So, I've been mucking about with a bubble bobble level editor, and have hammered together a small demo of my progress so far. It works with MAME (although it may work with other arcade emulators) and replaces the levels in Bubble Bobble (older) IT WILL ONLY REPLACE THE LEVELS OF THAT ONE VERSION! No other versions of Bubble Bobble will be messed with. you'll need 2 roms: (the parent rom) and (the soon to be hacked rom) let MAME scan both roms and verify them as working, now copy this file: MIRROR MIRROR (now bugfixed) over the existing and the hack will work. level 13 is the current "kill screen" if anyone gets past it without cheats, do tell me. Cheers.
MAME says that files are missing. Like with 99.999999% of dumps in existence... >_> EDIT: yes, tried adding the ROMs from the original... but most likely it's missing some files too =|
thats very odd. it should say there are incorrect roms (because of the hack) but load fine. EDIT: the rom is fine says it fails the checksum and may not work properly, but loads anyway. you sure you've got a proper bubble bobble parent rom? FURTHER EDIT: you'll need the original, let mame read that, then copy the hacked zip over the normal zip. fucking stupid thing....... edited original post to add new instructions.
yeah, it reads the new game, so thinks it's the proper rom, then you replace the zip, and mame doesn't know the difference, you then load the hacked rom which mame thinks is a non hacked rom, it should throw up a crc error, but allow you to continue anyway. EDIT: oh fuck, are you using a non-windows mame? if so, find one with a gui. and try the method in the original post.
No, I'm using the GUI, but since it wasn't the first time I load the ROM MAME will skip the copyright thing. Or do you mean replace it BEFORE selecting the game?
Anyone willing to mirror this on non-megaupload? Or just send me an email... edit: thanks Sik edit2: I took the liberty to record a video of the first levels. This looks cool, but there is a quite annoying bug in level 8... Well, not really a bug, it's more like bad planning. Watch the video to know more.
I once made a bubble bobble hack for the NES. I replaced every single level with a giant "EQUALS PEE" =P