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Original Project Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Project: Sonic Retro (Archive)' started by Retro_Stew, Jul 18, 2008.

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  1. Retro_Stew


    French Twitch Gamer Member
    Twitch channel
    This is now the official thread for the Sonic sequel project
    And channel : #sonic4project

    I'll try to group here all the serious propositions we had, following that scheme :​

    Graphics :

    Phoebius's work (with Rika's contribution):​
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    GameNerd Advance's :​

    Chimpo's work :​

    MKAmeX's work :​

    GrandMasterJimmy's work :​

    Matwek's work :​

    Dark Sonic's :​

    FinalBeyond's :​

    Art/Sketches :

    Adamis's work :​

    Resel's work :​

    Matwek's work :​

    Music :

    Dioxaz's work :​

    Tweaker's work :​

    Wetflame's work :​

    <!--quoteo(post=209882:date=Jul 23 2008, 07:33 AM:name=muteKi)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (muteKi @ Jul 23 2008, 07:33 AM) [​IMG]
    (Also introducing my custom monitor sprite)

    "oh crap, I got a fire shied in a water level, if only I could change it"[/i]

    Blue Streak:
    Since we're beating shields to death, there could be a gravity shield which reverses gravity while you have it on (perhaps it could be time limited?). I can see this being useful for secret places on the ceiling and getting past certain obstacles. Gravity reversal was only first introduced in S3&K anyway and I think you could find ways to do more with it, including build a level where the gravity has completely run amok and can be switched periodically so that you can walk on all four sides of the level like in Crazy Gadget.

    The Shad:

    As I mentioned in the IRC, as well.. I think Eggman Monitors need to be made more a hazard. They're plenty easy to avoid in S3&K, so some sort of random placement or something would be great, whether its as simple as the S2 ? Monitor. If it's a ? monitor, then it becomes "Well.. Do I really need this monitor? I'm in a tight spot, but this could fuck me."

    One thing I'd like to see return is the Silver Ring monitor from Chaotix. That was simple item, but so darn handy.

    I prefer the idea of holding onto multiple montiors' effects rather than using them up right at the first hit, similar to Megamix. It adds in an element of strategy and skill.

    This is especially so if getting hit and/or taking an Eggman monitor causes one to lose any unused item effects.

    I think some monitors can be stored and others can't.

    I think there should be a monitor that you pop and Badniks come out. Defeating all these badniks gives you 25 rings.

    Also, a Tails 1up monitor to bring Tails when you;'re playing Sonic Solo, or send him away.

    Last Response for the project :

    <!--quoteo(post=210866:date=Jul 25 2008, 04:28 PM:name=Phoebius)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Phoebius @ Jul 25 2008, 04:28 PM)

    If later we have a sub forum, it will be divided like that I think.
    And each "important" decision, like the sprite styles, etc... will be taken with polls.
    So I've been looking who, here, could be in those teams, and the best choices so far, if the members agree, would be :

    Chraphics/sprite team :
    Rika Chou
    GameNerd Advance
    (And me, if it doesn't bother)

    Art/sketches team :
    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Level Design team :
    Not the priority right now since we havent started to make some maps, but I think it has to be someone with good hacking skills.

    Ideas/Concept Team (It will be mainly to organize this part and sum up the interesting ideas) :

    Programming team :
    Saxman (I'd like him to be part of the project, and especially this part if we're using his engine)
    And some that proposed his help but I don't remember his name, sorry!!...

    Music team (but since we havent had a lot of propositions here, it could change):
    Dioxaz (I'll ask him if he wants)

    Remember : Everyone's propositions is welcome, and that's not because somebody is in the art team that you can't submit some art propositions.

    Now, my opinions about what's going on here :

    First, I'd like everyone here to introduce his post by a "XXXX part" now (XXXX would be Sprites/Art/programming etc...) to make it more understandable.

    Sprites/graphics part :

    First, I think Armada's sonic sprites are the best so far, and I don't think gloss is a good idea.

    Now, about the level ideas, I'd like everyone here to stop giving some propositions for now, since we really have to decide what kind of level the game will have. I mean :
    It won't be good if we have like 8 tropical zones. So I'd like that we think about QJimbo's post :

    <!--quoteo(post=210220:date=Jul 24 2008, 01:38 AM:name=Qjimbo)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Qjimbo @ Jul 24 2008, 01:38 AM)

    This is awesome. Really. And I think a zone like that would be great. But the Backgrounds doesn't have sonic feeling for the moment. I'll try later to make something about that if you don't mind.

    About GameNerd Advance's zone : It looks a bit too "advance" for me, but it looks good.

    And... I'm looking for an old thread in the hoaxes zone, were a member did some great job by making time zones in Sonic 1 and 2. (Cosmic's background is based on it) I'd like to find who did that...

    Now, something really really important here : You have to remember that levels are based on 16x16 tiles, I know this is stupid, but try to make 16x16 tiles if it isn't already the case.

    Art/sketches part :

    The amusement park looks great, but the background will need to have some work on.
    It kinda remembers me Sunset Park. And that's great, because I really think we need to take some inspiration in the GG games.

