For those that weren't with us... We had full plans to record the Twitch stream tonight, but thanks to OBS deciding to overload itself, it looks like the stream footage is long gone. The only hope we have at this point is if Twitch managed to back it up. I made sure before starting that it was suppose to, but I know sometimes ending aburptly can cause problems. Perfect time for it right?! Whatever the case, thanks to those who came out tonight! We had a blast and on the 31st, we'll have your winner! In the meantime... RAGE SITE IS LIVE. COME GET YO GAMES.
A fitting closure to a RAGE: even the recording went to shit. You could pinpoint the exact moment RAGE stopped being fun too. Like, it went from people laughing and doing terrible voice acting to... yeah.
Honestly it only really went to shit for the RPG. That humor was... just people telling each other to STFU over and over again. As soon as we moved on, it picked up again.
I'm not sure what to think of me being an enemy being in it seeing how other two enemies are Chris-Chan and Bluecore... I dunno, maybe I should be flattered seeing how the characters literally wank off to me in the game.
Good thing I bailed before it and went to bed However I'm feeling a bit down that you didn't give my game all that much justice. You skipped most of the title screen (with the true title of the game, and the awesome Sonic Boom remix, and the message to "Press the correct button") Anyway, at least the file can be downloaded with the rest of the entries, right?
So it really is RAGE after all. Here's my game on Google Drive. Let's see if my account gets suspended too. (please?)
You guys had "Sonic Fan Games HQ" in there twice, so it took twice as much memory. Incidentally its the biggest one at 200MB out of the whole 900, so you can cut it down to 700 MB.
RAGE download link ate shit, here's a mirror if you need it:
Apologies. The setup got Neo frazzled and it didn't help it kept going down so it did feel like a few entries got ran right through. Also, it didn't help that OL was up into ungodly hours of the night (he's a workin' man) and the rest of us didn't expect the event to go into 11pm CST. Not my intention to provide excuses so much as context, but that's why we provided the bulk package so people can also try these games out for themselves. Maybe someone can stream it themselves too since OBS failed us and so did Twitch. Anyway, the RPG was a real buzzkill since 1) it's an RPG, and 2) it wasn't particularly funny. Lots of it felt really suck-up-y and that's just trying too hard while making it really awkward. But I guess that's been Bluecore's gimmick for a while now. Better luck next time (or not. Up to you.)
I also see Shadow Boom Rising in here twice, somehow. They have different title screens, but I'm not sure how deep the differences run beyond that.
We're working on getting the links swapped over as quick as possible, sorry about that! One thing I will instate for RAGE 2016: Part Deux is to not have games run in fullscreen. OBS on my end did not like that at all, despite me trying to run a second tower through a capture card to avoid any trouble with it. This led to a lot of the issues we experienced while streaming with the video freezing up and the stream eventually being lost. This doesn't change the fact that something went wrong on Twitch's end too and there should've been an archive somewhere. In any case, I'm sorry to those who missed out. In the future, if archiving on my end and Twitch's end wasn't enough (last night it wasn't...) we'll have someone else run a recording as a safety net. I hope you'll still enjoy the submissions for yourself, make sure to grab them PC0's archive and we'll get the site fixed ASAP!
Can you throw out your AMD Radeon card and plug in an Nvidia one? You can Twitch stream with ShadowPlay.
So I made a torrent for the games since a few people said they were having problems downloading the games. I also removed the installer for Bluecore's game (it's still there if you want to play that but already extracted).