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Project AXSX (2013 and Beyond)

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Andrew75, Apr 25, 2013.

Are you interested in playing project AXSX?

  1. YES, count me in, I would love to play this game.

    261 vote(s)
  2. I may play the game, (not sure how I feel about it yet.)

    43 vote(s)
  3. Nope! Game looks like shit. I love only modern HD games.

    7 vote(s)
  1. T-JellyLord


    Hey Andrew, I’ve been following this project for years. I’ve always wanted to help, but I never knew anything and I didn’t have any way to learn how. The cancelation of AXSX is the reason why I finally decided to join the forums. Now that I’m old enough, I’m currently at college learning programming specifically for game design (I can do code outside of games too, it’s just that games are the focus of the major) at one of the top universities in the nation for game design. I don’t know much about C++ or Unreal yet, and I’m only in my second year, but over the next few semesters I will be learning exactly that, as well as Unity C, C#, etc.

    I know that, as of right now, this whole situation is probably rough for you (as it would be for me. Giving up on something after such a long time of struggling is always rough), but I’m just letting you know that if you ever decide to try and come back to this project, I will offer up my fully developed programming skills and my passion for reviving this game to you completely free of charge. It sucks that I have to specify free of charge, but considering the situation at hand I think it’s a fair thing to do. Also, let it be known that I’m not actually learning anything about Unreal until this coming fall semester, but I’ve started C++ and the semester that is about to start is going to be full of C++.

    I will be aiming for a job right out of college, but I can promise you that my passion for Sonic Xtreme could rival even yours and I would dedicate as much of free time as possible to helping finish what you started. I’ve even started my own Sonic Xtreme Remake in Unity, but I would drop that in a heart beat to work on AXSX. I’m young, but I’m super smart, and if you ever decide to come back to AXSX I will learn the ropes quickly. Just give me a shout whenever you do decide to come back.
  2. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    No offence to anyone or anything like that. But for me, It's hard to have faith in people these days, I've pretty much had all I can take when it comes to working on this or other side projects.
    However, If you or anyone feels like it and gets to the point in where you feel comfortable programing nearly perfect 3d Sonic physics comparable to the original Genesis games ,and can make a tech demo of sorts with very complex collision + Rotation situations in unreal 4, than please look me up and after I see something impressive ill shoot over an asset or two for additional playtesting with. (The thing is, I'm not sure if I want to continue AXSX again in Unreal 4 though) I guess time will tell. ( Sorry, I sound pretty salted up here, it hurts to cancel something you put so much time, effort, and heart into and have your partners bailing out all the time, They even bail on their own projects that I was working my ass off on as well.)
    It's a real shame, because one of the projects was mighty impressive too. Would have been one of the few community fangames that set the bar insanely higher. (pure 2.5D perfection)
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020
  3. T-JellyLord


    No, I completely understand. You have every right to be angry and upset about things, so don't worry. I take no offence.

    But yeah, I'll do that. I'll probably be able to do more Unreal than just UE4, but I'll try my best to make some great 3D Classic Sonic gameplay in it whenever I'm proficient enough at it. I hope that, whenever I do end up getting around to it, that I don't disappoint!
  4. Harmony Sonic

    Harmony Sonic

    Never said he had to do anything.
  5. XL2


    Really sad to hear it, but I get it.
    Too many engine changes is probably what killed this project.

    Have you considered looking at Sonic Z-Treme?
    It's open source now, so maybe you could team up with someone willing to clean the code (it's a mess!) and improve the physics and controls.

    Like, pretty much all you'd need to do on your end is to reuse the 3d models you made for the maps with minimal changes and maybe tweak a few 3d models for enemies (But I know you aren't a huge fan of 3d models in game).

    I could take a look at rewriting the map converter and release the code.

    And of course, the fisheye lens is probably out of question on the Saturn, so I understand if you're not interested.
  6. RDNexus


    It was a bit more complicated than that.

    Since @Andrew75 has no programming skills himself, he got people helping him with the project, for free or through commission.
    The other person usually left the project half-way his/her work, leaving half-baked stuff that couldn't be compiled on a new demo or such.
    And to not forget the times such person decided it was best to change engines to better the game, only to leave half-way the conversion.

    At least, that's what I understood from his latest update on the project.
    He'd be the best person to properly answer you.
  7. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    I'd love mess around on the Saturn actually, But yeah programming is not really my cup of tea. Maybe like you said if someone were interested in taking over the programming for Z-treme. I think it would be a fun lil project.

    Yeah that pretty much sums it up. Would put me in the same situation in Z-treme as in Unreal 4, there are lots of assets (to sum it up in Unreal 4, We got Levels, shaders, textures, models, some interactive objects, half complete gameplay system. but not enough help on said gameplay system, that would be the main sticking point shared between projects.
    I think porting levels wouldn't be a huge huge issue with the level converter, Especially after XL2 outlined some things in discord related to how the rings and batniks are set up via texture names inside the 3d Model imported. But it looks like it would also need an object animation,/keyframing system for moving platforms, doors ect ect,
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2020
  8. I'd love to offer to help, but since you said the main issue was people on the programming side not finishing parts, or leaving partway through engine changes, I think it would probably be best to hold off on the offer until I actually have something helpful. I mean, I'm working on a Computer Science degree, and spoke with one of my teachers after a course on VR and haptics. She was saying that if she were to expand the VR courses, she would probably pick something like Unity. Further, I picked up a whole bunch of lessons on Unity during a recent Humble Bundle, mainly because I was interested in the courses on programming VR stuff.

