Wow!! that guy really did an amazing job documenting his Galaga work ! Yeah the PC is up and running now, have not been able to do much of anything on the computer yet, kind of relaxing now for the first time in like forever.... Here is the finished Product! well it could use some LED backlights and stuff, but ehh not till later in the year. Got to catch my breath first! Today I continued doing a lot of file back up which took all day....omg just in case something happens to one of the hard drives... also did some video editing on an unrelated thing...... The PC is all set for AXSX work!
Damn ! you know what ?! I should have made it look like something Sonic themed! Maybe Something from Sonic CD's Hmm Collision Chaos, or ummm how about Sonic 3's 2 player mode level Chrome Gadget ?!
That sorta looks like if Titanic Monarch Zone was in Sonic CD and had a bad future. Also, I too would like to know how development has been, although I wouldn't blame you if you haven't gotten much done, especially since you got your stuff sorted right before the holidays.
I bet Titanic Monarch has unused tiles from Sonic 2 and 3. I've been working on AXSX every day now for the past few weeks. mainly assets, nothing worth showing yet.
To be honest, only the way those circles flash is a real issue for me; other than that, I think the electric flow that ends in said circles would look a lot better if they moved horizontally instead of vertically, so to speak, and they could even work as some kind of conveyor belt gimmick. The rest looks great to me as it is, even if there could be room for improving.
The red circles flashing didn't capture smooth enough in the gif capture software. looks better in game, I'll upload a video or something soon. but yeah , this isn't a real level or anything ,,, yet
LOL yeah me tooo. I slowed down the texture animation for the video below, and added some craptacular music to fit the nasty visuals. Well guys, apparently,,,, Sonic now likes.... Disco!?( Sonic also likes Bad Art Direction and chilly-Dogs too! But we wont hold that against him now will we?!) This marks the first Project AXSX video using Unreal4 Engine. It's Nothing special ..Just Showing off the Animated Materials here, don't worry its not an official level by any means.
I plan to pulse similar texture animations but in synch with the music. I did a proof of concept for that in udk. but it was faked by hand, in unreal 4 there are some plugins available to do it realtime.
ANDREW! That dancing wire in the background, it's amazingly animated! Also I agree that this looks really cool, would love to see a level done with this "art direction". BUT SERIOUSLY THOUGH I could stare at that wire all day :D
Hey Andrew, you think this year you could show us some screenshots of Red Sands in Unreal? one of my favorite levels