Nothing has been said so far, so it'll either be absent altogether or released later as DLC, I'm guessing. If it is released, hopefully it won't be missing a bunch of things like the PS2's version was, for some reason.
I'd be very surprised if it doesn't show up in some form. The original practically WAS DLC in terms of what it did to the original game (changed one level (?)), albeit running on it's own disc.
To be precise, it added a new layout for Spring Valley 1, for Elliot (given that Spring Valley in vanilla NiGHTS was a Claris stage) -- and a mighty FINE layout it is, too. Great for continuous links in course 1. I'm calling it, DLC available in December. :v:
I can't imagine they'd resist pre-made DLC. That's just money on the table waiting for them, and it's already themed for the most profitable season for games.
You could also change the Nightopians moods in NiGHTS Into Dreams though Christmas NiGHTS (As well as listen to the changed music because of it right then and there). Also Sonic. :v:
Why would Christmas NiGHTS be DLC? Unlockable would make way more sense, and be more fun. I'm already willing to pay a shiny penny for the remake, so don't insult me with the nickel and dime garbage or I'm not going to buy it.
What? Don't downplay it! Jeez. It also included about a million unlockable gifts, spanning photo galleries; videos from adverts, protos, and the like; the Sonic minigame; a fully-featured sound test; and tonnes of other things. Plus, there were about five different themes for Spring Valley, depending upon the Saturn's internal date. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. —edit to add— Dem graphics. Or rather, dat lack of graphics. Having watched the video and seen a few screenshots, I'm disappointed. I can't be unrealistic in expecting downloadable remakes to rival top-of-the-line current-gen games, but surely there could be a lot more effort put in? Sigh…
The remake could use some shadows. Would it be possible to add in a light source without causing too many problems?
I own both the original and the PS2 version. The controls are actually easier and smoother than the original. I'm actually surprised at how people are upset at this "change." Pretty weird how those small changes make certain tricks in the original harder to do, though. EDIT: Also, it would have been nice to make 3D models for the trees, floating windmills, etc. for the remake version.
You're surprised at people wanting a port to be as faithful as possible to the original game? I think maybe you get surprised a bit too easily! The differences are there whether you think they're an improvement or not, and the point is that some of them can mess with gameplay. Sure, not everyone's a speedrunner, but some of the things that weren't implemented in the same way aren't very excusable, even in the cases where they were quite small. Why change things? It's not meant to be a remake with new gameplay: it's meant to be a port.
If they extend Christmas NiGHTS content and make Sonic playable in all levels, they can have my money two times over!
So I've played the crap out of the PS2 version thanks to emulation, and HD emulation at that. Honestly? While I guess I can see the minor gameplay differences now that I think about them in-depth, they really do not impede the game experience in any notable way if you weren't told about them. Some links are harder to get, but I suspect that will be corrected, and I never noticed there was even any difference until reading about it online, and this is AFTER playing through the entire campaign 3 times, including once just a week ago. Even if this was an exact port of the PS2 version, I would encourage everyone to buy it. To me, the game was every bit as fun to play. Emulated, the game is BEAUTIFUL in 1080p. It doesn't even need new textures or models to be up to par and sell.
Jet Set Radio, Sonic Adventure 2, now NiGHTS... It is truly the year of the re-release. I'm just joking. I'm actually REALLY excited for all this recent NiGHTS love. Though I've already played the original Saturn NiGHTS into Dreams many times, it'll be interesting to play it in HD on my PS3. And I can bug my friends to get it and my brother to finally play it.
Twelve minutes of footage for the game has been shown. Of course, it's played like ass. Spring Valley and a little bit of Frozen Bell are shown. They also use the wrong logo during the gamespot intro, it's the one from TRiPPY's comic. :v:
Well, naturally it would be the last achievement available. I really don't think they would turn Christmas NiGHTS into DLC. Seriously, who would download it? They'd lose money in the long-run. Anyways, more gameplay footage from PAX. It's only worth being mentioned because of how hilariously bored everyone in the video is: