I'm not familiar with X360A, is that how they usually group games that have DLC Achievements? I figured if it was DLC it'd be listed separately, not to mention the 12 Achievement limit was removed with Minecraft's release. As a final thing, the game's Gamerscore total is 400, the max an XBLA title can go to right now. More can be added on to that with DLC. Simply put, I think we're still good.
XBLA games normally have twelve Achievements, and extras get added via DLC. First-party Microsoft releases like Perfect Dark and Minecraft sometimes get more.
Except it's not because all XBLA games require that the game have 400 Gamerscore attached to it these days.
Here. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2...cade-games-achievement-limit-to-double-report The port just happens to have one more Achievement than the old regulations. If it was DLC the game would be worth more than 400 points (and, by looking around the site, the DLC would be in a separated listing on the page. Take Mass Effect 2's DLC listings for example http://www.xbox360achievements.org/game/mass-effect-2/achievements/ ) EDIT: Jax, read my post dawg :v:
Really looking forward to this. Still got the original and I also have Christmas NiGHTS, a Demo disk and also Journey of Dreams. Journey of Dreams was a great game in its own right, underrated and overlooked in my opinion.
Can anyone who went to PAX tell us the framerate of the port? I've never seen the PS2 version of the game outside internet videos, either so I don't know if the version of the game this port is based on retained the 30fps of the Saturn version or not.
October 2nd PSN, 5th XBLM. $10 with Christmas NiGHTS included. No Steam release date. Looks like they're gonna pull the same thing they did with Sonic CD.
If Christmas NiGHTS is DLC, does that mean the Super-Secret "Sonic into Dreams" is included with it? :v:
Since this version appears to be based on the PS2 version of the game, probably not, as it wasn't included in that version.
I think you are super confused as to what is 30 and 60 fps. Both Nights and Jet Set Radio run at 30 frames, whereas Sonic Adventure 2 does run at 60 frames. For comparrison, Banjo on XBLA runs at 30 frames, despite what many misguided people are thinking.
No, I know what the difference between 30 and 60 fps are. At the time, I did a cursory search on Google to see if JSR HD ran at 60fps, and the first link was a GameTrailers article: Since I haven't played the demo, and I assumed the game in six months would have a stable 60fps rate, I figured that meant the game was updated to run at 60fps. Is that not the case?
Pretty much this. So it was they who were super confused. They also probably thought Banjo XBLA was 60 frames per second. (Which it isn't.)
There is of course a PC version coming out later today. Unless SEGA is stupid enough to put a 30fps cap on the port, that version will be able to reach 60fps.
I just finished the PSN version. The final boss has multiple glitches in it for some reason. I'll describe them as best as I can. The Wizeman boss fight is sort of weird. The beginning part of his theme music starts way too late, and it gets cut off pretty quickly. During the fight the "dash" noise is limited to only one NiGHTS, meaning that if the other one is boosting and you do it while he's still boosting, you won't get any sound effects from your NiGHTS. When Wizeman comes towards you and the level flashes into the next one, it sometimes goes off synch (meaning, the level changes before Wizeman comes into the screen in a flash), and you sometimes get knocked extremely far back/forwards to stay in the arena during that part. Much more so than in the Saturn/PS2 version. There's also a glitch where you get stuck in him after you defeat him. I have no idea why this part was over-looked, everything else was polished so nicely.