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New Sonic 2 development lore drop - Genocide/Cyber City palette and art!

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The Joebro64, Mar 19, 2023.

  1. Childish


    Pigs wiggle when they walk Member
    Shady lane
    Sonic 4 Blast Processed
    Having a community hack that we all contribute too would be really really cool imo
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  2. Sonic Hachelle-Bee

    Sonic Hachelle-Bee

    Taking a Sand Shower Tech Member
    Lyon, France
    Sonic 2 Long Version
    This is an idea that cross my mind regularly since several years now.

    I greatly appreciate the offer. You are right, the task is too big for a single person to do all the work. It will probably takes me again a decade or more to complete S2 Long Version alone. However, I am seriously scared to death of what the hack can become if it is open for all to contribute. To be fair, I am not ready for that just yet. I went too far, invested so much of my time already (since 2004), have a very precise idea of where I am going, with a clear scope, knowing exactly what I still need to implement, having a good game scenario embracing most of the recent and older revelations (even the Cyber City ones from this topic as I guessed them right it seems), and a clear vision of what all the zones shall look and feel. I can't let this project slip through my hands. However... I still think about it. What I do need the most is help on pixel art. My progress on the matter is steady but slow.
  3. Oh, Hi Azure Lake! Wasn't expecting to see you in a Sonic 2 Hack!

    Anyways, I can already tell you that I am looking forward to seeing where this goes...
  4. Sonic Hachelle-Bee

    Sonic Hachelle-Bee

    Taking a Sand Shower Tech Member
    Lyon, France
    Sonic 2 Long Version
    Blue Lake --> Azure Lake
    This is a more polished name IMO.
  5. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    I will say Metropolis Zone looks much better in purple palette.
  6. Blastfrog


    See ya starside. Member
    A community project for all cut zones is a cool idea, but I suggest that we stick to recreating just Cyber City for now. This is the closest we've gotten to accurately recreating a cut zone thus far. We just don't have the wealth of material or information for any of the other cut zones like we do for Cyber City.
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  7. Well, outside of the ones we actually have proper in-game assets for (Wood & Hidden Palace), but yeah.
  8. Blastfrog


    See ya starside. Member
    I meant those two zones as well. Sure, we've got the art. We don't have complete layouts, not even paper map scans. Hidden Palace has its own layout in the 2013 version, but that's all brand new fan-made work for all intents and purposes, even if sanctioned by SEGA officially. The original devs allege that Hidden Palace was actually completed (I would presume in the form of a separate branch), but unless we ever get that, we'll never have an authentic finished 1992-era layout for it. SEGApede may be useful for additional art, but I doubt its layout has anything to do with Sonic 2's development.

    Besides, wasn't there some evidence that Wood got a new background at some point, hinted at by new deformation code? The background we have clearly is not set up for any deformation whatsoever.

    I mean, who knows how much of Wai build Metropolis 3 is actually part of Cyber City, but it is a complete and fully playable layout, and that's the best we've got.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2023
  9. Nik Pi

    Nik Pi

    Sonic 2: Archives
    List of zones, and what we know about it:
    Hidden Palace
    We have: earlier names, in-game data (badniks, palette and chunks), concepts, and piece of early bg, and music for zone, boss (in remaster)
    We hasn't: concept art that shows zone, like concept of Metropolis, Tropical Sun or Mountain Madness, boss (originally planed in original game)

    We have: in-game data (chunks, palette), concept that shows zone
    We hasn't: badniks, music, boss.

    Genocide City
    We have: concept art that shows zone, concept art for objects, alternative name, in-game data (as chunks and layout for MTZ3), graphics for objects, palette.
    We hasn't: background art, music, boss, any digital graphics.

    Sand Shower
    We have: earlier names, photo of assets for foreground and background, music, badniks concept arts.
    We hasn't: concept art that shows zone, boss and data for chunks and palette.

    Rock World
    We have: knowledge that it was winter zone and it was recolour of desert level, as Hill top was recolour of Emerald hill, or Cyber City was recolour of Metropolis, concept art for banper, music (SCZ that plays in his level slot in Simon Wai proto)
    We hasn't: concept art that shows zone, any graphical data.

    Tropical Sun
    We have: concept art that shows zone, earlier name, music (EHZ 2p, that plays in his slot in Simon Wai proto).
    We hasn't: zone graphical data, badniks and any concepts.

    The rest levels
    We have: concept art that shows zone.
    We hasn't: anything else.

    Olympus and Rock World 2 (or Dust Hill, if Rock World 2 is Mystic Cave, that would be funny)
    We have: literary NOTHING, lol
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2023
  10. The Game Collector

    The Game Collector

    Washington State, USA
    Being Ted Narcotic's bass player; working on Kelly Kristjanson's tape archive; collecting video games
    Actually the Tiger Electronics handheld Sonic the Hedgehog 2 features both Aquis and Octus in the zones that have water, but they only appear underwater in that game. Maybe the Tiger version of Sonic 2 borrowed early concepts of Sonic 2 based on information they were given by Sega. Just a thought.
  11. Blastfrog


    See ya starside. Member
    Actually, I believe we may have the concept art. Remember that ice level concept art shown in some Sonic 3 promo? On MTV, was it? We know they recycled Sonic 2 concept art for Sonic 3, it's possible (but not confirmed) that that particular art was for the winter level in Sonic 2.

    Hah, who'd ever have thought that a Tiger Electronics game would be worth anything? Good catch!
  12. Nik Pi

    Nik Pi

    Sonic 2: Archives
    It looks like when was found, that Sonic Jam by Tiger's uses earlier Sonic 3 stuff, like early knux sprites, and even early AIZ bg
  13. rockyandyipper


    Geek-nerd game-wad guy Member
    To be honest, I would love an updated version of Sonic the Hedgehog - The Lost Worlds. Just with more polish and juicy cut/beta elements. A community project is still a great idea imo.
  14. Nik Pi

    Nik Pi

    Sonic 2: Archives
    Main reason why community hack can be impossible (it possible, but also he can die fastly) is because will be TOO MUCH OPINIONS.
    Just imagine assembling all that guys who have been making hacks about Sonic 2 unused levels. It will be nightmare! Be like; Person N want to use proto sprites, person X want to use final sprites. Same with title screen, little functions, music, zone names. Imagine how WW3 started because one half want to use beta title screen style sprites, another wants to use final sprites for title, lmao.

    If there will be collaboration between hackers- it will be funny to see. Authentic version is funny and hard, whatever you say. Sonic 2 delta/long version/archives, it's all is just a vision of the conceptions by concrete authors. You can say with 99% sure that there will be not pure "original Sonic 2 that would came out in 92".
    Also Sonic 2 Ultimate exists, but it's not accurate to proto conceptions.

    Just give me all your assets and no one will get hurt.

    Workers Romhackers of the world - unite!
  15. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Canada Zone.

    Enough said =P
  16. Beamer the Meep

    Beamer the Meep

    Better than Sonic Genesis... Member
    I think I have to second the sentiment. I was lurking on the forums way back when everyone was trying to collaborate on Sonic 2 HD and the Sonic 4 project (which predates the actual Sonic 4 by a number of years). No one could agree on how to progress and both projects were ultimately shelved. I believe a decent amount of it is still archived though a lot of the Sonic 4 project was erased unfortunately (As an aside, I'm still hoping someone has those gifs of the proposed storyline for all 3 characters somewhere since I had it and lost it to a failed hard drive and it's not in the archive).

    That said, isn't someone already working on this in either the fangame or hacking section of the forums? I remember someone sharing beach assets...
  17. Jucei


    That project (Retro's Sonic 4) seemed to fall apart, with no substantial progress made besides concepts, which worries me that we could make the same mistakes if we were to start this new project.
  18. Brainulator


    Regular garden-variety member Member
    Didn't Hirokazu Yasuhara say he wanted to remake Sonic 2 with the cut content restored in an article in Retro Gamer?
  19. RankoChan


    I'm bored, k? Member
    Some random RPG project.
    I've always loved the concept of a "Sonic 2: If". A full on reimagining of Sonic 2 based on the original story and level order, featuring S3&K style in-game cutscenes and taking advantage of modern day hardware like Mania.
  20. synchronizer


    I think some of those old Sonic Retro Sonic 4 concepts went into others’ fangames, like that ice lava mountain.

    I miss Canada Zone.