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PSO2 & New Genesis Discussion

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by Yuzu, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. Gregster


    From what I've been told by other players, Sega got DDOSed, changed IP's and didn't tell other ISP's. Accident or not, PSO2 was Japan only until ISPs obtained corrected internet paths. Some players still need proxies. TOS forbids connecting from outside Japan, yet Ship02-Ur is FULL of English speaking players. Sega indeed seems to look the other way.

    There is a bit of uncertainty and paranoia going on regarding bans (especially the dreaded Error 816). The two things I most consistently hear to be dangerous: Pissing off a Japanese player, or using a proxy. One theory goes that Sega hates proxies for legal reasons - to stop SouthEast Asia players from abandoning AsiaSoft's version (terrible microtransaction pay to win nightmare, way behind on updates) for the original Sega version. Meanwhile, nProtect GameGuard likes to crash the game for random programs being open in the background, including Avast! AV, Google Chrome and the PSO2 Tweaker.

    As far as 'region lock' goes the game is playable but the barriers to entry and risks (starting with the CAPTCHA boss and ending with a potential ban at any time) are indeed pretty high. I wish instead of localizing they instead would make an official English (Steam?) client which sends players to Japanese Ship 02 by default, legitimizing our presence rather than turning a blind eye to it -- and hire on a community-driven translation project.
  2. SF94


    Tech Member
    This is so baseless. It's more likely that they got reported for sitting in block 1 posting porn symbol art all day than using a proxy given that there are over 700 concurrent users on PSO2 Proxy at any time.

    PSO2 Tweaker was erroneously marked as a cheating tool by nProtect, but Sega quickly corrected it. And a majority of users on PSO2 Proxy using PSO2 Tweaker also use Google Chrome with no issues. PSO2 Tweaker also has measures to work around the issue built in now, so there's that as well. (I work on PSO2 Tweaker, but it's not my project)

    That would be pretty awkward if they get a large enough playerbase seeing as ship 2 was full at one point. Won't happen. And to sort of reiterate on the ban thing, you're really no more likely to get banned than any Japanese player unless you're just being a generally awful person ingame.
  3. Gregster


    Hmm. Debunked, then. Good point. The simplest explanation of "people being (or spamming symbol arts thereof) dicks" is indeed probably closer to the truth than anything else. No one I personally know ingame has been banned yet, but some of the people I run with were / are nevertheless quite paranoid (superstitiously so) about 816 in particular, esp. the correlations (but maybe not causations) in reddit re. 816 and proxy, sega and SEA, etc. Fortunate that none of them spam such symbol chats. Theories or whatnot otherwise, I'm just gonna play the game and accept the risk I might be banned for no reason without warning just cuz I'm not from within Japan, just to soften the blow if it actually happens.

    Re. Tweaker - was meant to be in past tense. I am actually aware of Sega correcting that issue + the Tweaker's GN Field workaround. In fact that was actually kind of heartwarming to see them fix that, showed they actually kind of cared. Still strange that they have the double standard with the Terms of Service though.

    Re. the last bit - Ship 02 local client - yeah, I know, it was one of those "and I want a pony too" things, but it's just what I wish. ;)
  4. SF94


    Tech Member
    Ah, I misinterpreted that bit. I honestly think that part of the terms of service is just so that they don't have to try giving support to somebody in English for a game that's not even in English in the first place =P
  5. Gregster


    No worries, as I said I miscommunicated in the first place -- and LOL, probably!
  6. Sappharad


    I completely missed this announcement that happened a few day ago:

    Looks like I might have to pick up PSO2 again at some point, and maybe re-subscribe to FFXIV for a bit when they get PSO2 content. (It has been confirmed that the collaboration goes both ways, but FFXIV has not yet decided what PSO2 themed content to include.)
  7. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    Microsoft drags PSO2 from Japan, kicking and screaming, to North America for Xbox One and PC. No announcement for EMEA.
    I'm not familiar with the game, but the fact that this game is finally being localized is going to be big news for some people here.
  8. Mecha Sally

    Mecha Sally

    Well shit... here I had given up entirely. I almost had a fit about it being on Xbox until I saw it was going to be on PC too. If it was Xbox only I would have broken something (just bought a PS4).
  9. One of the replies on twitter sums up my thoughts perfectly:
  10. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    Yep. Me too. I got so used to the idea of never getting an official release. I mean...this really feels like too little, too late, and it's still almost a year away.
  11. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Nothing for Europe though! =/
  12. Sappharad


    Japan is already on PSO2 Episode 6. The fact that new expansions are still being produced for it at least implies that it could continue to be active unless Sega starts ignoring it shortly after release.

    The "Powered by Azure" logo in the corner makes me wonder if the US release will be streaming-only like the Switch version. That would prevent cheating since no users would actually have the game on their machines, but on the other hand it would suck up a lot more bandwidth.
  13. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Could simply be they're using Azure servers for the server end.
  14. Sappharad


    I'm bumping this, because the game was released on Windows 10 today. (It came out on Xbox One last month, but judging by no posts about it nobody seems to be playing it there.) US & Canada only, but since it's free to play you can just change region settings to download it elsewhere.

    The game has an English dub, but it's optional. Both the Voice and Text language can be set to English or Japanese independently. The game is distributed via the Windows 10 Store, and the optional in-game purchases (AC Cash, 'special edition' Ragol or Sonic bundles, etc.) are handled via the Windows store, so it's not possible to run without the Windows store right now due to the Xbox live integration. From what I've seen elsewhere there are a few odd things about the localization, like they intentionally tried to avoid using the same terms for things as the fan translation, but I haven't run into anything to complain about.

    I'm on Server 2, because that's where the English speaking community went in the Japanese version and seemed to be where most of the people who played that version went. (Which makes the server selection a bit odd, Server 2 is always more populated than 1)

    Anyone else playing this?
  15. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    Thanks for the heads up. Installing now. Probably won't actually play today, but I want to at least get all the updates out of the way.
  16. Mecha Sally

    Mecha Sally

    Downloaded, installed and played a few hours earlier today. Apparently some people were having issues running the game but I didn't have any. Aside from some horrendous lag in the lobby, the game runs fine. Not sure if I'm going to stick with the Hunter class like I did on the JP version (as short lived as my time on there was) or will try a different class. Glad the game is finally out and I hope it does well.
  17. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    Before I jump in tomorrow, there's no Section ID-like mechanic again, is there? I really don't want to screw around with the spelling of my character's name just to affect drops.
  18. ItsBrieDude


    my brain is the spinning seal gif Member
    The launcher is very bad, but aside from that it's awesome (if a bit surreal) to have PSO2 in the west on PC. Voice over work is horrendous, but they let you play in Japanese with English subtitles.

    Game runs great in the main gameplay, and supports ultra wide resolutions and unlocked frame rate. Only real complaint is that the lobby hitches a ton -- but I think that blocks are currently being overcrowded from the influx of players. They already had to silently add more earlier, and those are already nearly full. Population seems way higher than it was with just Xbox players.
  19. Mecha Sally

    Mecha Sally

    They only have three Ships open, too, which is how many were open for the Xbox release. Hopefully they get the other Ships open up to accommodate traffic. It's weird because I remember the Japan launch having every Ship open from the start, so why not here?

    I've had no issues with the launcher so far so I guess I'm lucky. Only thing that came up was the notification to let the game through Windows Firewall which thankfully came up during a loading screen and not an important moment.
  20. RDNexus


    I have a laptop with Win10. My brother has a desktop with Win8.1.
    He wants to play PSO2, but it seems to allow only through Win10.
    Is there any way for PSO2 to run on Win8.1 without issues?