example the Basic Questions and Answers thread.
  4. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
  5. E-122-Psi


    I have a similar problem but with the special stage messages (eg. Sonic got a Chaos Emerald/ Now Sonic can become Super Sonic), which I don't think ASM or the code generator are compatable with.



    Don't know where else to put these with all my release threads locked so this seems the best place. Fixed version with all the graphics customised, the collision edited for Charmy and the ability to dash through walls.

    A slight bug; the screen pans down a tiny bit due to the collision being shrunk, I also edited as much as I could without breaking the level collision to the character, though there might be some bugs I didn't find, if you find one, please tell me.

    Also made a slight bugfix to Mighty In Sonic 1, you now don't need to be on the ground to smash through walls, just like Knuckles.

    Both uploads are on there respective hacks' pages.
  6. SegaLoco


    W)(at did you say? Banned
    So I don't have to dig up my old topic/waste space with a new one for such a tiny update, here is everything I've finished on Sonic CD 510 so far. The disassembly is coming along nicely, I just need to finish commenting/splitting a few of the files in there (they're disassembled but not fully explored) and then finish a couple more non-level files before I start on the main levels. Have at it, if anyone has any ideas or wants to help, just PM me please.
  7. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    I wasn't sure whether to create a new thread for this, or just ask the question here, but..

    Does a hack exist where - like when you're Super Sonic - you start off with 50 rings (or more/less - depending on how hard you want to make it) which get depleted quite rapidly, and you have to keep the ring count up until the end of the level - and if you run out of rings (or get hit by a badnik) you die?
  8. MainMemory


    Kate the Wolf Tech Member
    You just ALMOST perfectly described the Super Sonic mission in Sonic 2 Secret Rings Edition, but hitting badniks doesn't kill you in that, because you're invincible as Super Sonic.
  9. ColinC10


    Tech Member
    There's a challenge in Sonic 3 & Knuckles: The Challenges pretty much like that, although if you get hit you get a brief moment to recollect some rings rather than dying immediately.
  10. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    Ah cool, thanks for that :)
  11. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    So I've been messing around with the collision data in Sonic 2 8-bit to get a feel of how things work and I made this small hack. I've changed the solidity data in each zone to $8D, which is the breakable wall's solidity data. (It's originally $81 for solid collision of course.) So I present to you Sonic 2 Fragile Edition! :D The ROM itself isn't broken. xP As I explained above now every block (except for slopes and hazards) are breakable. So getting hurt might actually help you out in this hack, but might also fuck you over. xP Here's a link and have fun. :3
  12. Animemaster


    Prison bitch! Member
    Sonic 1 Revelation
    Copy/Paste from SSRG. I was iffy about posting this here but here goes.
    I'll start by saying hello, and merry christmas.... or is it Happy New Year?. Because SSRG is currently down I decided to post this here instead.
    Basically me and deoxyskyogre were talking about doing a christmas hack, and well we did. However we started it rather late and so there are things not finished.

    Its still playable od course and not too bad if I do say myself.
    There is a simple story to go with it.

    Sonic finds out that Green Hill Zone is starting to frost for some reason, the trees turn blue, the grass turned to snow, is this christmas?. Something is not quite natural about the snow. Sonic suspects rotbotnik is up to something and goes to find him. He then is later tricked and zapped by robotnik's ice ray and dropped down to green hill zone.

    Now sonic is glowing with a mysterious blue light, and robotnik must be stopped.

    Screenies: (Old)
    Better look at the backround.

