Teaser for an upcoming movieverse-inspired Sonic fanfilm. This definitely has my attention. Bonus teaser on Twitter.
Even if they aren't in general, I'd say Sonic is a safe enough franchise to make fanfilms for. Sega's gonna be pretty lenient. As for Paramount, I think they won't mind so long as they don't cross any boundaries like the Star Trek fanfilm Axanar did.
Depending on how they go about it, it could be really cool to see. Assuming the whole thing focuses only on 50 years ago on the ARK, which I don't think will be exactly the same in Paramount's movies, it probably won't line up enough to where they care. I think the visual design in the Gerald clip is nice, so it'll probably look decent the whole way through. Guess we'll see where it goes. Spoiler Unrelated, but the subject of aspiring filmmakers and Shadow made me think of when indie filmmaker and youtuber Hitopfilms said he'd like to direct a Shadow movie and I think he'd be really cool for the job if he ever did.
This is some of the coolest stuff I've seen. Might actually watch this instead of the Sonic 3 movie (if it comes out of course).
NGL, first thought was "Shadow Basketball!". But I'm curious to see how it'll turn out. Sorry to derail temporarily, but what was the deal with that film? I'd assumed it was just Paramount pulling a Nintendo and using it as an example to suddenly clean house.
Axanar had a substancially higher budget than most and I think might have been making money? That was probably the kicker.
Overlord's essentially correct. The main thing though was that Alec Peters who was directing the film (and had released an honestly impressive Prelude) was selling his own Star Trek merchandise without a license to fund the films and was funneling a significant portion of those proceeds towards kickstarting his own private studio. Needless to say, Paramount wasn't happy about it. I'd check out the site AxanarMonitor if you want more detailed information. Back to this fanfilm though, it doesn't appear to be crossing those lines so Paramount should be cool with it. I'm not entirely sure what they could do on their own though considering they're just license holders and Sega owns the IP though. I'm willing to bet Sega has the lead on that and we know how open their are to fan projects. Seeing a live action take of the events on The ARK should be interesting though. I already like the look of the actor they have for Gerald and the CGI work on Shadow could fool me into thinking this is an official film.
Holy shit the whiplash this gave me when I clicked on the play button and heard voices in Portuguese. I'm amazed! And proud too.