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Project AXSX (Sonic Xtreme and SONIC CD REMIX A 2.5D game)

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Andrew75, Feb 24, 2010.

  1. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Will be doing some live streams, showing the development process for Project AXSX and Sonic CD remix from time to time.
    This includes Modeling, UDK Shader building, and any other processes I use to produce the assets for my projects.

    Beware, there are lots of boring cubes and pixels! ! !

    you can view the stream @

    What do you guys think of this idea.
    I wont be doing many requests as I'd really like to just work on the game and get as much done with the little time that I have.

    When it comes time to show gameplay, I'll be saving the streams for future viewing,
    However I'd like to kind of stay away from the gameplay aspects while streaming to keep some surprises as surprises.
    Mainly this stream is to show a true realtime workflow for all the crap I have to do in order to get the game finished.
    Keep in mind it will be super dull and super boring. May play music from time to time to help keep us sane. lol
  2. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    This week I'll mostly be working on cleaning up the DEF files that were converted over to 3D studio.
    Also up for streaming is my collection of Sonic and retro 90's music. Some of which inspired the music of the early Sonic games.
  3. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Ok guys, there are now some saved videos available at the latest videos area.
    Feel free to drop by and also don't forget if you have any music that you'd like to show off live than link it over to me. Preferably from Youtube.
  4. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Felt the need to break this combo of yours. I've been interested in getting some insight into how you do things, so thanks Andrew.
  5. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Make sure u check out the saved video called (Modeling and a little tour of other finished levels....)
    you can see my speed navigation skills in Max, nothing has been sped up here.
    Besides that there is nothing super special going on till the end,
    It's to bad that the chat cant be archived along with the video, as I gave some tips here and there.

    keep an eye out for when I slowed down to show whats going on without using shortcut keys in a few instances.
  6. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    A look back on this project before I come over to retro.
  7. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    New stream video archived called (AXSX Modeling and CD remix Shader Technologies)

    Besides the usual level model clean up.
    A quick gameplay segment from one of the AXSX levels is shown, along with some (work in progress) Sonic CD remix shader Technologies near the end.
    some of this stuff may blow your minds.
  8. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Here are a few screens on GALAXY1 in the game engine with fish-eye (yes yes The fish-eye parameters are off, they will be tweaked later, (after more levels are brought into the game.)
    The rings have not been set into position for this set of screen shots. and shadows are non existent here as all the materials currently use an emisive, I'm working on a custom shader to allow whole polygon faces to darken if they fall into a shadow zone.
    If that fails I'll do it by hand with textures or try the udk's shadow baking tech just to see how it looks.

    Currently I have around 3 def files left to clean up, before texture work begins. ( there are over 35 levels, and test stages making it over from the def files)


  9. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Set up a new Live video feed using youtube.. err I think maybe its just google+hangouts or something. ( kind of confusing lol)

    Anyhow, join in, watch AXSX modeling in real-time, play / or listen to music, or just hang out with other sonic fans.

    Hmmmm,, I need to find a better way to announce streams ,, maybe I'll open a twitter AXSX account.
    anyways im off for the night no more streams. lol
  10. Damn. I was busy trying to move a llama to a different pen, or else I would have showed up. I really wanted to see how this worked.

    Those pictures look really neat, by the way. I'm a bit curious, how do they look if you don't have the fish-eye effect at all? I mean, if the original idea behind it was to allow you to see farther ahead so you could build up speed without being blindsided, how important was the feature in practice? Would it have hurt things any if the fish-eye camera wasn't in?
  11. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    I think Xtreme without the fisheye would look like the game Bug on Sega saturn. ( at sonic's speeds I think bug would have been very hard to play)
    Having the fisheye does seem to help to see what obstacles are coming up next, although it takes some getting used to.
    I may include an option in the game that will allow players to adjust fisheye strength on the fly.
  12. Blivsey


    Charismatic Sonicaholic Member
    Reminds me of an old game called Safrosoft RoX, I like it!
  13. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Any musicians out there?
    I'm looking for some custom tunes to go with the custom levels that will be produced after the AXSX def version game is released.
    Yes thats right ! ! !I've desided to make 2 versions of Xtreme,

    #1 (AXSX Light)
    Exclusively DEF file version containing all of the official Levels and test levels,
    ( doing this so that it weeds out bad layouts from the main game) ( think of this more as a huge tech demo, as thats how far the official game got, at least in my opinion looking at the assets )

    #2 (AXSX)
    Game containing the boss engine and custom zones.
    (I'll be attempting to expand on the existing content that I've re-created in the past from magazine scans, video's, and incorporate + Expand on some of the def files making them longer zones.)
    (The light version will also be in here as an optional bonus or un-lockable err or something)

    Anyhow, I'm officially done cleaning up the Ported Def file models ( Thanks to SANiK for the tool), And man was it a real bitch ,
    (Some of you may have caught my live feeds, if so than you could probably see how tedious it was to clean up over 35 levels by hand poly by poly.
    Most levels had between 2000 to 4000 polygons each) thats a hell of a lot of clicking !

    Next step is to texture the ported def files, this is where we will have to get creative as textures were never ever assigned to most of the levels.
    ( not all the def files were texture-less mind you, don't worry these will stay intact.
    You can read up on this over at

    After Texture work is done , than the winding 3D Path bridges as seen the Youtube videos will be worked on,

    ( thanks to NeKit for the tools used to get the path vertex point locations exported)
    This tool is a real break-threw as it shows basic rough shape before subdivisions.
    Points are missing from the shapes, it seems the non leaked official game engine added a sort of subdivision to the paths( basic shapes) that we can not see in the def files.
    therefore much of this will be guess work. however it will visually be very close.

    Well maybe we can see them in the def files as in HEX dumps, but no way to see how the engine would have used the data. since we don't have the engine

    After the winding path crap is done , comes bringing the levels into the game engine, setting up udk materials, programing enemies and gimmicks,
    finally beta testing, than releasing,,, not sure how long this is going to take....
    sigh,, it may be a little longer than what I want to spend on this light version of the game.
  14. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Happy new year ! !

    A quick peak at some progress, Moving sonic slowly through a few areas, Check out the animated environmental textures!

    Video in 1080P.
  15. Feanor


    Hello, I talked to you a bit on the stream some time ago, I really like your work.

    After watching this video, the game makes me think of minecraft even more, it has the same blocky-pixelated retro touch. ^^

    Keep up the good work and happy new year!
  16. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Thanks man, Was nice chatting with you on the live stream.
    Adding textures and seeing the levels in game with fisheye really make a difference huh?
  17. Feanor


    Yes it does, I think it looks really nice. I'm still skeptic about the gameplay though, it looks like some of the game is 2D and sometimes you move in 3D. I guess I'll have to play it to see how it works. Still, it's different from most fan games and you're really dedicated to it, so it's worth praising.

    Edit: I just paid attention to your rig and what the hell is this computer from space?! 3 GTX 680 SLI??? Why do you need so much?
  18. dsrb


    I know he does intensive 3D modelling, so quite a bit of power is needed for that, but yeah, I'm surprised that machine hasn't gone 4D by now. :v:
  19. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Not shown in the signature I also have a Quadro 6000 that I like to swap in and out for extreme modeling situations that gaming GPU's can't handel.
    Besides the 3D hobbyist, and overclocker,
    I'm also a systems builder, its always good to have top models to show off to costumers when they come to your office. (even if they don't buy them)
    It really helps makes sales when you can demonstrate something that shows what one can do.
    Most people I've met never even imagined that computers could be overclocked or run on water cooling.
    You'd be surprised.
  20. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Hey guys,, there will not be any updates on the projects for a while, I'm setting them both aside. (hibernating them)
    As I have a lot of home renovations to do, including adding a new room to the house here.
    I'll be doing all the work myself to save money, this leaves little or time for anything else.

    When I finished, I'm coming back full time to get the next playable out.
    Thats a promise.