Download only. No deal. I'd have rather had an EU port of the PS2 version, but we all know now with the financial shit Sega is in this won't happen.
Turns out it might not just be almost a straight port of the PS2 version. Apparently Sega have worked with fans to refined it. From the thread I linked in my last post: Pretty cool. Let's hope that's helped a lot.
Important to note the latter quote comes from TRiPPY (for those who didn't click the link). If anyone would make sure things are right it would be her.
Even if it's a lazy port, I'd say it's still worth it just because the original NiGHTS is fun as hell, even if remarkably short. Definitely a sort of Arcade Score Attack style game, which isn't a bad thing by any stretch. It's much more fun than JoD was, though I can already see people taking issue with the fact NiGHTS is actually affected by air drag and you need to pulse the speed button to keep momentum.
Did the PS2 rerelease get 60fps? It'd certainly be neat to play the game at a higher framerate than the original as well.
The only difference in controls in the PS2 version is the more sensitive movement. It's an improvement compared to the original where the movement controls lagged a bit. Plus, seeing as how TRiPPY is in on this thing, I'm sure it will be up to standards. She's the biggest NiGHTS fanatic I've ever seen.
Hah, I completely forgot how anti-drm / online content you are. I understand though. It's going to be difficult though to keep it up given the whole digital approach that is to be made with SEGA. And the whole involvement of and TRiPPY can only mean that not only is SEGA looking to their fans more recently (See Sonic CD / Taxman), but this could only turn out as great as Sonic CD did for us Sonic dedicates. Things are going well; and it's encouraging news to hear of career prospects being generated from online comunities.
The PS2 port had no problems with the engine or the controls at all, like I said earlier. The only problems it had were low quality SFX (for some reason, even though they're crisp as can be on the actual disk), and a long loading time for the replay footage at the end of the levels. The PS2 remake had no real problems, and this enhanced port of it will probably fix the ones I mentioned. It's not a re-creation of the game like Sonic CD 2011 was. It's gonna be fine.
The PS2 version is slightly different in some areas. I can't really explain but people who have time attacked both will know what I'm talking about.
Honestly the involvement of TRiPPY doesn't make me get the warm and fuzzies. IIRC she was in contact with SEGA over Journey of Dreams as well, and her fancomics, while beautiful, are not quite the spirit I would want to see in official NiGHTS games. Nothing against her, of course. What I do hope to see on the other hand is the Christmas NiGHTS content in some way shape or form.
TRiPPY knew of JoD before it was officially announced only because of ArchAngelUK (Who also personally met her at her house). But other than that, no. She started working for SEGA a bit afterwards.
Fuck me, but I'll probably buy Christmas NiGHTS if it's DLC. Also, I like that they're in touch with the NiGHTS fanbase. Sega is giving a shit about their ports. It's wonderful! I want them to stay alive so they can keep on rolling with this beautiful bean footage
I'll be buying this for the same reason I buy things like Ristar on steam: Vain hope that they'll make more in the series. I actually own original copies of both those games. Can't wait.
Again: Saying it plays badly is maybe a bit harsh, and I should say that I can't comment personally, but there are clearly numerous differences, some of which can affect gameplay to a significant degree depending on how meticulous the player is. Those on clearly know what they're on about, so it's probably best not to state out of nowhere that everything is OK. Anyway, hopefully things like that will be resolved by the involvement of TRiPPY et al. And ultimately (which isn't to say that I want to settle for something sub-par), new and less technical players will have a new chance to play this, and it'll get something more akin to the graphics it always deserved - both of which are good things.
My only exposure to NiGHTS was through the Wii version. That and Twilight Princess were the only games I refused to sell when I was selling a ton for extra cash. They're still the only two Wii games I own. Point is I really liked it, so I'll be interested in playing this. But will it have the Christmas version? :v: