Orrrr people just happen to have different tastes and some people don't like virtual pets? Why does it have to be a "WELL I WAS X AGE WHEN Y CAME OUT AND..." pissing contest? Come on man. Spoiler I liked the Chao gardens too, and it'd be neat if they revisited the idea somehow, but it won't be the end of the world if they don't. At any rate, I'm pretty fucking skeptical about this SA3 business. Especially since they've gone on record recently saying that they weren't into the idea of making another sequel to that series. (This is of course, assuming they're not telling the press a bald faced lie, which I honestly wouldn't put past them at this point.) Let's not even consider the fact that as of late, Sonic Team has been very paranoid about messing with their current formula. Adding other playable characters besides Sonic especially, for some odd reason. They never understood that it wasn't necessarily the characters themselves but merely the quantity and the way they were implemented. I digress, I could go on for days about the silly things Sonic Team do, but the point is: a true sequel to Sonic Adventure is pretty much the opposite of what current Sonic Team wants right now. Should be interesting to see what those sites really are, though. :v:
Sorry, I get protective about SA2. And, wow, what I said looks incredibly childish now. I'll try not to say stuff like for now on.
As long as the rewards for raising chao are cosmetic only, I think it'd be fine. Also, Tamagotchi-clone? No, no. Nintendogs is a much better comparison. Seriously, I wouldn't care that much at all about SA2 if it wasn't for the chao.
When I first got the original Sonic Adventure I didn't care for the Chao; I found them pointless distractions from the main game. When I replayed it a year later I had a crack at the Chao and got absolutely hooked. Their exclusion from Sonic Heroes pissed me off to no end.
That's not the case for everybody. I grew up with the Chao Gardens; I hated them back in 2001, and I still do up to this day. I honestly found Big's fishing stages in the first Sonic Adventure to be far more tolerable, and that's saying a lot.
I'd take Sega Bass Fishing over the pointless Chao Garden anyday! What a waste of my god damned time! I was relieved that the only chao in Heroes forced upon me was Omochao.
And Cheese, and the two Chaos on the Special Stages. I honestly can't see why do people even like the Chao Garden, my thought always was that, since people are so fan of the Adventure franchise and you can't even say or imply that they're bad in any terms, the Chao Garden is protected just because it was present in the Adventure games, not because they're good or any sort of cool. It may even have people who likes Big the Cat, just because he was in SA1. Point is, removing the nostalgia googles, the Chao Garden were and will ever be, not just boring but retarded, at the same time. For me, it only has served to play with Eggman and Tails outside of the stupid mechas. Does that mean that they can't be a good adction? Not at all. They're totally cappable of being a great feature in a Sonic game, but for it to be any sort of good, it would require to be waaaaay rethought. Like adding the possibility to decorate/edit your Chao Garden, having more interesting competitions both singleplayer and online (this one especially, since there would be a reason to train your chao, to compete with your friends and stuff like that). Chaos would need to have to interact more with the player and the tasks should be way less repetitive. Perhaps even in the stage, having no-obligatory colectable itens such as fruits/candies/toys/etcetera that you could give to your chao so he would upgrade. And it also could make the replayablility way higher due the exploration matters to find these secret itens. Perhaps adding skills to the Chaos, training, etcetera. For example, one thing that always kept me interested was an mini-game on Capcom's Breath of Fire where the player would have to administrate an work in progress, fairy town. He would have to distribute Jobs and give Orders, like hunt for food, makes researches, exploration to find itens, etctera... And slowly you would see your progress as the town got bigger, the fairies breed. This kind of minigame is perfect, you check it once in a while, change a few things here and there. There was even a cool thing that, if you got an art studio in this minigame, the faires would "research" for concept arts and the game's soundtrack. But other than that, the Chao Garden experience feel like a vast and empty type of game, where you would once in a while give animals to your Chao to assimilate and obtain a few characteristics, physically speaking and upgrade some of your stats. I mean, that was kind of nice, but that's all it have to offer. There is no progression nor sense of you acomplishing something, it's the same thing, over and over again, 'till you get bored or beat everything it had to offer. tl;dr: Chao Garden could be done if it was rethought.
Oh... Yeah... Thanks for the heads up. English isn't my native language so... Sometimes it gets a little confusing with a word or two.
Possibly been mentioned, but several domains related to Sonic Adventure 3 have been registered on behalf of a client by 1&1 Webhosting. Any relation?
Regarding if they ever were to make a Sonic Adventure 3. I just can't simply get my head around how they'd approach a project like that. I doubt they'll go back to the play style of Adventure 1&2, the way you control lets say Sonic, it'll just look inferior and slow compared to the new 'modern boost' game play.
Yeah, if they did it, it'd be SA3 in name, story, and extra characters alone, I think. I could see it keeping modern sonic's style for sonic's gameplay. I'd hope other (non-speed) characters play how Classic Sonic plays in 3D on generations, but slightly better turning, and ofcourse character specific moves. I'd also hope for some character specific routes, not levels.
While I would never advocate for their return, I actually did get quite a bit of enjoyment out of the Chao Gardens in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. I think it'd be neat if SEGA made a small downloadable spin-off game dedicated to them, rather than forcing players to replay levels an obscene number of times to make a half-decent Chao. Also, considering the most recognizable thing about the Adventure games is how flawed they are on a conceptual level, the name Sonic Adventure 3 wouldn't instill much hope in me at all. No thanks.
That sounds like a really good idea to me. I've always loved the Chao Gardens but they're totally incongruous with the fast-paced Sonic gameplay, and I can completely understand why some people find raising them to be tedious and boring - it's just not everyone's thing. I don't agree with the Adventure games basically forcing the player to raise decent Chao in order to get all the emblems. I found this was an easy task in SA1 but in SA2 it seemed a lot more difficult and took a hell of a lot longer to do.
I like how you think. You don't hate the Chao Gardens (Which most people seem to be set on, as well as SA2 as a whole), but it seems like you don't love them, either, as you apparently got "quite a bit of enjoyment" out of them. Also, I like that idea. I mean, I don't mind playing through Metal Harbor or City Escape if it means getting Chaos Drives, but that does take a long time to do, considering you can only hold on to so many drives/animals.
Simply satiate the completionists by removing the Chao Garden from the emblem requirements so we can all enjoy GHZ without severe grinding.
Eurgh, the Big fishing missions... It's not that they were awful, they were just misplaced in a Sonic game. They also had some buggy stuff going on, and were incredibly difficult.
The fishing levels were easy. The only hard one was Twinkle Park A because finding a mecha fish weighing 2000g was quite hard. I liked Ice Cap and Hot Shelter with Big because there was actual platforming. I only wish that they'd have put the big fish at the end of these platforming segments to justify their existence. I mean, Froggy is in the first body of water you encounter.
Difficult? Not really. It took me a long time how to set the hook, but once I figured that out, I blew through Big's story in probably about an hour, and this was when I was about 10.