I've ended up rebuilding the Guardian Sphinx model using the texture layout sheet found on the sentient forums. I know frontal textures are correct, however regarding back and side textures, I know they are incorrect as there are no references available. Will try a few other configurations for the side texture layout. (if push comes to shove , I may also have to make some custom textures) The texture sheet Man this guy does not look like he would be as big as shown in the concept. If it were, than I would imagine the textures would be very very pixelated. Perhaps he was more or less a mini version of the boss found wondering around the levels? ( the cubes he is made out of could be the same size as the level cubes) Hmm.....than again this is 1996 we are talking about. (Also note: Crap I just caught this,,,,,,the name on the texture is Egyptian Sentry and not Guardian Sphinx)
It's that time again folks , Project is going to slow down for awhile, We've been going at it like mad for the past 2 months and had a lot of progress. Life things need to come first though. Got a baby on the way, need to continue house renovations, also work as picked up so much lately. I'll be back rest assured! err unless I died or something lol.
No rush Andrew, you guys have been doing a great job so far! Family/Real Life responsibilities come first, of course. I commend your diligence on this project and in your own personal life priorities, and wish you the best in all of your endeavors!
Congratulations! And yeah, don't worry about it. I don't doubt that you'll get these games finished and released and that they'll set a new standard for fangames and remakes.
New info Reguarding G. Sphinx here: http://www.senntient.com/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=38360#p38360 For those to lazy to click the link, here's a quote: The music Kurisu mentioned: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_LlHUXmYLo
I just finished reading through the topic last night. I can't imagine how you're going to program all that. I haven't seen anything as ambitious as that done since the Gaia Colossus in Unleashed. O_o
Hmm, I don't think we will make it that complex . Senn did mention that it was before Coffin's boss engine was developed, so I think it would be safe to make it simplified.
Posting this here as I don't know where else,,, anyways I'll be modeling and texturing this area next. ( Don't worry our sonic wont accelerate instantly...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNgu35CmS5w&lch=email&feature=em-comment_received&lc=b64M_mdKDOPY95vI6D5HT-UGHtxeqrs0x-9_NjiKmVM
I think that this will be my last retro post . Its just that I've had it with the site and how certain things were handled. Please don't ask specifics ,, Anyways I want to thank those who followed my game on here. Don't worry, Its not canceled or anything like that..It just wont be on retro, but than again I don't think that really matters.
SFGHQ Forums, http://www.senntient.com/, My Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/tuxmask75, Project AXSX forums: http://www.sonic-xtreme.com/forums/
Would you be willing to explain in greater detail why you're leaving retro? You're one of the main reasons why I ever check these forums.
If this is what I think it's about, then it's a rather silly reason. You're over-reacting a bit much.
Hmm,,, I really hate drama, Im sorry, lets just forget it ok ? Anyhow I'm moving on before I make myself into more of a Circus clown than I already have. I feel quite a bit of shame right now. ( what's been done is done and its not reversible )
Is sad day. I make an ass of myself daily. You don't have to go because you fucked up. I think I saw what you were talking about and that's something to brush off. That aside where would you be updating most regularly. I don't post much in your threads because I don't think I would have much to add, but I certainly keep up with them.
Ok guys ,, Im not going anywhere, Sorry for the trouble,,, God I hate drama..... Hope that I didn't piss anyone off here.
Everyone makes an ass of themselves sometimes. I think the quality of your work more than makes up for any mistakes you may have made. Glad to see you'll stick around!