Definitely useful info, thanks. One thing though is that I tried a system recovery. Apparently my computer went back to a year ago right before I reinstalled all my drivers and Service Pack 2. I still have all those, but they won't install properly. Do you think these trojans have something to do with that as well?
A bit late for suggestions on AV software, but I use AntiVir and its been pretty damn good at catching viruses and trojans, its nagware, however, but you can disable the ads fairly easy via DEP.
Honestly. System recovery is like the last move you should ever take. But now, I don't know. Try getting service pack 3. If not, I can always lead you to get what I have. Windows XP Ultimate. :3
I managed to get Spybot to run directly from my computer rather than a thumbdrive, and it found like 90-something extra files, aside from the 3 or 4 Trojans and their respective files. I went looking for a couple of things, and couldn't find them...hopefully this is good sign. Edit: There's nothing I can do to fix this. *sigh* Good thing I've got an external.
, you can still at least get an infection under control if you are clever and fight with it. I think I had it relatively easy to beat virus though. I still got some oddities, but I regained access to everything it tried to block. Sonic Warrior: Using spybot look and see what the processes are that are running at start up and try to remove them. Since they're likely too clever to let that work and one of the running processes is probably readding the processes to the list, go into your file directory in safe mode and open the files in question up in notepad, remove everything in the file, and save it. (This MIGHT work, however likely if you delete it it will just reappear) It won't fix registry changes, however it should get rid of the immediately annoying problem.
Actually, pretty much every virus can be taken care of if you know how to do it. Sure, it takes some effort, but I've demolished pretty much every one I've ever had to work with. It's just really, really difficult, and even afterwards you might need to reinstall.
Whenever I got a virus, I would just use AVG, and it always helped. Anything it didn't get, I found by searching in my system folder.
<!--quoteo(post=242560:date=Nov 7 2008, 05:44 PM:name=Shadix)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Shadix @ Nov 7 2008, 05:44 PM) See. Something about Spybot. When in advanced mode, it warns and asks you about information changes like that.
A clever person can usually use these shitty antivirus tools to isolate their problems and then when the antivirus fails to get rid of it, deal with it himself. Between your antivirus and google, you should be able to figure out enough about the virus to kill it yourself, so long as you have safe mode, unlocker, msconfig, and regedit at your disposal... and possibly clean copies of whatever files the virus has raped.
My virus was clever, it set up a virtual firewall that blocked access to search engines, sites with virus scanners, etc. Removed the Task Manager option from Ctrl - Alt - Delete. I ended up just looking in marvel about how well thought out the thing was. ...Man you guys are tempting me to go download an obviously bad torrent and get infected again.
If a virus hits you that hard, Just say fuck it and get yourself a new Windows install and don't look back.
Well after a very long night, I'm just about done putting the pieces back together again. Thanks to everyone for their input.
That sounded like a nasty one! Congrats on getting it sorted! My brother once got an msn virus that would play random music and sound files. It was the MOST stupid virus I had ever seen. AVG flagged up about it but said that it couldnt be deleted due to it being used, so I Ctrl + Alt + Del and found a process called antivirus.exe XD ended the process, went on run -> msconfig deleted it from the "run at startup" list and then continues to delete the file from the Windows folder. AVG then cleaned up the rest for me after I restarted the computer. took me 5 mins :D For future reference: Whenever I get a virus I just: 1) Boot into safe mode. 2) Run system restore. 3) Boot into safe mode again. 4) Run antivirus and anti-spyware (I reccomend AVG antivirus and spyware search and destroy) 5) Restart System and boot as normal. 6) Enjoy my Hopefully Virus free PC
So for some reason, even after what felt like the longest day of my existance (I was dealing with the problem for approxmiately 22 hours, with a break later in the evening to take a few shots and relax), I still have a problem. For some reason, there are a couple sites that suddenly make Firefox quit on me mid-load, mainly Kotaku, but it's happened elsewhere. Anyone have any idea what that could be? I've run AVG and Adaware and everything's fine.
That sounds more like a problem with your router or ISP than an issue with your PC. I don't think it's anything you can help, really. Though if Firefox is crashing, that could be a problem specific to those websites. I wouldn't worry about it.
Test in other browsers. Use IE 7, Opera, Firefox Portable, Google Chrome and that Social Firefox Browser. If not, try FF2 (Or FF3 if you're on 2.)