I've been playing NiGHTS on SSF (the lastest version, Preview R10, that allows XInput controllers), but for some reason the floor in Jackle's arena (in Claris' third dream) does not render. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Which level exactly is that? I tried the first level for Claris (counting from the left) and I got the giant LSD bat boss (Gilwing?).
I know suggesting a totally different emulator isn't the most helpful thing but have you considered trying Beetle Saturn? Either through the core on Retroarch or Mednafen natively? Both take a bit of work to get going but I've had excellent results on both that fixed issues still present in SSF to this day, NiGHTS being one of those games last I checked.
I tried that and it's Soft Museum (the confusion), its this level with a bunch of trees and a building you go into, with mirrors inside, at one point you can only see the hooplahoops in the mirror and at another part you get shot out of a cannon and the game turns into Bug!s Dragonfly Express bonus level. The boss was the rainbow bat (Gilwing?) and the ground looked fine. Do note that SSF has a lot of settings to play around with, some for how the emulator offloads threads and timing (under options/Program1), and some for how to emulate the Saturn precision wise (options/Program2-3). Perhaps consider removing your INI files to reset your settings, if you upgraded from an older version, some settings might get stuck. I'm pretty sure you either just have a bad cd image or using one of the low-compatibility settings in the emulator, since Nights has been consistently working on it since 2006 or so (when I first made screenshots of it).
I tried again on the first three stages and on the fist stage I got Gilwing, on the second (Mystic forest? it's a foggy forest) I got the cat that jumps on exploding mice, and on the third (Soft Museum) I got the fish tank boss.... are the bosses random in the game? there were no graphical issues at any point, though.
Yeah, turns out there IS a "random boss" feature under options. You can luckily set it to a fixed boss on every level though. I set Jackle to first stage, and when I fought him, the ground looked like this: which is iirc the same as on the console.
Just did that. Had to tweak the .cfg a little, but now NiGHTS runs at almost 16/9, which is good, and there are no rendering errors. Thanks! Thank you too @Meat Miracle for helping me out, even if I ended up switching emulators, and sorry for making you waste your time.