As real life is starting to get busy and I may not be here as much, I'd like to thank LocalH and Hivebrain for being kind enough to agree to help out the admin tasks. So, congrats. Before anyone asks (or panics for whatever weird reasons), here are the answers: It's still a dictatorship. The forums may revert back to one-man mode if and when my real life permits.
Yep. Some people have lives, like our Simon here. :o I'm sure you made the right choice. I've seen these guys maintain forums before, and they did a great job. Let's hope they show the same dedication here.
Like, half a year. I won't be "gone", just be dealing with something else and would like the option of not worrying about things that go on in here if needed.
I will miss you Simon. I will really miss you. Sincerely, LocalH won't be the same as you *LocalH brings out the party stuff*
I was about to mean, Simon is known for being a cold-headed and very sensible person. As far as I've read, Hivebrain is similar in certain mode, but LocalH will be a much more amusing person. Mangrip?
Heh. Thanks, guys. I can be quite straight-forward as well. I've got several years of forum administration experience, as well as several years of S2B experience. I'm just normally a bit more laid back, when the situation warrants (but I can also be a hard-ass when the situation warrants).
I was wondering what was going on when I passed one of LocalH's posts and saw "Co-Administrator". :P Congrats guys.
Congrats LocalH and Hive! Simon, good luck with your real life. These 2 Co-admins are the good choice.
Wow! Congrats on co-adminship guys :D LocalH I know is on the same calibur as Simon in terms of fairness, don't know much about hivebrain though, I look forward to seeing how he performs.
Ah, good-luck to you, Simon, with whatever you must deal with. I couldn't think of two better people than Local H, who has been admin at other sites and has a lot more expereince behind him than many others, and Hivebrain, one of the most logically thinking and level-headed people I know. Good luck to both of you.
While the change is a bit odd, given Simon's past policies on moderators and assistants, I have to admit that if real life is getting in the way that much, then this change is for the best. On that note, anyone for changing the name of the site to "LocalH and Hivebrain's Sonic 2 Beta Page" until Simon can be back in his dictatorly role?