We're so back Virtual Fighter 5 R.E.V.O launching on Steam this Winter Trailer 60FPS with 4K Rollback Netcode Balance Changes We're finally free of the PS4 shackles Virtuies! Things to Note They're claiming that they're implementing rollback etcode. This is completely different to their previous PS4 release where they used their "Absorb" netcode. This version is apparently getting balance changes. The previous version did not.
Sega is really out here saying "It's been 20 years, we can't top VF5, so we'll just keep tweaking it." That said, great that it's moving off consoles outside of Yakuza minigames.
Why not both? This is a definite buy for me, should be great on Deck. Don't have a good fighter on mine yet and I can't abide playing Street Fighter with a four-button pad
I love how they introduced the characters in order that they appeared on the original on the character select screen.
An open beta of R.E.V.O. seems likely, based on this new hidden listing added to Steam's backend. Very interested to get in there and see what balance changes they've made since Final Showdown dropped more than a decade ago.
Hot dog Ver 2.0 (PS4) Revival of popular moves from VF5 R New combos Revamped hit effects Balance Adjustments Free Update available now R.E.V.O 60fps/4K Rollback Netcode All the 2.0 updates Tournament Mode January 28th $19.99 (Currently on sale for $15.99) Open Beta available now for 5 days
Already went ahead and swiped both a preorder and access to the open beta. We're eatin' good in the neighborhood.
Played over 100 matches last night It was rough for the first 5 matches, but after that it stabilized and I had a smooth experience. If your computer isn't up to snuff (how the fuck?) the frame rate difference causes some extreme rollback to occur. There's nothing you can really do in this scenario since it's entirely dependent on your opponent not having a dog shit PC. I'm only making this assumption because of the metrics graph in-game showing an FPS difference between the two players and this issue only pops up when the other player falls behind. Good netcode, $15 bucks, and now on Steam should hopefully give this game a fresh breath of life and prep people for NuVF. The full changelist for 2.0 is on the VF website These changes will also be in the R.E.V.O version. Every character have received a significant amount of changes.
People are really, really bad at Virtua Fighter it seems. Without a million guages, special parries, just guards, and a million other gimmicks to rely on, people just kind of suck when the game is nothing but pure zoning in 3D like VF is. I am absolutely kicking ass online, I have yet to lose a single ranked match. I even have handicapped myself, I'm playing with Akira, usually the character that takes me the most time to get warmed up to. Heaven help people if I'm shun di or lau. It was funny when I first started playing and got matched up with a bunch of 10th dan 1st level opponents who clearly had never played a VF game before. I'm sure they felt like it was completely unfair when I was grabbing their attacks out of the air with Pai and kicking them on the ground after throwing them like a rag doll lol. An aside, but VF is still the most fun fighting game ever. What a complete joy to play.
I don't think that's an entirely fair assestment to say the lack of gimmicks is whats causing a skill gap. It's just something new they need to learn and adapt to. Virtua Fighter requires a lot of knowledge checks and familiarizing VF's own unique mechanics. Tekken players never had to deal with things like open/close positioning, and side stepping and movement in general are entirely different. A lot of new people are trying out VF for the first time. They ain't got their fundies yet.
I've played a ton of fighting games, and so many of them boil down to who can pull off the most mechanically interwined combo. Like the VS games I've been playing a lot, it's just people waiting for the same opening while they bait and bait and bait over and over again until they can land the single blow that gets them into the long combo. It feels so stiff and rigid and like the gimmick mechanics of every game dictate how it's played. I remember when SF4 first dropped and you couldn't really play online without FACD. VF doesn't have any of that, and it's so much more freeform and flowing and fun to play. It's not built for long crushing punishing combos. Like combos and juggles obviously do exist in VF, but you're just as likely to win a match by landing just a few very well timed blows. The very short life bars and 30 second timer just leads to a system where, by nature, you're not getting 20 hit combo strings. A crushing combo in VF is like 5 hits long. It's just so much more simple and puts a way, way higher emphasis on movement and connecting your blows than really any other fighting game I've ever played, except maybe like.... tobal? Or perhaps IK+? I say people suck because they are lacking the most basic fighting game strategies. I am wrecking shop just by getting in low and ducking and side stepping to their butt. People don't seem to know how to fight up close in VF yet, like they can't connect unless I'm an arm's length away. That's part of the fun of VF, learning how to fight up close and inside, it feels unlock other fighting games like that. A bunch of the upclose and inside fighting stuff is coming to grips with how you use the stick to aim your attacks with taps and holds.
I think you're over simplifying the experience of other fighting games here, but that's just my personal view and I don't want to get into it here. I think anyone committed to playing this genre are capable of leveling up in Virtua Fighter. Especially this day and age where information is a lot easier to obtain and pass a long. I just hope people stick around or are interested enough that VF6 comes back in a big way.
For those who are interested in getting into Virtua Fighter VFDC is an excellent resource Some information may be outdated with the introduction of 2.0's changes, but it's still a solid website to refer to.
I'm gonna be so bummed when this beta ends. It's a long ways til January 27th. I've been feasting on VF 24/7 since the beta dropped. I even picked up an 8bitdo Arcade stick just for this. My main thought: The online section kind of sucks. I hate that you have to select a character and then just wait, instead of letting you change characters every set. I also think it's annoying how many times i'll get a network error and have to just wait for the entire network to reset itself. And the room lobby thing in unranked matches is annoying. But at least it's pretty straight forward doing a ranked match. None of that matters though because as always VF is so much fun to play. I never thought VF would feel so good online. Once Marvel vs Capcom Collection came out, I thought for sure it'd eat up all my fighting game time, but VF has completely eclipsed it. Greatest fighting game series of all time IMO.
Thinking about resubbing to PS+ so I can at least play 2.0 during the downtime. This game also handles really well on a Steam Deck.
I'm jonesing so badly for more of this, giving me 5 days is such a tease. I went back to playing Fighters Megamix on my Saturn and VF5 on my Xbox 360 but it's just not the same without real opponents. God the 27th is so far away... Burning Soul is on my regularly playlist now. I just can't get it out of my head. That little hype build up midway through the song with the horns when Jacky appears and the wings come out behind him. Fuck what a cool song. The original version is so fucking awesome: