If they can't revitalize the main series with any sort of respectability, what makes you think they can do it for the Adventure series? Are you saying Sonic 4 wasn't 'deserved'? I don't really get this post. Basically, this is where I stand:
I would have no problem if a Sonic Adventure 3 were to come, but I'd really be excited about getting to play as Knuckles in his own levels as well as full on 3D gameplay. However with Iizuka's recent SoS interview the hope for real multiple character gameplay is looking bleak, what with them only "focusing on the Sonic only action". (and leaving us the racing and olympic titles for other characters). I assume this means that they're going to crank out another boost game with a different gimmick attached, shame.
To be fair, it was the same thing with Sonic 4, and Iizuka himself said they'd make SA3 if it's what the fans really want. It's not the likeliest thing ever, it wouldn't save the series; hell, it may wind up horribly. But it's not entirely out of the question.
Altered to make a point. I'm not a die-hard defender of the Sonic Adventure series. I think they are at their core very flawed (though generally enjoyable) games. HOWEVER. Two games were internally known as Sonic Adventure 3 during their production cycle. Sonic '06 and Sonic Unleashed. Neither of them kept the name at release. The name still has a ton of nostalgic value to a lot of people, myself included, who were the right age to get into Sonic roundabouts the time the original was released. Sega needs money, they're known for cashing in on nostalgia (hence why Sonic Generations and Sonic 4 even EXIST) and so it's not an intense leap of logic to consider this is a possibility. Especially after Iizuka was referring to alternate playstyles a few months ago. Will it be a gameplay change to the SA style? Probably not, they've hit gold with the Unleashed/Colors/Generations formula, and would be idiotic to deviate from it for a formula that totally collapsed in '06. But I think that the people who would shoot down the idea of Sega using the name Sonic Adventure 3 after all we've seen from the company are just plugging their ears singing la la la and yelling at people who think so.
If they ever make a Sonic Adventure 3, they need to learn from the examples set by 1 and 2, both the good and bad examples. Multiple characters, different styles of game play. Basic running levels for Sonic, treasure hunting, shooting targets, etc. I can see why people would think Heroes is basically SA3, but aside from the different Team Blast attacks, the game play between teams was too identical. But at the same time, I don't think anyone will miss that fishing game play ala Big the Cat. *High five* See? This guy knows what I'm talking about. A mix of music styles can make a Sonic game, characters especially, all the more enjoyable. There are MANY members of my family who have no tolerance for most rap music, and I am well on my way there too. But, if I play something like the rap music from SA2, they will actually listen to it and enjoy it with me. That says something when you can make a rap song enjoyable to more than the all ready established fans of rap. After hearing his chuckle in the Genesis days, I can see why he would give it up. I believe that line is buff chest, with a B. And according his character models in the Adventure games, Knuckles is a little more muscular than Sonic, if not by much. As for the word porcupine... Go figure. I can only guess it's a play on how similar those species look. I don't think they're related.
Whew boy do I disagree with you on THIS one ^_^ Granted his original works may suck, when you pair him with SEGA for Knuckles tracks awesomeness ensues, and I'm not even saying that because of the funny/cheesy quotables, I'm saying that because tracks like Death Chamber and Aquatic Mine are BUMPIN', totally catchy and chill music....in my opinion of course, lol.
As much as people like throwing it around, while 06 and Unleashed may have been envisioned as Sonic Adventure 3 at some point in development, they never ended up with the title. Arguing that either holds the title is just as pointless as the the "Sonic 4 isn't a direct sequel because it wasn't originally called Sonic 4" argument. They can re-release Sonic Labyrinth, but if they call it Sonic Adventure 3, and claim that it fits in with the overall canon, or even if they don't, that's how it is. While both 'Adventure games, in my opinion, don't hold up terribly well to the test of time, I think they had many ideas that were good in theory, or even practice, but were never fully realised. Since I played the original 'Adventure, I've always thought of how awesome it would be to have a completely explorable hubworld, and I've argued here before that one of the main reasons the Adventure games failed were due to a failed, and ultimately unfinished experiment in trying to get Sonic to work in 3D, and then subsequent re-releases getting the wrong end of the stick. If a Sonic Adventure 3 was made, it wouldn't have to play at all like any game that came before it. Be it the previous Adventure titles, or the so-called 'Modern Sonic' titles of Unleashed, Colors and 'Generations. All it would really need is either hubworlds that explored a large world area, a plot that involved the gameplay of multiple characters, or both. What few people seem to realise, is that especially with such a long distance between the death of the Dreamcast and now, a sequel to SA2 wouldn't have to be a continuation of the same play-styles. Personally, I think it would be amazing if SEGA released a game called Sonic Adventure 3, which involved Sonic using incredibly fast paced parkour to fly across, through and above buildings and obstacles, and had Tails, Knuckles and Amy to get through similar levels with different skills and objectives, whilst still keeping similar gameplay, to be an awesome game if done properly. Obviously this isn't' easily achieved and maybe some people may think Sonic has go through a different team altogether, but I guess my point is that a name can mean nothing, and can be placed on a game regardless of content. I know that this shit is going to just end up as a remix album, and that I don't even want an SA3, but who cares? Right?! EDIT: Fuck me I was pissed when I wrote this.
