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Random Hack/Mini Project Thread

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Malevolence, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. You should have it so the bullet hack is more automatic ala Gunstar Heroes. Or at least someone could point me towards and emulator with turbo button options? (Kega Fusion doesn't appear to have any)
  2. I would, but that hack was really just to figure it out. It, the Wall Jump hack, and a few others I'm working on are all gonna be eventually combined. I do them in seperate hacks so I don't mess EVERYTHING up if something happens.
  3. New Mini Hack!

    Sonic 2 - Tails Lead.

    Pretty much took Tails and put him in the first object slot, took Sonic and put him in slot 2, and then gave him a slightly modified AI from Tails. Not 100% finished with this, but it pretty much works how it is, and I just wanted to show you guys my little boredom project.
  4. E-122-Psi


    Both the bullet and the wall jump coding would be useful for me. Don't suppose you'd be willing to make tutorials or tips on implementing these wonderful abilities would you? :v:

    People here do too many awesome things when they are bored. lol
  5. I don't know where I'd begin really. I mean, there's already a tutorial on adding new moves around there somewhere. I just made a new routine for the object for when you press a button. For the bullet one, I had to make a new collision routine. It's not perfect but it was just to see if I could. The Wall Jump routine I just changed what happens when you touch a wall in the air.

    I'd write a tutorial out, but I'd rather people figure out the code on their own. Holding people's hands the whole time through the process isn't my style, and doesn't help anyone learn anything.
  6. E-122-Psi


    I know how to make a new ability routine I'm just not sure how to create the behavior for it (my guess is the wall jump involves editing Sonic_HitWall for when he hits the wall at a certain speed but I'm not sure how to program the motion for him sticking onto a wall for example). Perhaps this is better left in the Basic Questions and Answers thread or my own experimentation than bugging you here though.

    Hey have you thought of making a refined version of the 'Fly as Tails in Sonic 2' hack, with better physics and 'tired out' routine? That's about the only concept I can think of right now you haven't already put into a Sonic 2 mini-project.
  7. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    Hai, it's me again. Anyway, I got bored and I decided that I wanted to hack S3K a bit, so I did. Basically what I did was alter the spindash code a bit, so instead of pressing down, you press up. I also changed the ring monitors, they now give you 15 rings, and to top it all off, I altered the ring drain code for Super/Hyper mode. It drains rings faster now. xP I also altered the code for the S monitors too, but I didn't place any in any level. I don't know why I did that, honestly. :\ And I switched each act's songs around. Here's the download link:
  8. Imadjinn


    Have only reached page 10 of this topic, gobbling up most every link along the way, but I have to say, this is a big bubbling pot of magic and wonder.

    That two-part GHZ boss wins so far. Damn bouncing ball!
  9. Malevolence


    Tech Member
    That's funny, when I was making a special stage I wanted it to be a sort of third person shooter and did the same thing almost. I just used the current collision check routine and edited to check if it was sonic, or the new object
  10. FeliciaVal


    Pretty much what I said on General Project/Screenshot thread, here is an early build of a project I've been working since march. It features an original character (fancharacter) in Sonic 1. As I'm not yet experienced with hacks and ASM this is just a 'test' hack, my major priority with it is learning more ASM, also is my first time making sprites so they will need some refinement at some point.
    Also, I don't know how to use SonED2 yet, and the biggest I could do is changing the palletes of the stages to make it a bit more 'original' (to call it in some way). My final goal would be to have edited stages to make it completely original and also maybe change the boss into another custom character.
    Here is the link to the rom: Link

    I tried implementing new moves, such as the classic jumpdash and spindash (I know that's not very innovative but as I said, this is just for learning purpouses).
    -Pressing A will make her perform a tailspin.
    -Double jump to perform a jumpdash.
    -Down + jump to perform a spindash.
    -On water stages like Labyrinth you can jump over the water if you have enough speed.

    To do list:
    -Replace ending sprites
    -Fix palletes
    -Fix general bugs like the walk-jump and camera. I tried fixing them but they never worked.

