Sega posted this on their facebook wall Tuesday with no explanation. Solid chance this is either a NiGHTS HD rerelease, or a SASRT track. I'm hoping it's the former, so I'll just put a topic here.
Well, it would probably be best to reveal it today. And them posting that image on Facebook and Twitter does indicate that something could be revealed soon.
It's also been a year since they asked if fans would want a re-release/what systems they would want it on. Plenty of time to get a port sorted and it's not like they did anything else for NiGHT's 15th. Fingers crossed, I want to play this game. Ta-da! They're making it for Xbox Live. This bothers me, though. They announced this on NiGHTS's anniversary, why didn't they do the same for Sonic and SA2HD? And you can't bring up the Jet Set Radio release date thing.
Here's the SEGA blog announcement to go with it Never actually played it so I'm excited!
SEGA are really knocking these out fast, not complaining, nice to see PC get some love, now, how about Guardian Heroes? Is there any need for that to be Xbox 360 Exclusive?
Looks like the PS2 version, from the trailer says it more than likely is considering the PS2 version also came with the Saturn version. They're probably going to update the menus and set it to output in 720p and remove the Christmas NiGHTS bonus and make that DLC like they've been doing with Sonic. Not that I mind, I'm just happy we're seeing the return of NiGHTS
Jeez, if I didn't already have NiGHTS for the Saturn in the mail, I'd be more excited. Still excited though. I'll probably pick it up for PC when it's released.
This is lazy. Sure, the world could do with access to NiGHTS, but they've made no effort at all here. I get that they might not have 43204382 artists ready to retexture everything, but could they not even sort out the low draw distance? If you lived in Japan in 2008 you could have picked up the exact same game for the exact same price (possibly even cheaper) for the PlayStation 2. Releasing it in the west four years later and doing nothing to it (bar a quick upscale) just seems really dishonest to me. Like that Daytona USA port not too long ago.
I do have to wonder why they let you play the "Saturn version" in this unless it intentionally displays in a non-HD resolution. But even then it's the same graphical assets so why wouldn't you play it in the highest resolution possible? It'd make more sense if this were doing more than 16:9 etc. I'm not complaining though. A new coat of paint would have been nice but I just want to play this game and am happy there will be an easy way to do it.
I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT Now sweeten the deal even further by announcing NiGHTS in All-Stars Racing Transformed! :D
That would decimate this game. The low draw distance is a huge part of the visual appeal, it keeps the backgrounds visible at all times and the level geometry melds into them in a really convincing way. Seeing more of the stages would only break the illusion of being in a massive world, as they're actually quite tiny! And that's the funny thing, the original game was so good at leveraging the strengths and limitations of the system that I feel it still stands as one of the prettiest games ever made, even without the glitz. The new polish really isn't adding much- if I were a stupid person, I might even say they're retroactively cheapening the product, y'know? But hey, more NiGHTS. Never a bad thing, but I can think of other games that deserve and actually need a remake. Panzer Dragoon Saga is in desperate need of a new coat of paint. (EDIT: Oh that's right, they lost the source code, OOPS)
I'm not saying get rid of the fogging - that needs to stay else you'll get all sorts of crap in the background (though it would be interesting to see what NiGHTS looks like without it). But in both the Saturn and PS2 versions... the fogging didn't work properly. The idea is to stop geometry from "popping" into the level so abruptly, but you can still see it happening because the draw distance is too short. We have the technology, we can fix this. Sega haven't.
YES YES YES! This is awesome, I always wanted to play NiGHTS into the Dreams. It a game I never got to play for the Saturn, I only play that Wii version game that was some sequel. I just wonder what the release date for it will be.