Giving it a go now, it's 560 KB so it's a quick download. Someone with more experience with the original will need to back me up, but the control feels much more fluid, and the dash is definitely faster. It feels so much better to play, I'll probably play it more later on due to that, and I'm someone who loved this game even with the 8 directional control. The same applies to the "SEGA SATURN DREAMS" mode as well, for those curious.
Cool, it's actually playable now. The funny thing is I only owned the original Saturn version for a few months, yet before this patch the HD version felt so strange. I remember hating the physical analog pad on the Saturn's 3D controller, but loving the precision it offered; as well, the d-pad for the Saturn seemed to mimic the fluidity of the analog pad, enough that the HD version's movement... felt like garbage until now. This is how it should've been in the first place. At any rate, hats off to Sega for ponying up for the patch. It's much appreciated.
It isn't? I thought that the patch was confirmed to be out for PS3. Would someone please correct me if I'm wrong?
It may have been confirmed to be coming for PS3, but not out for PS3. These things would be a lot easier if SEGA would post updates on their blog instead of us always hearing from someone who happened to find a patch when they booted the game.
Oh, you'd think that such a necessary patch would be released sooner than this. On another note, I have an old Sega Saturn that I used to play NiGHTS, but it only came with a non-analogue controller. I had to use the awkward 8-directional controls. Would this be the equivalent of the pre-patch control scheme in NiGHTS HD?
Does anyone know if the demo was patched too? Or is it just for the full version? I only ask because I would still like to try it before I buy, and even then I'm not sure if I actually will buy it due to having an already large backlog of games to play/finish.
On 360 trials/full games on XBLA are one in the same o if you download the trial it will be the patched version as well.
Just got a PSN message from SEGA with a code for my PSN NiGHTS theme. Guess that's where it was at. EDIT: For even more pressing news...well, maybe SEGA saw my last post here. :v:
Yeah, the Saturn version's controls are still much better. But now we have a version as good as the shoddy PS2 port! Go SEGA! :v:
The bosses are still a little weird, but yes. By the way, how does one avoid Wizeman's tornado attack. I keep drilling through the gap but NiGHTS is still flung backwards.