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Music Remastered

Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by Athelstone, Apr 24, 2008.

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  1. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Well, that would be awesome. :)

    Perhaps the best solution would be first recording the whole thing without any drums, and then, only if real drums can't be added, just add the drum machine over the original recording.
  2. SFtheWolf


    Remixing music from a number of Genesis Sonic games
    I'm only doing this one time since I'm not uploading everything twice every time I render:
  3. RedStripedShoes


    And I'm gone again. Member
    You will if you want your contributions to be heard.

    Now, your Oil Ocean song unfortunately has the wrong feel to it. The drums are far too clunky, the organ doesn't sound quite right, and the flute comes off sounding very flat. Don't get me started on that pungi (snake charmer flute) - it's totally out of place.

    The Death Egg is okay, but it's missing a few key elements.
  4. SFtheWolf


    Remixing music from a number of Genesis Sonic games
    I don't have to make any contributions you know, I was doing the Sonic 2 soundtrack before I thought of submitting here.

    As I mentioned on the non-MediaFire submission page, I'm stuck trying to find higher quality Middle-Eastern instruments and so the Zourna (snake charmer flute) and Nay (melody carrying flute) are quite flat sounding right now.

    I'm afraid I need something more specific than "wrong feel" or the fact that unnamed elements are missing. I can't really think of anything more stylistically appropriate for Oil Ocean than industrial sounds mixed with a mid-East arrangement.
  5. Clutch


    It was a dark and stormy night... Member
    Why does the internet seem to insist on ruining the concept of "funny animal" for me?

    I do like the remix though, but I imagine it's going to be hard to loose the desert feeling even if you tried. The basic composition lends itself to the theme to begin with.
  6. Tweaker


    Wow, why are you guys being total assholes about the site he's used to host his music? You can access it and listen to the music without registration. Stop complaining. If you don't like the other content on the site, either don't look at it or adblock the images.

    I'd like to point out a very specific excerpt from the rules:
    Don't like furries? Keep it to yourself—there's no need to outright demean other members over it. If I see it again, I'm handing out suspensions.

    Now can we at least try and offer actual constructive feedback towards our contributors? It's no wonder why the music in this project is barely decided if you're all too busy being full of yourselves by acting better than other people.
  7. Gambit


    Sonic 2 HD Staff - Level Artist Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    The guys you want to talk to are Canned Karma and/or Scubasteve. Canned Karma is currently away for a week, though, so send out a PM to Scubasteve, he should reply.
  8. RedStripedShoes


    And I'm gone again. Member
    Hi, Tweaker. Mind if I talk? Okay, thanks.

    I don't care if someone's a furry. That's none of my business. What is my business is where he decided to host the music. He had no regard for whether people like or dislike looking at the content of that site. And I tried to listen to his original posted music while ignoring his choice of hosting, but it's not doable. The music doesn't start up automatically if you open it in a different tab, and adblock doesn't turn off the pictures. The point is, I found the content objectionable, so I couldn't listen to his contributions. The biggest insult of all is that he jumped to the conclusion that, as Sonic fans, we are also furries, and therefore will find such content to our liking. He otherwise had no reason to just use a normal file hosting website like the rest of us.

    Could I have put that into more considerate wording? Yes. So I am also at fault here. But don't act like I, or the bandwagoners for that matter, are the only transgressors in this situation. SFTheWolf is just as much in the wrong.
  9. Tweaker


    Because that has absolutely fuck all to do with what you were linked to that site for. The sole purpose of that link was for you to listen to the music present on the page. Any other content on the site—the usernames, the banner, and the related subculture associated with them—is all work safe, and easily blockable by any kind of content filter if you dislike it.

    The fact of the matter is, he has the choice to host his music wherever he damn well pleases. If you don't like it, then don't comment; to come after him and be a complete prick about it, however, is completely uncalled for. You're being a dick, and you're going to stop. Or I'm going to make you stop. Pick one.

    This is a legitimate complaint, but I haven't experienced this problem. Mind providing some more information? Are you sure you didn't adblock the directory that the music is stored in?

    I just used adblock to remove several pictures on the site. It works. I don't know what you're doing wrong, but it certainly isn't the fault of SF.

    However shallow that may be, that's completely fine—I'm not telling you to listen to his contributions under threat of banning or something. What I am saying is that there's absolutely no reason to come into a thread with that kind of attitude just because he has his own preference on what website he chose to host his music. If nothing else, you could have simply asked politely for a mirror... but you didn't; instead, you and several others (no, I'm not actually targeting you specifically here like you constantly seem to think I do!) opted to instead be pricks about it.

    Bottom line? He can host his contributions wherever he damn well pleases. If you don't like where he hosted them, then that's your own problem—not something he has to "fix" for you.

    While I do personally disagree with such generalizations, you have to admit that it does—unfortunately—have strong basis in truth, considering the nature of this fanbase on a grand scale. That said, I'm not defending it—just playing devil's advocate here.

    Except... you know, personal preference. It's the same reason why some people choose Filedropper over... say, Rapidshare or something. He chose FurAffinity because that's his medium of choice through which to share his musical creations.

    Should I start unreasonably bitching at people who use Rapidshare because I have to wait a minute for the files to download? God knows it's more annoying than having to subject my eyes to an anthromorphic piece of art. Oh god, the horror!

    Except he's really, really not. Unless you count the generalization, but even then that has little to do with why he actually chose to put the files where he did.

    This is getting absolutely ridiculous. I'm not going to get in a moral debate about this shit. If you have problem with where he posted his file, then suck it the fuck up and move on unless you feel like politely asking for a mirror. I'm not going to tolerate this kind of attitude against a very willing and talented contributor, especially from people who—to my best knowledge—have not contributed a single bit of solid material to this project.