    Well hope you like and thanks for the good feedback on the other thread :)

    Many MANY thanks to Cede, E-122-Psi, Selbi, MarkeyJester, Nineko and Aquaslash for their help and support on this :D Especially to Psi, thanks to his wonderful characters hacks I had the courage to make this one since this one a thing I wanted to make since a long time ago.
  11. Cap.Z.


    You managed to do do what I wanted to do since 2005 without success

    The hack is OK, The character looks decent enough (his underwater palette is way better than the normal palette for my taste) and well... PINK everywhere

    I got until Laberynth Act 2, in Act 1 you can use the bounce movement to just go to the upper route with ease... is kinda intersting the way it is related to momentum, when the player lacks it, it just falls... that is a great add to the gameplay

    Also, you did what SOTI didnt, you did "Press C To Win" in Sonic 1 :D

    BTW: Pink Flames are... ... Pink
  12. FeliciaVal


    Yes XD I know, it's pink everywhere and I'm not sure how to fix it since im using 3 shades of pink the flames will look pink forever, sorry about that.
    And what do you mean about press C to win? O.o
  13. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    I dunno why but your hack made me hungry for ice cream. :v: I like it, and I lol'd at pink Robotnik on the signpost. (Yeah I know it's due to palette limitations. xP) I don't know how many times I lost rings when I tried to jump on enemies. xD I had the same problem while playing E-122-Psi's Amy in Sonic 1 hack too. I guess old habits die hard.
  14. Cap.Z.


    C To Win, is a video of S2Dimps where Homming attack is spammed in a way that the player only uses the HA to finish the act, without using any other buttons, only C to keep going

    With the exception you can spam the jumpdash, giving you enough momentum to roll and destroy them ()
  15. FeliciaVal


    you're the third person to tell me that XD especially if you play the special stage is like "candy! candy everywhere! must get candy! XD
    oh XD yes, Hard Eggman as my friend likes to call him on this hack XD im not sure how to fix it lol, might try to rearrange the pallet or something when everything is implemented :P and yes, this hack is "be prepared to lose a shitload of rings" lmao

    Cap.Z: oh I see lol XD that's kinda what I did with this hack. I might do an aerial tailspin as well but still im not sure how to implement that, and I'm thinking on removing the jumpdash as well.
  16. Cap.Z.


    Nope if you press C :P, but really, you might like to make JumpDash Spamming a less useful technique to finish the acts quickly and killing the enemies as you do so
  17. FeliciaVal


    yeah as I said, the jumpdash might be gone sometime in the future :P
  18. Hanoch


    Also known as TheKnock, Birashot Member
    Its decent, but still requires improvements. Get rid of the pillow shading on the sprites. Look up pixel arting tutorials on the internet, they explaing how to shade sprites.

    The physics should be fixed. Cats are usually jumping really high, and can climb on stuff (dunno if you can pull that off) and are also really fast.

    The move choices aren't really wise, they can break the game easily. I suggest you to get rid of them and instead, implement a one button short roll like in The Lion King for the SNES/MD.

    And the palettes could use some work. I assume Psi could help you on that one.
  19. FeliciaVal


    Yeah, I'll try to get on the pillow shading as soon as possible, I need Psi to help me on that. Same goes for the palletes, they are irking me too much but I'm not sure how to fix them properly.
    As for the climbing I thought about it but I have no idea how to program a movement like that, I'm sorry. I'll make her jump higher then, that was my original idea, I guess I messed with the numbers once more, im still learning hex XD Mmm..about the speed, I prefer her to be slower than Sonic, since that how she is suppossed to be, jump higher but she is slower, she is not really based on real cats though.
    And sorry, I never played the Lion King so I'm not sure what that movement does. My main priority was having the skills she does right now in the game, I'd like to implement a wall jump someday too, and perhaps get rid of the jumpdash but I think the spindash will stay since it's handful for everybody.
    Thanks for the feedback too. I'll try looking at those things as soon as possible
  20. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    Nicely done on the sprites. The level palette edits are much to be desired. But I take it you will end up doing different level art for them so it won't matter in the end.

    Use the lava palette. That didn't seem affected when I played through.