My 2005 PC is admittedly crappy. Only 512 MB of Ram and I can barely run Minecraft on low settings. My 2008 PC is a gaming PC, however, so I'll be able to run AXSX just fine.
New in progress screenshot for Sonic Xtreme. This is just a 3D render, Looks about the same in game minus the fisheye. Sonic was tossed in for fun, ( yeah his scale is way off, but who cares) I'm almost happy with the colors here, Water texture still needs alot of tweaking.
This is what I call my Block pallet, I take one Polygonal face from each block and clone them 1 by 1 to form the levels, In the background you can see some individual blocks in a cluster, That block cluster has so many possible texture combinations for lighting outcomes so depending on X,Y and Z of where the block should be located in the level, a certain block's poly face in the cluster is chosen. there are 384 combinations just in that Block cluster that I have wade threw, to build red sands, This will probably be the most time consuming level to construct in the project.
This game looks like it should be able to run at 60 FPS on a low end Pentium 3 in software rendering with perspective correction. At worst. Not that it's going to support software rendering, obviously. But I think it should.
Probably wont be able to run on a P3 unless it had a good graphics card, the Fisheye is pretty demanding. From the tests we did, Nvidia 8800 range graphic cards may be the lowest spec to get 60 FPS. Without the fisheye enabled, it would probably run 60 FPS on a mid ranged P3. haven't done any testing on that old of a machine yet,
Is there going to be any modern-day graphical-sugar added in? Like (optional?) pixel shader effects, dynamic lighting, etc.? I ask because those renders you posted look like you added in some lighting effects.
Nope, nothing special, Its all in the textures,,, Trying to keep everything low tech as seen back in 1996. Textures went a long way back then. Heres a newer water texture I've been working on. Made the water a bit darker here, perhaps a little to dark? Its really to bad that all the original textures arnt available yet. Tried to figure out the true shade of blue for the water they used, its really hard with all the different contrast levels in magazines and videos. so I did a comparison with Sonic's Xtreme Sprits and our water texture, to that of sonic and water textures in mag scans and videos. Seems the water's dark areas are as dark as sonic's dark areas, in some Magazine scans. while in others its the opposite. When it comes down to it, the water may just end up being very far from what the original texture looked like. Aww well, ( yeah a different zone than the one I'm working on, but I think the water is the same here) Hnmmm.... Sonic's colors are pretty close to the water's colors at least.
I'd say you got that water texture nailed. It's pretty tough to tell due to the dithering of the old videos and magazine caps. Really smart idea comparing the colors of Sonic to the Water texture - major kudos for that one.
I'm really digging those graphics for the Sonic CD Remix thingy. I would dare to say that I think you've actually improved them. They were so bright and overpowering in the original game. I'm also happy to see someone doing something with Sonic X-treme. I hope this goes somewhere. :D
Ok guys, How does clear water look? or shall we go with solid? This time we're showing an in game screen, which includes some random Place holder objects scatted about. lol Warning could induce seizures! may want to click image to get a face-full
Oh God that Screenshot is incredible. *saves to Wallpaper folder* I'd say make the water clearer than that. I'd rather it not look solid. By the way, is that texture animated?
I really love the art style Xtreme uses, so I'm trying my best to be as accurate as possible while reconstructing some of Xtreme's levels. I'm Especially targeting the levels shown in the E3 vids and magazine scans. Progress on recreating the E3 Jade gully video. (Sadly This area was not included as one of the leaked DEF files, guess that would have made everything all the more easy.) Started E3 JG about 4 days ago. There is quite a bit more of the level finished than what is shown here. The area in a whole took around 30 hours to painstakingly recreate sections of the video, (watching the video over and over frame by frame) on one occasion ,,,,,I've only slept about 2 hours. But it was worth it.... I'm glad that I have block layout and texture UVs 100% accurate. as far as I can tell. ( excluding the water texture in the lake UVs are sort of temporary here) ( this is still work in progress so a few textures have not been placed) (plants and other objects will be added in Via our object placement editor) (water level has not be adjusted yet)
Just like the real Sonic Xtreme! :specialed: Seriously though, I really like this project, can't wait to see more.
Cant wait to do more, also Its a real shame that we can not see beyond sections of video and magazine scrans. so these levels can not be truly complete in there original form.
My favourite layout, I've had a couple attempts at recreating this, but I haven't got any further than just the base of the level. Can't wait to see more progress!!