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Discussion in 'Project: Sonic Retro (Archive)' started by Chimpo, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. jasonchrist


    Give Us A Wank Banned
    Sonic Classic Hybrid Project
    Probably the best Sonic has looked on a signpost.

    Nice work!
  2. synchronizer


    About those spin dash sprites... They don't look quite right to me because the quills rotate too slowly in relation to the rest of the spin-dash "ball". Plus, they look a bit too thin.
  3. test-object


    By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea Member
    I'm gonna nitpick a bit here:

    The stretched arm is awkward. I'd prefer to see that hand on the bottom of the signpost, placed so the palm of the hand is looking away from you.
    Whether the edges seem too thin or Sonic is hanging too much out the post.
    Change the orange to dark blue or some stuff... Unless the orange is just a placeholder :3

    Finally, if I may, I would like to suggest a frame inbetween the turned and the basic view. It doesn't look like spinning just yet. It looks like flashing.
  4. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    So all the Level art for the tropical and city levels, and all the badnik, egg prision, robotniks ship, etc etc, are not going to be used in this project?

    I just want to know on the off chance that I will ever want to use them again.
  5. BuffaloWilder


    One of these men cannot be right. Member
    What a waste. There was so much good work on the other forum, that it seems like a tragedy to let it all go to seed.
  6. Yuzu


    And there was so much failure along with people complaining about 1 pixel differences in edits. It would have just been a loop for fucking ages.
  7. Chimpo


    Happiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Things like badniks and egg prison might be brought up again, but the actual level artwork will not.

    I disliked the fact that all the levels were set in stone and the fact that the level artwork conflicted with one another since they were taken from different sources rather than being remade with a unified style.

    Level artwork is okay.

    Badniks and stuff, maybe.

    Nothing is guaranteed to return.

    And as for the totalitarian make over. Really, I just had enough with the lack of progress. Whenever I said anything was final, I would get nothing but pages as why we shouldn't use it and use something else. Just when I thought we were done and moving on, we go back to the same thing. It was unfair to me that I had to keep putting up the work in getting some basic animations done while everyone else was discussing Super Sonic or a pixel in Sonic's eye.

    It would have never come to this if you've people just worked on the project instead of complaining. During the developing process, things will change, others remain the same, or removed entirely. I thought this community out of all would know this after all the Sonic 2 betas that have been found. There were differences ranging from music, graphics, animations and even entire levels getting revamped or cut. Why you choose to argue over something so small and meaningless in the name of "perfection" baffles me when you can put the same amount of effort on everything else that's actually necessary. Not everything has to be pixel perfect. Just look at Eliza in god damn Street Fighter 2, or the missed white stripe on Sonic's shoe in Sonic 1.

    Spread your passion evenly people.
  8. Ken wasn't much of a looker himself in his ending in SFII: World Warrior.

    Or Ryu's face for that matter.
  9. Matwek


    What about the universal objects such as starposts, moniters, springs and the like? We made a fair amount of progress with them. Or are you leaving them be for the moment to keep things uncluttered?
  10. Chimpo


    Happiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    I'll make a general object thread later, but for now the focus is Sonic and the Level.
  11. Matwek


    I was thinking of doing some level layout ideas but I want to make it look more 'offical' as opposed to sketches. Is there any kind of guidelines that should be followed? I was going to do them of graph paper but I would need to know stuff like the ratio of sonics hight to how high he can jump, or the distance he can jump, just anything really to get the level proportions right.
    I could work it out myself with a bit of time but if anyone already has info like that it would make things easier.
  12. Mobiethian


    I guess we're still working on the traditional "Tropical Zone"? I wasn't aware that the original contributors can still contribute. Since I became very familiar with GraphicsGale and how it works, my pixel talent sparked up a bit. I'm only doing graphics art, definitely not a leader.
  13. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    Chimpo, the sprites you have done are fucking gorgeous. They look like what I would have expected from a Sonic sequel. Kudos to you, and kudos to every other contributor.
  14. RamiroR


    Well, I have to say that I completly agree withhim, it just doesn't look like community project anymore

    I don't like either A person as leader, because, this looks like military dictadure! omg
    But this seems to be working,Though.

    However, I am sure that there must be a better why to be organized, and still have the opinion of the community.

    Well, people had put a lot of art and music and ideas, but we have to front it, they were complaining about A PIXEL.

    So, why did I make this post?

    I did not make this post for complaining about Chimpo, his dictadure is working..

    But, I'm making this post for asking a new way to get organized but still have the opinion of the community, we all have seen that we could not do the "direct democracy" thing, but this new way of deciding stuff it's not fair either. So, I thought we'd need a better way..

    I think, WE (community) should CHOOSE leaderS (notice the S)

    By the way, I know, someone does not agree with me, and I know he/she is going to write A BEAUTIFUL BIG WALL OF TEXT that I probably I am not really going to understand it :S

    And Tweaker, no :P, I am not using any leader-tone, I am just trying to change this. :psyduck:

    Again, I know someone is going to be angry with this, so, it is not necesarry that you put ALL your anger, I am just trying to help. Really
  15. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    I think Chimpo is a fine leader for the project. More than one will just muck up things unnecessarily.
  16. Retro_Stew


    French Twitch Gamer Member
    Twitch channel
    I have to agree with that. The jumping sprite is just perfect.
  17. Matwek


    We've been through that over and over but so far there are very little people with the skill and capabilities who has both the time and commitment.
    As things progress im sure leaders can be deligated to certain positions within the project as we put work into music, programing, level layouts and the likes, but at the moment we're just forcusing on the art and don't need any more leaders.
  18. Mobiethian


    I can't agree more Matwek. Organization is important but you have to figure in time and commitment. I don't think the project is dying because it's still here and will most likely stay that way. I suppose an extra leader wouldn't hurt. Maybe be considered "Project Managers" rather than "Project Leaders". Split up a group/subforums.. or departments if you will, and perhaps add "Graphics Design" to throw some random art in.

    Just a few suggestions.
  19. Tweaker



    Do not expect posts like this to actually do anything. This project has tried and failed at a 100% open, unrestricted method of contribution, and it has become grossly disorganized and cluttered as a result. The only way we can expect this project to succeed—albeit not the most pleasant way—is how Chimpo wants to approach it now.

    I doubted Chimpo's leadership at first because of his tendency to be extremely blunt and discouraging, but how he brought everything to the table with his latest revamp has let me know that he really is committed to making this project great, and he really does want it to succeed. However, the anal-retentive nature of many members here make that difficult.

    So I have an ultimatum—don't give Chimpo shit and he won't give you shit. Follow his guidelines and everything will go smoothly. Any opposition to this decision can either calmly and rationally raise their concerns or kindly stop contribution towards this project. If you can't see why Chimpo's leadership is the only way we can succeed from this point on, then as far as I'm concerned you're part of the problem.

    Let's cut the shit and get this done, dudes.
  20. Rockman Zero

    Rockman Zero

    Hello there, my little friend. Member
    Videos for Hellfire Commentaries.
    I'm sorry to be nitpicking, but is there going to be a full speed running sprite sheet of Sonic? (You know, where his legs look like spinning wheels)