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Music Remastered

Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by Athelstone, Apr 24, 2008.

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  1. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    I don't have any objections to that, but the alterations would need to be both subtle and high quality.
  2. test-object


    By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea Member
    Discussion: Multiplayer remixes.

    Question: How to remix them?

    Suggestion: A couple tunes from the Sonic 1 soundtrack thrown in the Sonic 2 mix. Let's say, a bit of Marble Garden for the Hill Top Zone.
  3. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    I'm all for arranged remasters for the mulitplayer levels but not for using another sonic game level music, it would not feel right. I could do an arranged version for Hill Top Zone though. Someone uploaded an arranged midi file of Hill Top Zone on a site I came across once so I could find that to see what the end result would be like.
  4. test-object


    By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea Member
    How do you know? You won't know till you try it. :colbert:
    Yeah, I'm stubborn.
  5. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    Anime dubbing is a prime example of this because when something is established on something, it really sticks. Using other music from other Sonic games would be like using anime dubbing from some series and then use it on a completely different anime.

    I'm sure some of us on here can remember when DBZ was licensed to Funimation and all the voice cast was changed from the original Ocean Group. I still to this day cannot stand Christopher Sabat voice of Vegeta. His voice makes Vegeta sound dumb compared to the witty voice of Brian Drummond. I still cringe every time I hear that dub.

    It's not just DBZ but other animes like Wicked City. I have on VHS an amazing dub of it which is really funny, then I got the DVD version with a different dub and it just completely changed the tone of the film.

    Someone on here posted a link to Youtube on the re-dubbing of the WFZ boss with the DEZ music. It sounded horrible and it lost all the impact it originally had.

    While I think that keeping the original music is best, I think what would be better would be to have a feature where you can add your own music or to change the arrangement of the BGM if you want to. This will allow people to custom the music to whatever they feel.
  6. Asher


    Your Residentual Tattoo Designer And Pirate Member
    ^^ I'd love custom music!, not because I dislike Sonic 2's music, but because I am a avid fan of any sort of in game customisation.
  7. RedStripedShoes


    And I'm gone again. Member
    Sorry, I actually prefer Funimation's Vegeta to Ocean's Vegeta.

    Though I have to agree that taking music from other Sonic games and arbitrarily mixing them in would not be for the project's good.
  8. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    I think it's also due to the fact that in the UK from the android saga, we had the Ocean Group doing the rest of the series. I might have had a different opinion if I heard Sabat's voice first. But yeah, to change music so drastically would be defeating the object of making a remaster. I also feel that these types of additions sound a bit like cheap gimmicks as they have no real enhancements on the game itself and not only that, ain't there going to be a custom level kit planned once the game is done. So at the end of the day people can customize what they want with it afterwards.

    Also I'm gonna bring this up again. What is going to be done about the time stretching of the music for the power sneakers. The reason I ask is because if you are aiming it to be identical to the original, then some program has to made to make sure the algorithm is non destructive. Propellerhead Record was released yesterday and they have demo songs that come with the program so you can get to listen to how good the quality is. It is something that really needs some thought now as there is plenty of time at the moment to get this right.
  9. test-object


    By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea Member
    That eh... would be me :psyduck:
    But anyway, I'm not telling to remaster the Sonic 1 songs. I'm asking for a couple jingles, a couple notes subtly worked in new Sonic 2 Multiplayer songs. Just a nice touch which I, for one, would enjoy.
  10. I posted this in my thread under technical discussion, but it's kind of relevant here. I just did this in about 15 mins... no effort whatsoever. It's not ready yet, just shows what you can do with some of the hacking tools to rip smps music, convert into xm, then into midi, then put into FL studio and put some sound fonts on the midi file...

    I've got another version written entirely by me which took several days, but it's not ready for release... I'll update here when it is.

    I have been thinking also (don't know if it's been raised here) - somebody online has a yamaha keyboard with the original Sonic 3 samples (such as the "Go!" sample from launch base zone), except they are in crystal clear quality... I was wondering if you guys would want me to try and get all the original yamaha samples used in the game and patch them onto the midi files that I'm trying to write or rip & convert from the game - IMHO this will be the closest to the original that's possible as well as being high definition... possibly for a "classic - HD" mode under music options.

    Another thought I had was - if we somehow used midi, and wrote a script for the midi file to use predetermined sound fonts, this might allow the game to change tempo when using the power sneakers instead of having to use a different song or stretching the .ogg file. Thoughts?
  11. test-object


    By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea Member
  12. @ test-object:

    Please could you read (or re-read) my post and reply to what I was saying?