    Essentially, if I were to try and help engine-wise, it would probably be Unity, and since you're no doubt more than a little wary about swapping engines yet again, I think it would be best to wait until I have something concrete that could be used before even starting to offer.

    So, if I were to start working on something like that, what would be the biggest unique features that would be absolutely needed for the project? For instance, you showed before that there was a gravity-swapping gimmick. Are those only in 90 degree iterations, or would you ever change gravity by something like 45 degrees?

    I mean, it's the kind of thing that I'd probably try doing in my spare time anyways, so if throwing in a few more bits and pieces makes it usable for something like this, then why not? And like I said, I'd probably only bug you about it if I had something in a workable state already.
  9. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Look me up when you feel confident in your work, I'll be around, probably... lol
  10. Harmony Sonic

    Harmony Sonic

    You know after rewatching that SAGE 2014 video again (don’t how many times I’ve watched it) I find myself wondering what the stages look like without the fisheye lens. I think that stems from the fact that I’ve been curious about what the narrow pathways in the official game look like without it since it makes it difficult to tell how much they actually curve.
  11. T-JellyLord


    Hey while we are all here, does anybody know which SONICBOOM folder I should use for the SX Level Viewer. I just used the one from the v37 build and it isn't letting me run anything.
  12. Harmony Sonic

    Harmony Sonic

    Are you using the DEF folder?
  13. T-JellyLord


    Yeah, I was using the SONICBOOM folder that contained the DEF and PCX folders, but I just wasn't using the right one. I found the one I needed so, yeah.

    The export the levels as a model isn't really the most helpful thing... the mesh is so messy.

    I know this is an old post, but I love this model. It is so perfect! If anything gets released for the AXSX project, I'd hope it would be this model. Also, sorry for posting so much to this thread, I'm just really passionate about Xtreme.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2020
  14. hinata


    hi andrew! Been following your project for years now as I've always been interested in things relating to sonic x-treme. Just found out a few days ago that this project was unfortunately canceled(so I decided to make an account here). Extremely sad to hear but I understand. Into programming and such but far too busy right now to do such projects. Would like to donate to you as you really deserve it, but too poor for that as well right now, so all I can do right now is say thank you. I hope that one day you can come back to this project but regardless, I wish you nothing but the best and thank you for all you put into this project and have done for the sonic community in general. Hope to still see you around the forum.
  15. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Hi Hinata!
    Learning some programming ehh? Very cool! I'm pretty busy these days like you. Got a lot going on outside of doing game projects. Have an ongoing house restoration project among other things.
    Since the project had been canned, I've been trying to play catch up on a whole generation of games that I had missed, although That hasn't worked out so well, Probably only beaten 2 of the over 40 games I bought for ps4, Wii,u, Xbox one, ect ect ect.
    However, I've been a little more successful catching up on a lot of anime, it feels easier to watch in the evenings when its time to wind down rather than playing games. maybe I'm feeling too lazy these days.
    I'd really like to get back into AXSX fulltime someday and as you may know already from reading previous posts: Lot of work has gone into remaking the Levels and missing assets (textures, shader systems, level recreations, some of which were never leaked, lots of Time has also gone into making custom asset packs for custom levels.) its a waste to let all that go to waste!

    Anyhow If AXSX is revived, I don't think I'd reveal anything until it's properly "public presentable" rock solid playability would be the aim as always!
  16. Jaxer


    Unfortunate to see the project hit a wall like this, but I do understand that the constant change of engines and programmers probably was too burdensome for you. I hope that you can find new programmers for Unreal 4 if you really want to continue this project, as throwing 14 years of progress away would be such a waste.

    However, what I came here to ask is that do you happen to know what Jollyroger has been up to? You've said previously that he was interested in refining Sonic X-treme's v37 and v40 builds to control similarly to AXSX and to also run better on hardware, but I don't believe that we've really heard about that since your poll four years ago. I assume that he hasn't really done much progress on it, but then again, I'm not sure if you've even been in contact with him for quite some time.
  17. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Jolly called it off due to not enough ppl showing interest after we posted a topic asking how many ppl were interested in seeing a better playable xtreme in the general section of the retro forums here. We never made it past planning stages.
  18. RDNexus


    Man... That sure sucks. It's a jewel from the Saturn era. People should be more curious about it.
  19. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Yeah it would really have been amazing to see original xtreme engine upgraded with classic styled physics/gameplay.
  20. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Posting this here, as it kinda goes hand in hand with reviving AXSX.
    Won't say anymore than that.