I'm honestly not trying to be a dick here, but do you have any proof of this? I'm not calling you a liar or anything - I just haven't seen this mentioned anywhere before now. I won't dispute that Sonic Adventure 3 could be a great game if it was executed well - the game released with that title could be great or terrible, it doesn't exist yet after all, and I've said since Generations was released that an open-world game to explore with those kind of environments scattered everywhere to freely run about in would be jaw-dropping. I just know however that Sega would never be able to pull it off right. Sure, Colours and Generations have been great games but as soon as you try and place Sonic in an open environment, it always seems to go a little bit tits-up. Whether it's camera issues caused by that kind of free movement, or imprecise controls at Sonic's speed, I don't know, but it just never feels like a great experience.
As far as Unleashed goes, we have this: http://www.videogamer.com/xbox360/s...nic_unleashed_began_as_sonic_adventure_3.html I've always seen people say Sonic 2006 was internally referred to as SA3, and I always sorta went with it due to all of the similarities...but looking now I can't find any solid credence. I've only taken a few quick Google searches though. I'm interested too if anybody has an interview or anything.
While we're on the subject, I wanna point something out. Some people like to make the argument that Unleashed is SA3 because it's known as Sonic World Adventure in Japan. This makes no sense to me because by that logic, Sonic Rush Adventure would be SA3. Anyway, as for the new Knuckles music, I'm gonna go with remix album. Like I said before, Sonic has had multiple ones before. One last thing. I genuinely and unironically like Hunnid-P's Knuckles raps and nothing will change that.
It's a logical fallacy to go "Sonic 4, therefore Sonic Adventure 3." Sonic 4 is not actually in the style of the classics, and instead is just another Dimps 2D scroller. Why? Because that's what they had on hand to make it. Therefore, they actually had the means to make it, which is why it exists. SA3? Nothing they make is in the same style. It's all boost-boost-boost or the slower scale Colors platforming. These things are made based on making money—and right now, huge risks on trying to replicate that old thing for questionable payout (especially after the mixed reception of Sonic 4) is pretty much out of the question.
I would love Sonic Adventure 3. This may be teenage nostalgia for the old games shining through here but Sonic Adventure 2 was a super important game for me on the Dreamcast. One thing to remember was that the Sonic Adventure games were created by the older Yuji Naka led Sonic Team that used to sleep under their desks to finish a game whilst now we have a completely new development team and this shows hence the divergence of style into Modern Sonic. There's an Iizuka interview floating around (I believe the article is on Eurogamer) stating that 2013 will see a complete reboot for Sonic with a next generation game engine to run on the new set of consoles. Iizuka doesn't give away too much but the entire conversation is focused around the next Xbox and next PlayStation; and the jump in technology and graphics; so there's a chance this rapper could be referring to the reboot. Combining both strands of evidence together the rapper does sound like he's talking about Sonic Adventure 3 or at the very least a potential remix album. Iizuka makes it sound like a complete reboot is planned as Sega develops its lead Sonic title for the next generation. As another poster stated this is all vague interviews and off-hand comments and hence we don't really have concrete evidence either way on what Sega are truly working on. Given however their recent restructuring and laser-focus on limited franchises of which Sonic is the most important you can expect that whatever they create to have huge development resources behind it and a large budget relative to their other games. It's an interesting time. I'm very curious to see what they're working on. After playing through Sonic Colours (yet to try Generations past the demo) I have strong and renewed optimism that whatever they create could be something great. So Sonic Adventure 3 or a complete reboot. To be honest I would be happy with either.
No way in hell it's Sonic Adventure 3. It's probably either a remix for ASR2 or some new album they haven't announced yet.
Yep! Mykonos posted the Nintendo Power article to which I was referring, and as far as '06, I believe it was Polygon Jim who said that within the games code were references to Sonic Adventure 3, however the final product was not named as such. I haven't personally seen this code, but I have operated under this assumption, but if someone is able to refute this, I apologize
I'd be far more interested if they had gotten some good rappers to do whatever it is they've got planned here. Whoever they used for MadWorld was pretty cool; I'd like seeing that again.
A Sonic Adventure with boost-boost-boost and the slight changes done with the side characters in Generations? Just like Sonic 4 proves, it only needs be a Sonic Adventure in name.
So... several instances of "sonicadventure3.---" have been registered, according to a certain news source that will not be named. Instead, I'll post the links here. sonicadventure3.com sonicadventure3.org sonicadventure3.fr sonicadventure3.info sonicadventure3.net sonicadventure3.eu So, if this new "Project for Sonic" is in fact going to be Sonic Adventure 3... the combined evidence of Hunnid-P's statement and these registered domains are what we have to go by. I wonder if this is legit.
All of a sudden, I'm vastly intrigued by this. Mostly because I've been waiting for my Sonic Adventure 3 for quite a while. But you probably already knew that.