    It wasn't ready I know, the harmonica is seriously wrong because the pitch bends are non-existant and the patch reacts differently to the original that the sound chip in the megadrive uses. I was trying to illustrate what can be done in 15 mins without adjusting any notes from the original song.
  13. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Perhaps the "untouched" midis obtained from that process could be uploaded to the database, so people would have a better way to start their remasters than random fan-made midis?
  14. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    Perhaps :(
  15. Yeah, I think so too. But the untouched ones will need to be changed; the file I uploaded shows the expression notes are not right (probably just need settings changing..?) Is it possible for me to upload to the database, or should I just upload to fileden and someone else can put the midis into the database?

    Just found this on youtube...

    It's ONLY a live band playing Mystic Cave Zone!

    EDIT- Just saw Nineko's post... seems like all of this has been suggested already! Why are people still going ahead with the wav and .ogg formats then? Why aren't we using mods?
  16. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    You have been busy. I'm glad to hear that you are on FL Studio. We could work together on getting BGM done. You are getting better at what you can do as well.

    That person you have spoken to. Find out if the Yamaha he uses is a DX100, DX27 or DX21 as I have a vst plugin that can load those presets. Or, if he has the ability to convert the presets from the Megadrive to his Yamaha as that would even be better. Also, do get as much sample material you can get.

    I have mentioned about sound fonts before but when you think about it, they are not practical as other effects, modulation need to be done. You would have ended up building a whole DAW that will tax the processor on basic computers. I'm going to try out Propellerhead Record by exporting my Hill Top Zone in multi track format and see what the looping and the overall sound is like when I play them through it. If I can get my PC running through my DVD recorder, I will try to get a video sorted to show the out come if it's any good.
  17. Thanks for the reply. I'll see what I can do about the Yamaha samples, basically any DX keyboard should have the classic Sonic sounds, just a matter of finding the samples (or buying one of these keyboards <me wants> on ebay). The midi idea has kind of been suggested before, except using tracker file formats (see Nineko's post) but the project leaders want us to use .ogg as the looping has been done (speed ups have not been done though). Propellerhead Record looks like an amazing piece of software, but how will this be done in the game -- is someone going to find out how it works and then put the speed up feature to run in realtime in the game? I'm still inclined to think an in-game tracker or midi would be the best if someone can code which instrument samples to play, but looks like we're stuck with .ogg so NM.

    BTW I'm only on demo version of FL, so it will run out some time this month. Which version have you got? I certainly want the piano roll if I was going to purchase it, is there any point buying the versions above the one that has piano roll editor?

    I've got a bunch of important stuff coming up this week, so may be away from the forum for a bit.
  18. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    Vincent and all Sonic staff...

    I have done test runs to see how good the quality would be through Record regarding the issue with the destructiveness of the time manipulation. All is good and it is indeed possible to do with almost zero problems.

    I exported My version of HTZ in a multi track format and loaded them into Record. Everything worked fine except the percussion got really destructive, mainly the drums. I decided to put in the single shot drums in the playlist and this is what I got.

    Power Sneakers test

    As you can hear it is very good quality and proves that it is possible.

    Now for this to work you would need a playlist to put all the single tracks in and they would have to be laid out like this


    If you look at the picture below, you can see the audio files are complete one piece lengths (green arrows). The audio one shots (red) is the percussion and this is the best way to have them instead of the rest because of the destructiveness of the algorithm.


    By the way. No plugins were used when I tested this.

    It up to you if you want to make the decision to go this way so the game can get the power sneaker effect. Unless the decision is to add power sneaker music like in Sonic CD.

    I've got the XXL version because you get a discount for some of the other plugins. If you are going to use synths then Sytrus is a mighty powerful synth to have in your arsenal. It's worth getting FL at the end of the day because you get the updates for free for ever, unlike other DAW software.
  19. Wow, that's like $399 or something. Maybe I'll experiment with others before I make a decision. I'm considering installing Linux, but I always have problems setting up wireless on it. There's some cool DAWs on that platform like Ardour and Non-DAW, and they are free.

    To me it looks more likely that we'll have to use a piece of music based on the theme tune for the power sneakers (sort of like the invincibility music, but upbeat and rising in tempo and pitch). For music contributors that have left their music and moved on, we might not be able to get them to do their song like how you layed it out in Record. I forgot to reply earlier about doing BGM together, I am up for doing that, but this week I'll be busy with other stuff...

    By the way, I found a harmonica, and have been trying to learn pitch bends and tremolo (to attempt Hill Top). With harmonicas it's weird, they come in a certain pitch (mine's E for example). You can bend down to D. I think I may need to buy a C or something. Can't pitch bend up yet, I think that's harder. There's a whole catalogue of reasons sound font harmonicas don't sound real, I won't go into it but it's to do with the mouth, sucking and blowing, using tongue, covering with hands etc. :)
  20. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    LOL or you could use mine

    I used the Sonivox vst plugin to do this.
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