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NEW Virtua Fighter

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by Chimpo, Nov 6, 2024.

  1. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029

    A new entry in SEGA‘s fighting game series Virtua Fighte is currently in development, executive vice president and head of SEGA’s Global Transmedia Group Justin Scarpone told Video Games Chronicle in a newly published interview.

    Scarpone said, “So we have a suite of titles in development right now that fall into that legacy bucket, which we announced last year at The Game Awards; Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio, Streets of Rage, Shinobi, and we have another Virtua Fighter being developed. And so all that’s very exciting. And then in certain instances, we’re also doing animation series, or live-action films to augment that and be part of those roadmaps.”

    Scarpone did not share any additional information outside of the confirmation.
  2. Ted909


    the future kick your ass Member
    All of these new games have been some of the worst kept secrets going. I'm amazed people are still surprised by them.
  3. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Hopes and dreams this is actually good. That and it's a commercial and critical success. The genre needs Virtua Fighter. There are currently no other big 3D fighters outside of Tekken. Soul Calibur? Dead. Dead or Alive? Unalive. Bloody Roar? Doesn't exists.
  4. I'm not actually surprised that this is happening. They did do a souped-up re-release of 5 a while back.
  5. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    My thoughts exactly, in fact I could have sworn we already had confirmation of them doing new VF like twice before now.

    It's welcome though! Bring it on.
  6. It's nice to have it confirmed officially (well sort of)
  7. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    So I know people stopped paying attention to this because of the VF5 announcement, but it looks like VF6 is still coming. There's been some commotion about how Sega has very quietly gone around DMCA striking leaked scans from the first time this came around, which basically confirms they were right. Nobody really payed attention, but Sega scrubbing those scans from the internet has made people take a second look... and the stuff they're talking about sounds wild. Like a full on Mortal Kombat-style cinematic story mode, and a 4-player Arena battle mode. Sounds extremely cool.
  8. I think someone at SEGA gave a vague hint on Twitter years back. But it looks for all the world that SEGA is now working on a VF6.
    It's so nice to see SEGA go back to its classic IP and give them a big-budget sequel. Hope we also get an Arcade version in Japan too

    It amazes me how good VF5 characters still look, but the backgrounds look really weak now. So really hoping SEGA Japan go to town for VF6 backdrops
  9. Impish


    Launching.... tomorrow? Just announced at The Game Awards.
  10. CaseyAH_


    human incarnation of Palmtree Panic 'P' Mix Member
    In terms of the new-old Sega franchise games I've basically only been focused on the new JSR so I had no idea this was a thing or that RGG was behind it
  11. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member

    Even though I don't play VF that much, I'm glad to see it return in full force. Pure 3D fighting is what this genre needs.
  12. Nice to see SEGA making a new VF. Looks really good too form the short clip
  13. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    I hope that means RGG will be involved with more future SEGA IPs revival.
  14. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    A new Famitsu Interview with Riichiro Yamada (PRoducer of New Virtua Figher) and Masayoshi Yokoyama (Director of RGG). has a basic summary.
  15. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    Decided to finally check out what people have been saying about the new VF and apparently people are worried they're going to add meters to VF6? And this is based off of seeing a meter in a short blurry video? Just wanted to say that VF5 Revo displays ranking exp as a meter during the fights, which perhaps people were confused about. Those meters aren't for gameplay features, it's about how close you are to upgrading your rank in the kumite.

    I don't think VF would really start to fuck with a global meter system for ex moves or comeback mechanics or any of that stuff because VF really doesn't need it. But all that said, I just wanted to point out that VF has had "Metered" moves since VF2: Shun is a character built around meters. More and more of his moveset opens up the more drunk he gets, and you use moves to make him drink. He's the very definition of metered gameplay, because you don't have all the options he has in his set open at the beginning of the round.

    Not to mention VF has never been shy about having odd characters that change drastically how stuff works. Rent-a-hero, for example, working completely differently when he's in suit vs out of suit and having a *reverse* meter mechanic, where he gets weaker and loses moves as the fight goes on and his battery drains.

    I sincerely don't think anybody has anything to worry about VF6 radically changing the core gameplay with meters or anything that would feel out of place. If meters do show up, I very much would expect them to be a single character gimmick.
  16. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    The meter that pops up in VF5 only pops up briefly. It only pops up at the start of the set and at the end of the set and very clearly says Rank. It's also separate from the rest of the UI. There's absolutely no way of confusing its function.


    The image everyone is talking about has the meter right below the health bar, it's clearly present during the match, and both players have access to it. It could be an Akira only thing but it seems doubtful with how the UI is designed, at least for now.


    Shun also works more like stacks than a traditional meter system. He doesn't build stacks to burn it for powerful moves. The more drinks he has, the stronger he gets through a modifier along with his movelist unlocks. He doesn't burn his stacks, but his opponents can take stacks away from him. A traditional meter system has you build your bar so that you can use more powerful attacks, at the cost of your resource or burn it all for a powerful attack.

    Almost every modern fighter has leaned in to some form of comeback mechanic. Tekken 8 has it in 4 seperate forms (RAGE, RAGE Art, HEAT, HEAR Burst/Engager). The fear is definitely there and I don't blame people for it.
  17. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    We don't know how leveling works in VF6, how the kumite system works, or what rank will do, so there is every bit of a reason to believe those meters could be a constant and important thing with regards to the structure of the single player/tournament mode but not have anything to do with the actual match. Coming in thinking that VF6 will have comeback mechanics is describing a wholly different kind of game from VF.

    Further, the original leak talked about a 4-player battle mode but never went into detail about how it worked. I'd much be quicker to believe those are tag life bars than a meter to build up, precisely because of how VF works.
  18. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    I really don't think it's a rank or extra health bar. It could serve other functions that isn't a super meter, such as a dizzy/stun meter or some stamina meter. A permanent rank/xp bar on the hud just sounds stupid and clutters the screen.

    Personally I hope they keep VF6 "boring", but I'm also prepared for them to try and appease to new players with some sort of meter management mechanics. The interview I linked mentioned they have no issues with expanding VF beyond a 3 button game, and that they are targeting a wider audience.
  19. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Leaked image was real. NVIDIA's CES presentation had a small clip of the game in action.

    Everything lines up with the leak, except the extra meter is gone from the UI. Animations look great. Game looks great in general, but not enough footage to really make judgement on gameplay.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2025
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  20. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    They describe it as being "Completely cinematic" and the behind the back transition into the fight is very much like how Mortal Kombat does things, which lines up with the leak saying this would have a cinematic style story mode. OMFG this is one of the few "modern" things I would completely welcome to Virtua Fighter, VF's story can get batshit crazy.

    EDIT: More:

    The full video is insane, if they can pull this off it'll be incredible
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2025