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Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by saxman, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. Conan Kudo

    Conan Kudo

    「真実はいつも一つ!」工藤新一 Member
    I could probably rebuild it for 10.4 once I have enough time to set up the 10.4 SDK, since I now own a MacBook Pro.
  2. LazloPsylus


    Buried under SSRG Somewhere Tech Member
    Academy City
    SSRG, world domination, a billion and one research projects...
    Just to inform CyberKitsune and Saxman, ProSonic for OS X works on 10.6. Just tested it on my newly-updated iMac. Works about as well as it did on 10.5. The Bus Errors that would show up while I was testing ProSonic on the 10.6 Developer Previews no longer appears on the retail install.
  3. saxman


    Oldbie Tech Member
    The new release of ProSonic has been delayed until October. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I have too many other things going on right now, including trying to find a job, keeping a promise to Gambit, preparing for a couple of upcoming band gig dates, and doing favors for a close friend. It's always something. So anyway, ProSonic is the last thing on my mind right now. I think I should be able to have something ready sometime in October though. Please bare with me until then.

    When something does happen, you'll hear about it either here, or on my blog.
  4. Conan Kudo

    Conan Kudo

    「真実はいつも一つ!」工藤新一 Member
    It has been two months, has there been any progress on ProSonic, or has it still stalled?
  5. saxman


    Oldbie Tech Member
    It's on hold. My time is dedicated to the S2HD team at the moment. It's a bit of a delay, but I'll get it out before the end of the year. Don't quote me on that though, because I might have to come back and make some excuse for not releasing it on time (again!)
  6. The Game Collector

    The Game Collector

    Washington State, USA
    Being Ted Narcotic's bass player; working on Kelly Kristjanson's tape archive; collecting video games
    Once there is a Windows port, I may finally be able to begin working on a game. I have done nothing with any of my ideas yet besides contributing to discussions as I don't have much technical knowledge. Without a tool such as ProSonic, all I would be able to work with is game music. I am thankful for a program such as this.

    If there is an option to import custom character and enemy art I will enjoy this even more. It would be great to design my own badniks, bosses and playable characters. It would give room for more originality instead of simply using Sonic every time. Does this have anything like that?
  7. Conan Kudo

    Conan Kudo

    「真実はいつも一つ!」工藤新一 Member
    There is a Windows port, I have made cross builds between all three platforms (Lin/Win/OSX) with ProSonic before. It works.
  8. saxman


    Oldbie Tech Member
    Game editing is a major aspect this release will definitely focus on. You're going to like the changes to ProSonic between now and the time I release it on Windows. The release will be a minor update to the Mac OS X release back in July, but a major update to last year's release.

    If you didn't play last year's release, try it at (it's the file under the "Engine2/2008" directory.) That will give you insight on where the project was then and will serve as an indicator as to how far it has come since then.

    As for your question, I can't promise using custom sprites will be part of it, mainly because I haven't found a solution to it that I like yet. Hopefully by the time it's released a working solution will be there. I'll try =)
  9. Conan Kudo

    Conan Kudo

    「真実はいつも一つ!」工藤新一 Member
    Have you finished off the scripting implementation within ProSonic then?
  10. Conan Kudo

    Conan Kudo

    「真実はいつも一つ!」工藤新一 Member
    I know double posting is evil, but I'm wondering...

    Can the ProSonic scripting be used to just replace the background music when you play a game in the engine?
  11. saxman


    Oldbie Tech Member
    Going Open Source?

    I've been pondering the possibility of making the entire ProSonic source code open to the public. I still have a desire to continue the project, but sometimes life gets very crowded. I can't work on too many things at once without feeling like I'm carrying several tons of weight on my shoulders. ProSonic is still my baby, and I feel it has a lot of potential, but that won't mean a darn thing if I don't make the time to really bring out that potential.

    That's where you all come in. The Sonic community has the capability of making this engine what I always wanted to make it. I haven't made any decisions, but I making it open source may be a blessing to myself. Is there anyone here interested in making use of the ProSonic engine source code?

