Hey! I have the PicoDrive Emulator installed on my Nokia N95 8GB; its progressed very well, even to the point of MegaCD emulation on a mobile But... I think if someone here knew how to do so, could make a more improved version. One that could run very smooth, record music files, better key mapping customization, better looking layout & of course, run MegaCD & any other add-ons for the Megadrive, including the ability to play Master System games on it too. So, anyone here got the ability to do this? You might even be able to help out the guy who made the PicoDrive for Symbian OS. If so, let me know and you could be making many people handy - I use my PicoDrive constantly to play games DM
MegaCD on a mobile. Who'd have seen that coming 15 years ago? Having said that, programming for portable platforms tends to be a very specialised art (I know I'm unable to at this time). Does the phone just use j2me (blech) or is there something like ARM on it? What kind of programming environments are we talking about? I for one know very little about the N95 as a development platform.
I think it is something that this community would find very helpful and also, it would widen out the community programing language. The platform is Symbian OS. Current version is Symbian 60 3rd. Looking at the credits, these words stand out (I have no idea what they are) ECompXL (Open source symbian project) zlib Library GCC :s Does Open C Library & Standard C++ Library mean anything to you? There are links to the sites the guy used to make it for the Symbian .sis format. j2me, phone supports that, but it is limited I hear - Making an application for it is a better idea.
The zlib is a file compression library, and there's a pretty good chance that "GCC" is the Gnu Compiler Collection. Honestly, man, even if I hadn't known those offhand a quick google search to see if there's something more common I didn't know about brought up the things I mentioned as the first result each time.