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Music Remastered

Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by Athelstone, Apr 24, 2008.

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  1. I suppose they would, coming from a 15 year old synthesizer, and only being a (almost) direct playback of the Espio MIDI. =P Still, no one seems to be able to come up with the "perfect" sound for the song, so I tossed something simple in. Personally, I don't think a sax should be used at all. It would sound odd against the synthetic background, or the whole song would need to be acoustic which would not fit the theme of the level.
  2. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    Hello. first post on here so I like to say hi all.

    Here's my mix on the boss theme. Now what I've done with this is made it orchestral. The reason I've done it this way is that the feel of the record to me is this style and the FM chip just didn't have the capabilities of doing that. But it still sounded great with the final outcome. I've added a bit more speed to it but I'll slow it down to the proper speed.

    Boss Theme

    You might have heard this anyway as I've had this uploaded on this site and youtube for a while.

    I still think some more work needs to be done to it. If anyone wants to put their own input on it just ask and I'll arm the tracks for you, or if you have fl studio, I'll send you the flp file. reFX Nexus is needed though.
  3. RedStripedShoes


    And I'm gone again. Member
    None of the instruments are correct. The drums sound too light. The bass is lacking. The tempo is too fast.
  4. I decided to show you what I've done so far, since no-one here has heard anything from me yet. It's not finished, so go easy on the criticism - I still need to add extra drum beats, guitar sounds (string scrapes, extra rhythm/bass guitar backing, some more melody in places), I also need to play with the equalizer and stereo a bit. I could probably redo the hammerons (fast bits), as they are a bit sketchy. Please note, this can only be downloaded 10 times as I'm a free user of Rapidshare... I'll repost if you request it though.
    MD5: 14B065E4C27AB0840D2C93E04AF00314

    Drums and bass were done on PSP Rhythm, guitar was recorded from several recordings into Audacity, arranged the whole thing in Audacity.
  5. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe

    I like the sound of the main lead as I think you have nailed it there but alot of it is out of time. Practice makes perfect though. I like the way the style is going of Metropolis Zone with guitars if everyone else is cool with that. The best remake of this I think is Ransom Rath's. But by Heck the leads in that starts to make my ears bleed after hearing it for a bit. The sound is just a little too hardcore.

    It be interesting to see what you come up with next time. For me you are on the right path.

    Just one question I've got about all the music. What is being done about when you get the power sneakers and the music speeds up? Is there going to be new music or real time stretching? When I've done time stretching I've always noticed that the overall sound sounds like its got a flanger hovering over the top of it. The kicks can sound like they have been muffled. I don't know if there are issues with the ogg format when the tempo is changed but I know that wav and mp3 do get affected. I don't know if it's been brought up before but what's the plan with this?
  6. Vincent


    Sonic 2HD - Project Leader & Chara Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    I agree on steve's suggestions there,

    As per the OGG speeding up issue, please don't produce any sped up versions.
    We'll advise you all musicias in case something changes, but as per now just concentrate on the main ones either it'd be a remastering or remix! ;)
  7. siditious


    Hey guys, I'm a turd on this forum, but this project is really freaking cool and I'm just sorry I didn't know about it earlier!!!

    I have a bunch of Sonic 2 remasters that I've been doing for a project, It would be really cool if they could be of use in the game!!!

    will you check out my Metropolis Zone Bennassi Style Remaster at .

    Let me know what you guys think, I would love to be part of the project! I have remixes for every song in Sonic the Hedgehog 2!
  8. Gambit


    Sonic 2 HD Staff - Level Artist Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    I don't really care for that much at all. Even if I did like it, it doesn't capture the same feel as the original song.
  9. Thanks for the response steveswede! I agree, a lot is out of time! Mostly this is because I am using Audacity, and it is not easy to line everything up manually, but really the composition was done in very little time just to show you what I've done regarding the guitar and drums and bass. When you say you like the lead, I take it you don't mean the repeating chords (I think those actually are meant to be an organ, but I wanted to try it on guitar since my keyboard is not here). I got confused when you started talking about Ransom Rath's remake - do you mean his is too hardcore or mine? If anyone wants to collab on this, I can upload my individual guitar samples and you can play with them!
  10. @blueblur87: The download seems to fail due to maximum downloads reached, is it possible for it to be hosted somewhere else?
  11. Here you go, re-uploaded to here:

    Don't know if this one is limited, let me know if there is a free file hoster that is unlimited and I will use that.
  12. HighTreason


    Kingston upon Hull
    Too many projects, current main priority is Duke 3D for DreamCast
    I have been watching this project for some time now.