    Here's a copy of the last private, never before released, year old build backup I did (August 5, 2009) of the engine in case anyone is curious as to where the engine stands right now --

    Let me know how interesting (or uninteresting) releasing the source code sounds. I may or may not do it. We'll see.
  12. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    As much as I'd like to take up the opportunity to work on something like this, I feel that I simply lack the knowledge and information to do so.
  13. I'm definitely interested in seeing it for a learning purpose more than a create a product kinda thing. You'd definitely be making me happy.
  14. saxman


    Oldbie Tech Member
    It's settled then. I'm releasing the entire ProSonic source code to the public. I'm in the process of cleaning up some files and reorganizing a bit.
  15. kcowolf


    Late support. Thanks for open sourcing this; I'm looking forward to the release.
  16. saxman


    Oldbie Tech Member
    ProSonic Engine

    News Update: 08/17/2010

    AUGUST 17, 2010

    Here it is, the entire source code to the ProSonic engine. This by no means is
    an indication that I have stopped work on this engine forever. However, I also
    have other interests that need my attention, so I decided to go public with my
    source code to this project.

    You will need the Allegro, Zlib, and HawkNL libraries to compile this code.
    The DOS version is the exception, where all HawkNL references are ignored.

    My goal with this project was always to make the perfect game engine for Sonic
    games that everyone would want to use to make their very own Sonic game. I am
    hoping with the release of this code, someone will come along and make this
    the engine I always envisioned it becoming. I have laid what I feel is a good
    foundation for beginning something big in terms of a quality Sonic fan game.

    There are things that could be improved. The object manager could be tweaked
    to be more flexible with moving objects. The PROCODE scripting support could
    be improved to allow more complex routines and arithmetic. The 68000 code
    support is only good enough to allow a certain number of objects to run in
    ProSonic, and no VRAM emulation is implemented.

    I am granting permission to everyone to use this code in any way they see fit.
    It would be great to get credit for anything that is used, but I won't try to
    sue you if you don't, because at the end of the day it's only a video game!

    If you plan to use my source code for anything at all, even if it's just a
    portion of it, I'd love to hear about it. Send me an e-mail about it. My
    address is ymtx81z ata yahoo dotod com.




  17. Harmony Friends

    Harmony Friends

    it's the whole gang Oldbie
  18. Shoemanbundy


    Chicago, Illinois
    selling shoes
    I hope all the tech savvy people out there improve upon this and turn it into the perfect Sonic engine. I can't tell how incomplete this is right now, but it's still not yet at a state where a perfectly complete Sonic game could be made, correct?
  19. saxman


    Oldbie Tech Member
    The foundation is there, but it lacks some bells and whistles that are important to a game.
  20. The Taxman

    The Taxman

    Tech Member
    Retro Engine & Related Projects
    Hey, I had a quick peak just now and thought I'd give you some feedback. I'll try not to talk about neatness or anything because that's always a subjective area with code ;)

    The groundwork is certainly there though. For you or anyone else continuing this I'd suggest the following:

    - Ditch the Motorola 68k interpreter, and hard coded object code (like the ring object and title card). Instead extend the feature set of the ProSonic scripting language so that the user can create all these objects within the one unified scripting system. Having the option for global scripts and stage specific scripts would also be a handy idea.

    - Get rid of goto/labels. I know this is because the Sonic object was adapted directly from the disassembly, but it's a bit off putting and generally a no no in the C paradigm.

    - (Optional) I'd consider moving to SDL instead of Allegro. Allegro is fine, but it's a bigger library with a lot of features that aren't really being used by the engine.

    Overall, good work man, little bit rough but I look forward to seeing what people can make of it.

    EDIT: Ok, just one neatness nit pick haha. Your naming is inconsistent. Some functions are like "procode_animate" and others are "DrawSprite". Generally for variables either use john_smith or johnSmith. For functions use JohnSmith. That way the capital letter at the start denotes a function and the non-cap a variable.
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