    It's not difficult to show people some goddamn respect. You'd do well to learn that.
  10. SFtheWolf


    Remixing music from a number of Genesis Sonic games
    I really wasn't trying to cause trouble here. I thought it was clear that the generalisation I made about Sonic forums was a harmless joke.

    I don't even really like FurAffinity, like I said I find the banners and most of what's on there really irritating myself. I host music there because it's easy to show to my friends that way, and also because there's not even one other decent DeviantArt format art site that allows for music submissions (someone correct me if I'm wrong about this). It's also a place with plenty of VG music fans.

    I don't want to fight with you RedStriped. I'd be grateful in fact if you could put the problems you heard in the music into clearer terms so I can fix them before continuing on something I'm mishearing as mastered properly (I only have a pair of noise canceling headphones to monitor sound with).

    Anyway, I need someone's opinion as to whether the amped harpsichord might work in this as is:

    I'm going to start on the special stage music this evening. Does anyone know yet how that stage is going to work on the HD engine?
  11. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    Seriously now guys, this is not what I expect when I check the project from vacation. I agree with Tweaker -- there's no need for this level of childishness, so please put an end to it.

    SFtheWolf, I haven't welcomed you properly yet, but by all means continue with your contributions. I'll review them when I'm back in front of my home PC next week.

    As for you others... back to business now, shall we?
  12. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

  13. SFtheWolf


    Remixing music from a number of Genesis Sonic games
    I hope they don't disappoint! I should mention that the only one I would call "finished" is Spelunk (Mystic Cave Zone) with all of the others currently at varying states of incompleteness. Also since Mystic Cave was the first serious work I ever finished since learning sequencing, the mastering quality is sub-par by my current standards. If you decide to include it in the project then I could gladly improve the clarity and dynamic range (and possibly even the length) by quite a bit.
  14. Hodgy


    Games programming :)
    That mystic cave zone really is something! I love it! I also realy like your rendition of Oil ocean zone, it has a real industrial feel about it that really suits the level imo. and I quite like your death egg zone.

    you really are a great contributer. and don't let any naysayers say otherwise :D
  15. SFtheWolf


    Remixing music from a number of Genesis Sonic games
  16. Strike Da Mic

    Strike Da Mic

    Illustrator / Musician Member
    Niederglatt, Switzerland, Sonic 2 HD
    Wow, it's been a long time since I actually posted something into this forum. Sorry about that, I just didn't have the time (started an urgent project in my country to prevent video games from being banned because everyone starts to think they cause school shootings, meh). Not that anyone missed me though, my contributions weren't that good so far :D
    I'll have military service during the next two weeks, after that it's one week of holidays. Should be able to do one or the other thing then.
    It's great to see how it actually progresses, though - small steps, but good ones at that. Except that hoster flame fight :(
  17. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    SFtheWolf, here's my review of your pieces as promised.

    Death Egg sounds amazing. For those in the community looking for an example of a remaster that sticks to the original, and represents Sonic 2 as it could be created today, look no further. Very well done. I personally like the alternative direction taken in BlastProcessing's more recent submissions, but those border more on remix than remaster.

    I don't like Oil Ocean. Your samples are grating, and your comment on the linked site is dead on - your intro does indeed suck.

    The Final Boss theme is faithful, but uninspiring. This is the endgame man, give it bass, give it punch, make the music reach out and grab someone. As it is, it's a stately march, but not much else. Look to the database, particularly scubaSteve's take on it if you're looking for inspiration there.

    Keep them coming.
  18. Gambit


    Sonic 2 HD Staff - Level Artist Member
    Sonic 2 HD
  19. SFtheWolf


    Remixing music from a number of Genesis Sonic games
    A sincere thank you for both the praise and the honesty, the honesty in particular since I've had trouble getting any useful negative feedback since I started.

    The Final Boss will definitely sound more like Death Egg's level of punch by the time I'm done with it, I'm thinking I started posting WIPs of it too early (considering not even half the instruments were even transcribed). It's worth noting too that none of my WIPs is a proposed release candidate.

    I'm glad to hear it sounds like a stately march, that's exactly what I wanted from it so far (which was surprisingly difficult because I wanted to avoid it getting a "four on the floor" sound) before introducing the heavier parts. I should note I'm trying to avoid listening to too many other people's versions of anything so that I don't unintentionally copy them.

    Concerning Oil Ocean:
    -Could you assign any more adjectives to the percussion? I want it to sound metallic but not so much as for it to come across as grating. Is there too much high-end or distortion? Do you think the snare thing needs a completely different sample?

    -Do you like the arrangement variations in the second half?

    -I was planning to do a bridge and final "verse" after what's already there, with some original melody components (though more of a cadenza for the nay than anything "new new"). That's not too out of line assuming I make it fit stylistically, is it?

    -My plans for the intro were for it to be longer with a much more "sweeping" sandy quality to it, organic and hot sounding before a very slow atmospheric hold of the final notes, setting up for more of a punch when the bass comes in. I was thinking having some generic Middle-Eastern-guy-forgetting-the-lyrics singing faintly, and perhaps transitioning during the long hold to the more distorted sound the rest of the piece has. I was hoping to ultimately convey the industrial sprawl bringing structure to a barren environment, at the cost of its organic nature. I was thinking of returning to that sound during the bridge section briefly to avoid getting the listeners fatigued by the powerful industrial sounds (stop me if this is making no sense).

    -Do you happen to know of anywhere I could get better instruments appropriate to this theme?

    The questions go out to everyone, thank you in advance!

    Also, did you get a chance to hear the finished version of Mystic Cave Zone?
  20. Retro_Stew


    French Twitch Gamer Member
    Twitch channel
    Yeah, besides the lesbian look, it's pretty good.
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