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Original Project Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Project: Sonic Retro (Archive)' started by Retro_Stew, Jul 18, 2008.

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  1. The Shad

    The Shad

    ↑ & ↓ & ↻ Oldbie
    Actually, no. Thats not why I want it to be dropped. Do you know why this topic was locked? Because it was getting heated. Obviously, neither side can handle a rational discussion over which way to go and I must say that Tweaker went the right direction in locking the topic and letting tension cool off. Now, if you wanna see it locked again, be my guest and continue. I won't enable you in this topic. It can be discussed in on #retro or #sonic4project. Not here. This topic should remain for discussion of concepts and artwork that others decide to contribute for the bulk of the game because no matter where the story goes, whether its "Retrowank" or "Baw-3D-Bad", the story isn't going to be what keeps people playing. Its the content.

    So let me make this clear. If you want to continue to discuss this matter, I have PM, the others have PM, we have #retro (unless it is asked to be moved away from there) and we have #sonic4project. If you can't handle that, then please do not post in this thread again. I would like to see it remain open with peaceful discussion and not pointless bitching from BOTH sides.
  2. Wetflame


    :D Banned
    Actually, this is exactly what I'm talking about. It's your "opinion" that fighting is BAAAD. In the middle of the argument you were all OH MY GOD WHAT'S HAPPENING WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE. Some people just can't deal with the idea of people arguing, and use pathetic terms like BAAAAWWWWW(you didn't even coin it right) to dismiss people's opinions(even if it's on both sides).

    But please don't push that on others. You are not being more "Mature" for believing in forcing niceness on people. Tweaker locked the topic to try and stop it getting too aggressive, but it doesn't mean he shares the same opinion as you in terms of it not being heated at all. Read his posts.

    Some things need to be fought out, or else you will not reach a conclusion. It is not always practical to be mild mannered about everything. There are deeper issues here than my tone causing the trouble in this thread, and they're not going to go away so easily.
  3. Chimpo


    Toastiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Oh Jesus... :colbert:

    Can you just please stick to the content?
  4. The Shad

    The Shad

    ↑ & ↓ & ↻ Oldbie
    No, let him have the last word so we can be done with it.

    Feel free to contribute, people. We're still hammering out zone ideas and such, so everythings still pretty unsolid.
  5. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    .. you know, I've yet to post in this thread seeing as I missed its conception and had 15+ pages to read through before I could do anything, but why all the arguing? seriously? this is meant to be "the community sonic sequel", not "the community argument of the current month".

    You know what you guys should do? Create a single, unlinked (apart from in this thread, obviously) wiki page or section, and everyone can edit it/a page of it with their concept. However, if your concept is already up there or you like it, you just 'vote' for it on the discussion page (ie. "I like this - Cinossu" or whatever). If your ideal concept is not up, but there is one that is similar and requires small modifications, just add that under discussion as well, or as an additional section to the page. If it's completely different, obviously, just write a whole new one.

    That way at least everyone will be able to get their say in things for everyone to share their opinions on, but please no more pointless arguing.

    (Also, hello from New York :x *hit*)
  6. Wetflame


    :D Banned
    This is exactly the problem, Jimbo & Co. put their foot down that this would not be the "Community" Sonic Sequel at all, but a Jimbo & Co. Sonic sequel.
  7. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    Well, ignore it. If it were truly that, the topic title would've changed and all you guys wouldn't care for posting in here anymore. :P Please, stop de arguing.
  8. Qjimbo


    Your friendly neighbourhood lemming. Oldbie
    Unfortunatly we don't even have THAT.
  9. AeroGP


    Los Angeles, CA
    Sonic for GameMaker: Studio
    I agree with what Jimbo and co. have done, but at the same time I disagree.

    It's all your own faults for not coming to a reasonable consensus on what the game should be like. Action needed to be taken to get everyone to act diplomatically; the problem is, they took matters into their own hands a bit too soon. The community needs a little longer to cool off and decide as a unit what we want from this game. If, after some arbitrary time period (let say... 3 months), no one has yet to consent on something (and I'm being very generous with the time - if it were me, it would be 2 weeks), then go anarchy and anyone who disagrees can fuck themselves.

    The project won't get done if people don't hurry up make up their minds.
  10. I'll be the first to post after the insane arguing. :colbert:

    I had an idea, after the title screen, we would have a small cutscene, of Sonic falling from the Death Egg, onto Tail's plane, Death Egg explodes into tiny pieces and you see Eggman falling in the background, and Mecha Sonic saves
    him, and I cant think of a part for this, suggestions accepted, and Tail's plane breaks down, and steers away, while Sonic jumps, and the screen fades to black. Then the zone starts. :D

    C&C please. And I will get to spriting this later.
  11. JigenD


    Ok...So I have read a few pages of this whole discussion regarding the community sonic sequel and the usual arguments regarding the graphics and gameplay have appeared.
    In my own humble opinion I think that we, as a community, should think in terms of what can be done to push sonic forward, not to mantain him as he was 10 years ago. With my previous statement I mean that we could try to use this opportunity to create our own Mario 64, and if you are already wondering what I mean with "our own Mario 64" then you are probably guessing it right. Sonic should become 3d. But unlike sonic adventure 1 or 2 or even heroes, this time THE COMMUNITY would create this game, and we, as Sonic Retro and as a community that grew with the spirit of 2d classic sonic gameplay in our minds, would apply those same principles and spirit , to a 3d sonic game.

    These are some features aka "the fundamentals", that would absolutely need to be applied to such a game in order to create a classic experience:

    - Real time physics; no scripted events
    - Mute & Simple Story with no overly dramatic or epic events: Remember that this is a sonic game we are talking about
    - Classic badniks
    - Surreal Level design
    - Implementing multiple routes without hindering navigation
    - Keeping Sonic speed at a reasonable level; If he is too fast it will compromise gameplay
    - And at last but not at least: There should be a return of one of the most remarkable abilities of Sonic: The spinning.
    In recent sonic games, the spindash has almost been forgotten and it has lost most of its usefulness it once had. If this
    3d game had good real time physics and the levels had plenty of those hard-to-get places with lots of ramps and half pipes,
    then the ability to spin would be put to use once again, and the spirit and magic of the old 2d games would be recaptured
    into the new 3d game

    Of course that I know that there are people that will not agree with me for various reasons, and I also know that if this game was ever done, it would require a massive amount of effort but we won't get anywhere if we don't try. There are already a few 3d engines out there that we could use, like the damizean 3d sonic engine.
  12. Yuzu


    I think the community would rather not use a broken 3D engine, and Damizean is too early.

    How do you plan to do this then, not everything can be done with a press of a button.

    And If it required that amount of effort it would change from a community project of more into a team project.

    I disagree, capping the speed in Sonic 1 was a horrible decision, however Sonic 2 fixed that.
  13. Wetflame


    :D Banned
    Jigen, you're asking for something that professional game developers up until this point have not been able to do.
  14. Tweaker


    Well, apparently there's a new board for the project located here; I don't know if this means there won't be material posted here anymore, but I guess that's the go-to place for new materials.
  15. Wetflame


    :D Banned
    How convenient, since it's no longer a community project for this community, we really can't have a say at all :/

    I guess this thread is kind of redudant now... unless we want to start up a new project.

    Really, the problem here is that as soon as we "elected" people to be the project leaders they started being pushy with that power.

    We shouldn't have done that to begin with. It would have been better if we were able to properly discuss using reason as to what would be a worthwhile way of spending the communities efforts, instead of PUTTING MAH FOOT DOWN. Once we had a good idea of what we were going to do with no major objections, then we could have moved forwards. We would only need a project manager when we first had an actual IDEA for a game, "Sonik Fore!" is too generic to count. What was causing trouble was that people decided things as absolute before we had any fucking idea what we were doing. If we have no real project leaders, we wouldn't get this.

    Now we just have the project moved off board so they can make their own project, instead of combining our efforts to something we could be both happy with. When you're working WITH someone, you have to compromise somewhat, but you end up with something to appeals to more people.
  16. Qjimbo


    Your friendly neighbourhood lemming. Oldbie
    Just because we've moved off the board doesn't mean this isn't a community project. We moved because at every turn any attempt to establish order was being crushed. If you have something to contribute, you're welcome at our new forum.
  17. Wetflame


    :D Banned
    Yeah, but that's entirely on your terms. I'm not interested in contributing if you're going to keep your FOOT DOWN and if my plot's going to be rejected.

    Again, this project shouldn't have leaders so early on. This is what's causing all the trouble.
  18. Ritz


    Subhedgehog Member
    You could at least make the board visible to those of us who aren't going to consider registering.
  19. Armada


    Sometimes I do things Member
    That's the way the game works. get the hell over it. If the leaders of an area think that what you've come up with is not up to snuff, or ignores previous information, then that's too bad. We're open to ideas, but we're not going to be forced into doing what you want with walls of text. However, I'm not saying this is a dictatorship and we're going to decide what we want for ourselves. I'm not looking for a rant after I post this, so please, don't do it.
  20. Aquaslash


    <The Has-been Legend> Moderator
    Wait, what?

    I've sat through this entire thing and seen nothing but heated debate over potential concepts to use in the game. I'd like to know by what definition that counts as "crushing order at every turn".

    In any case, the whole point of a "community" project was to be done by the community, and discussed at the community. Since you've rejected the offer to host here, and have moved your stuff elsewhere, this doesn't need to be discussed here any more. Those wishing to help out in this can do so by registering at the new boards.

    However, I do hope that you guys sort out this little dictator bit you've got going on, because people certainly aren't gonna feel like they're being welcomed with that kind of attitude.

    That's all folks. Into the bin with ye!
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