    Ideas/concept part :

    I'd like every one here to take a look at the Green Hill Zone site, here :

    It helps a lot to have some look at the main objects, ideas, and environnements of each game.

    Well... I think that's all for the moment, I havent finished to read everyone's answer, so... Plus, not easy to talk in english :p
  2. I would gladly help with art if this came to fruition.

    Frankly, Sonic 2 HD hasn't swayed me; why not just play the non-HD version?
  3. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    Heh, another community project idea? =P
    I really like those drawings, everything about them seems like good ideas =P
  4. Retro_Stew


    French Twitch Gamer Member
    Twitch channel
    I would certainly give all the art I have done for my zone, if the project begins
  5. Spanner


    I used to do things... Member
    United Kingdom
    Falling asleep for once
    Nice idea, Sonic 2HD's doing good in terms of a community project with plenty of members contributing & I'm sure a Sonic 4 project would do the same as well as it being a good example of ProSonic's power when Saxman releases it.
    I'm for your idea.
  6. SephyUK


    WHY SO CURIOUS? Member
    Some Freakishly Long Anime
    Hmm, actually this doesn't sound like a bad idea. However, it would take a lot of planning before we could start work.
    We would need a format for it to be (Mega Drive, Snes, etc) and we would need some major knowledge of programming. We can't really use a split disasm for this, now, can we. This will have to be from scratch.
    I wouldn't mind helping out being somesort of coordinator to keep everyone on task and such. Those are some good sketches.

    And with ProSonic being released soon, this could possibly be the first major project under the ProSonic engine. I'm in.
  7. Retro_Stew


    French Twitch Gamer Member
    Twitch channel
    We could use badnicks from the Badnick contest, for example... Some of them were great
  8. Qjimbo


    Your friendly neighbourhood lemming. Oldbie
    It may be a surprise for you to know there was a Sonic 4 in development, involving LOst, Stealth, AJ Freda and other well known members. It was for the M86K though and has had no work done on it for the past 2 years or so.

    It's definitely a feasable concept, but I can foresee a lot of bickering over how faithful it should be to the originals.
  9. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    Indeed, but If it's in the ProSonic engine, it should be great =P
    It'd be a big promotional project for ProSonic's release too.
  10. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    Hmmmmm. Whilst I would love to see a Sonic 4, I agree that there would be some argument over how faithful it is, whether it's going in the right direction, whether this is what Sonic Team would have made in 1995, whether or not the art matches the orignal pixels, et cetera. Repeat ad nauseum.

    Basically, I do not want to see this as a fan project. Make all the Sonic games and hacks you wish, people - just don't have the sheer audacity and lack of respect to claim it as the fourth game, thanks.
  11. Is this going for PC or Mega Drive / Genesis ?

    If its for PC I'd know a good engine to put it on :colbert: Prosonic for the win :P
  12. Qjimbo


    Your friendly neighbourhood lemming. Oldbie
    After thinking about this I agree with Jayextee, and I'd even go so far as to say we don't have the right to make a Sonic 4. As much as you might think SEGA don't deserve Sonic, they do own it, and we should respect that.
  13. The Taxman

    The Taxman

    Tech Member
    Retro Engine & Related Projects
    I think the phrase 'too many cooks spoil the broth' applies here. There's going to be some major differences in opinions of what should constitute a "Sonic 4". I agree with Jayextee's comment
  14. Tweaker


    1. Jan Abaza, not AJ Freda.
    2. Wasn't it kind of sort of a secret to the general public? Just a thought.

    I'm kind of thinking the same general deal here. Unless one single person handles the philosophy on what the game should be like and others simply do art and shit, this is likely not to work out. Also remember that the inevitable
    "art must be originally drawn, not borrowed" concept is likely to cut the available level artists down to a small fraction.

    If you think you can do it, go ahead, but nobody "demands" a community project.
  15. Damizean


    As classic as rock Member
    Valencia, España
    Various projects
    Phoebius, weren't you working on a Sonic 4 game? What ever happened to that?

    All I can read when someone refers to ProSonic is "fap fap fap". You guys are a little too excited for an engine that hasn't been even released yet, aren't you? If I ever wanted this thing to be a reality I'd use something that's good and already exists, like Retro Sonic or the E02 engine.


    ... Oh, hai. There you are :D
  16. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    Exactly what I thought when I read the sentance =P
  17. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    Oh yeah. I can think of so precious little artists who do stuff from scratch. Although, I can do that for zone art, I haven't tried my hand at spriting yet. I mean, ideally my hack Sonic One is going to have as much original content as I can possibly get in there, but there's already some re-used content (Such as Pyramid Pyromania's lava, for example).

    And then, there's music. How many projects or hacks out there can seriously boast 100% originally-composed music?
  18. MathUser


    3rd top wiki contributor Researcher
    I'd like to see a teamup to create a new old school Sonic game. But as Jay says, don't call it Sonic 4. If Sega ever makes a game called Sonic 4 then the two could get confused by google searches, plus it sounds really fanish. Theres probably alot of Super Mario hacks out there called SMB4. I think a team project would be the best way to make a complete game, theres already alot of incomplete hacks out there. It would be nice to see another complete one.
  19. P.P.A.


    Sonic MD (Currently: Art for Zone 3)
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