    Overall I'm happy, it was just a race to the finish and wish me and deoxys started early.
    New fg and bg art for ghz
    Some new object art
    Snow(Broken, deoxys is fixing it)
    Stars instead of rings
    Slight tweak to the layout (hardly noticeable)
    Ring Rink port from Ristar
    A bonus stage(Not finished)

    And finally the moment you may have be waiting for after this wall of text here the download link:

    Everything me and deoxyskyogre could get done before 2012. Old screenies, may update. If I have time, the video will be here as well.
    As you proberly guessed, ghz is the only edited level being it a mini hack. Sonic may get features for his new colour. That includes up to act 3. Defeat the boss to get a small suprise. (Nothing incredible)

    Animemaster(Me): Art, music
    Doexyskyogre: Programming (Snow, palcycle)

    Edit: Happy New Year!
  13. GT Koopa

    GT Koopa

    Elgin, IL
    Flicky Turncoat DX, T.L.W.S. Vs M.G.W.
    Slightly off topic but:


    Wow that site and its ads are frustrating. It took me a couple minutes just to try to find the actual download.
  14. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    Have a ad free mirror:


    I'm not too fond of the hack in general, it does seem to be quite sloppy-ish, the snow ball concept was pretty cool though.

    In all sense of honesty, it needs a large polishing up.
  15. Animemaster


    Prison bitch! Member
    Sonic 1 Revelation
    Oh well, its not being worked on anymore so you'll have to deal with the 'Sloppyness' as you put it, sorry.
  16. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    So the other day I got bored, so I hacked Sonic 2. I added a boost. Hold down B to make Sonic boost. I also ported it to Sonic 3k, 'cause I felt like it. :v: Here's a link to these two hacks: (Sonic 2) (Sonic 3k)
    I also have this special hack that I'll be showing my gf soon, you'll see what I mean if you play through Chemical Plant Zone. ;) (No it's not sexual. :v:) (Special Hack)
    Enjoy! :3
  17. Hitaxas


    Retro 80's themed Twitch streamer ( on hiatus) Member
    For a moment, when you said you added a boost...I thought you meant the modern Sonic Boost.

    However, the special hack you have there is fucking genius. Is she known for hitting the monitor all the time when playing the game? I hope it works out for you. :)

    Edit: disable the start button on that screen btw, will prevent her from skipping past it.
  18. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    Random mini-hack: if you want a challenge, here it is: faster S2 special stages. There is a very minor slowdown when lots of objects are on-screen, which I don't think it is noticeable.

    Now, if instead of liking challenges you are downright masochistic, you can try the super fast S2 special stages; this one has more of a slowdown when lots of objects are on-screen, but it is still very minor.

    Background: while figuring out how the S2 special stages do their drawing, I saw that the main drawing function was slower than it could be: it is, in fact, about 20 times slower (!) than it needs to be. It is so slow that it takes more than one frame to draw one fourth of the screen -- the screen is displayed for an additional frame after 8 frames drawing it, so the S2 special stage framerate is a paltry 20/3 frames/second. Most of the time is 'wasted' in decoding the compressed data. Note that a good deal of the second frame was left to objects' code and a few other things.

    So I included the pre-decompressed drawing data instead; a total decompression causes the data size to increase by about a factor of 10. It is possible to only unpack the original data (it is in a bitstream format) and only double the data size, but this leads to noticeable slowdowns with lots of objects on-screen. The size increase can probably be reduced by measures such as the S3&K objects and priority manager, by porting S3&K-style KosM decoding with a $700 byte module size for the track drawing, and so on.

    Anyway: I rewrote the drawing routine to take advantage of the uncompressed data, making it enormously faster. For almost all of the time, the framerate is now multiplied by 9/5 -- to a final 12 frames/second. The super fast version queues two DMAs at once (drawing half a screen per frame), and does not show for an added frame after; thus, it is 5/2 times as fast as the other version, for a total of 30 frames/second -- with small amounts of lag in some places with lots of objects.

    I won't be working on this any further, it is just a proof of concept.
  19. Lapper


    Lappering Tech Member
    Sonic Studio, Sonic Physics Guide, Kyle & Lucy, Freedom Planet 2
    Here's a hack I haven't seen anyone else do before: Sonic 1 Invincible

    Basically, you cannot loose. You cant die, drown, fall through the bottom, get hurt, or loose at the special stages. I guess you can trick people into thinking you are fantastic at the game or summin'
  20. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    This bit cracked me up:



    It's the not being able to die when hitting a bottomless pit that makes me laugh, because you sorta bounce back up like Sonic 1 bouncy edition =P