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Obscure, irrelevant things you find odd in Sonic games

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by charcoal, May 16, 2022.

  1. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    It might not be a bug - it might have been a conscious decision... for some reason.

    Did we ever establish whether the missing "press start button" text was deliberate? Given the water colour is also out of date, I'd suggest they weren't paying much attention to the title screen in later weeks.
  2. It’s thought to be a bug since the “Sonic Team Presents” screen uses the same chunk of RAM as “Press Start Button” and the title screen routine doesn’t clear it. I’m guessing the Sonic Team splash screen was a later addition and they weren’t paying attention.

    Though that also being present in Jam makes me think that even if it originated as a bug, they decided to just roll with it. I can’t imagine they never noticed the “Press Start” missing between shipping the USA version and JP versions, and definitely would have noticed by Jam.
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  3. Clownacy


    OCs are for the weak Tech Member
    The 'Press Start Button' text was fixed (badly) in 'Mega Games 10'.

    Like BlueSkiesAM2 said, the bug has to do with the 'Press Start Button' object using the same RAM as the 'Sonic Team Presents' object. When the game loads the 'Press Start Button' object into the 'Sonic Team Presents' object's RAM slot, it first tries to reset all of its bytes to 0 (this is standard for all objects: when an object is loaded, its slot must have all bytes set to 0 first), but it fails to do this properly as it only clears 32 bytes instead of 64. The leftover 32 bytes from the 'Sonic Team Presents' object causes the 'Press Start Button' object to glitch and not display.

    I say that Mega Games 10 fixed it 'badly' because it does not correct the broken attempt to clear the object RAM slot. Instead, it manually clears a single extra byte of RAM, which is enough to get the object to display again.
    Last edited: May 17, 2022
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  4. big smile

    big smile

    Sonic Team merged with United Game Artists and most of their titles ended up under the Sonic Team banner. The omission of Sonic 3D is odd, as the game did get a website in Japan that has Sonic Team Presents on it. I wonder if the omission is just an error.
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  5. Pengi


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  6. kyasarintsu


    Thanks for this. I love reading up on explanations like this for all sorts of weird little bugs and behaviors in old games.
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  7. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    - Most of it it's already present in my posts from the continuity topic, like how years are so long in Sonic's world he's still 15 sfter 30 years and an in-game birthday party.

    - Then there are things than probably don't count for this topic like how rings went from actual rings in clasic games to big hole doughnuts in modern games.

    - But, of course, the main one that everybody knows about is that the fastest thing alive is equalled in speed by most if not all of the other playable characters, and even fleeing Eggman in classic games.
  8. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    No one questions where the hell Robotnik gets the raw materials for his plans. All the steel required for Badniks, The Death Egg, interstellar amusement parks, etc has to come from somewhere. Sonic's world should be running critically low or even be depleted of metal and other resources by now.

    And how a fucking international coalition of countries cannot pinpoint when and where a walking tomato is building his next fucking doomsday device I will never know. Judging from this, and characters such as the girl from Shamar who keeps getting lost, I believe most of the humans in Sonic's world are a bunch of spineless buffoons, and the fact they can even build structurally stable buildings is nothing short of a miracle.
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  9. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Maybe he just orders his materials on aliexpress lolo
    Jokes aside that's just something you don't question for most cartoon villains. The only justification i can think of is that he has a chemical plant, so who's to say he isn't operating a bunch of other production plants that we just aren't aware of.
  10. Clownacy


    OCs are for the weak Tech Member
    If you want something obscure... Eggman being able to run at the same speed as Sonic, combined with the speed cap in Sonic 1, suggest to me that Sonic's trademark speed wasn't originally in his running, but his rolling. City Escape's theme appears to make a nod to this, opening with the lyrics 'rolling around at the speed of sound'. Even in SA2, it seems that Sonic can reach much higher speeds from rolling than he ever could by running. Maybe if Sonic weren't chasing Eggman on completely flat ground, he'd be able to catch him.
    Last edited: May 19, 2022
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  11. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    I did in that thread recently. Well, the first question; about the second one, I think we've talked about that too but can't remember when or to which extent. I assume Robotnik has already enough economic power (everyone depends on stuff he develops and prime materials he obtains) but, since he's like a 60 years old kid, he wants to play the game of military conquer with his toys, and everyone has to cope with it (in other words, he already rules the world, but not the way he wants to). I also think he doesn't really want to kill Sonic and friends or else he would run out of "kids" agreeing to play with him.

    Oh, and if he can kidnap and move planets, he probably can extract whichever resources he wants from anywhere in space. His mindset surely cripples him.
  12. LockOnRommy11


    I can’t subscribe to that, Robotnik only runs at the end of Sonic 1, a short distance to his flying machine and the screen doesn’t scroll enough for Sonic to pick up speed, nor does Sonic have his spin attack.

    The next game has the player not only able to keep up with him, but spin attack to do so, showing that actually, Sonic Team don’t give a shit about this and in fact, it’s comedic and explained away by Robotnik being a cartoon-style character and only having to run a short distance.
  13. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
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  14. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Jesus christ, it's a kids' game from 1992, chill out.
  15. Zephyr


    Maybe he's got robotic legs.
  16. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    >Stole an ancient precious gem to power a doomsday device
    >Held a 12 year old girl at gun point just to lure Sonic into a trap
    >Blew up half the moon
    >Split the planet into pieces to unleashed an eldritch god of darkness
    >Kidnapped defenceless aliens from another planet to help power an amusement park
    >Accidentally helped unleash another ancient god and inadvertently kill hundreds of civilians
    >Hold tiny animals in goddamn capsules in the middle of the wilderness
    >Literally commit terrorism across the world
    >'You're an industrialist, trying to modernize a backward planet and raise up standards of living through the use of technology, for the common good.'

    Whoever originally wrote all of that must've been paid of by Robotnik or something, worst propaganda I've ever read.
    Last edited: May 20, 2022
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  17. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    I don't understand Eggman's motivation in Sonic the Fighters. He seemingly sends hundreds of RoboEgg minions to the planet, only for the fighters to fight among themselves for the Chaos Emeralds to power the Lunar Rocket. The RoboEggs minions are never fought so I am assuming they wrecked the planet. Also, Eggman seemingly comes down to clone a fighter instead of just vaporizing the fighter. If he could land a clone beam on the fighter, surely he could have vaporized them.
  18. Xilla


    Robotnik just blowing up his newly created space station because Metal Sonic lost a game of fisticuffs is a bit......."eh" too.

    (And then staying onboard rather than buggering off and letting Sonic/Tails/whoever get blown to kingdom come)
  19. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water
    I read this in full every time it's posted
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  20. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    I forgot where I read this, but I once heard that Robotnik goes through all these hoops and loops to kill Sonic and friends because he wants to kill them in a 'flashy' sort of way. Robotnik could just trap Sonic in a room and crush him in there, or find one of his friends and kill them off when they're alone, but that isn't satisfying enough for him, he has to kill them in a glorious way or it's a shallow victory for him.