    Anyway, I got a message from Vincent, so I figured I'd come here to offer up my remastered tunes.

    I have 2 of them for the moment, but will put more up for you to have a listen to, I have to re-record most of them because they were recorded as 92Kbps WMA files, so I am now re-recording them as 320Kbps Vorbis files.

    Hill Top Zone -
    Final Boss -

    I hope you like these, it would be awesome if they were of any use, like I said I will upload the rest of them in the near future. Thanks for taking the tie to check these out.
  13. roxahris


    Everyone's a hypocrite. Take my word for it. Member
    Doing anything at all
    I'm a bit late, but I hate to say; this is awesome...
    However, at risk of having everything in my post quoted and then replied to with something along the lines of "No." by Tweaker, I have to say that a few things feel off to me...

    The brass sounds a bit... harsh at the start of each note (the attack?) It's not so noticeable as the song progresses, but in the opening it sounds kinda weird.
    In some parts, it seems like there should be pitch bends there (I could swear they're like that in the original song, but I'm not really too sure). An example of this is around 32 seconds in (by VLCs time), with those (clustered?) notes.

    Other than that, it's perfect! I need to listen to the rest of the remixes here, because what everybody's done sounds quite amazing.
  14. I listened to Random Rath's remix of Metropolis, and I do agree it is much more exciting, and I like the break beats, but personally, I am going to try and stay more faithful to the original - more a remaster than remix. Maybe the game could have a Ridge Racer-esque song selector at the start of each level to choose between tracks? :words:

    Can I ask what software you guys are using to compose all of your songs? I would like a program that allows me to fine tune the position of my samples, or better yet, detects the beat in my drums (WAV) and matches the start of samples (WAV) with it precisely.
  15. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    I'm on about the sound of the lead or chords for the main melody is bang on for me. Ransom Rath's is amazing, the sound of it I feel needs toning down a bit as it's just too hardcore for me if I kept hearing it in a loop.

    I'm using FL Studio for my production which is great for dance oriented music but Ableton Live is supposed to be brilliant for guitars and drums or any live instruments so I think that might be the best option for ya unless someone knows an amazing DAW for free.
  16. Conan Kudo

    Conan Kudo

    「真実はいつも一つ!」工藤新一 Member
    A free DAW out there is Ardour
  17. Vincent


    Sonic 2HD - Project Leader & Chara Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    Thanks for posting them HighTreason,

    They both have a very catchy vibe and support instruments choice I personally do like alot.
    Leaving up technical comments to Scuba, S2HD Music Coordinator, please do upload all S2 related tracks directly on the Database, under the proper section.

    And of course I extend the same suggestion to all the Musicians out there! :words:

    P.s. As per the actual target remastering, please do consider also the "Boss Fight" theme.
  18. Tweaker


    ...those are MIDIs run through which sounds like an XG synth. You can't seriously be considering them as viable candidates for inclusion in the game, can you? I could literally open those MIDIs up in my XG softsynth and have it sound roughly the same.

    If I knew this was an acceptable level of quality for the project, I would have suggested MIDIs as a music format for the game! It'd certainly solve all of the tempo issues.
  19. HighTreason


    Kingston upon Hull
    Too many projects, current main priority is Duke 3D for DreamCast
    Yeah, they're from MIDI - Synthesizer is the only instrument I know, and my keyboard is not very good - so I hook it up to a module and just use it as a "Controller Keyboard".

    The Yamaha XG module I use was rather expensive when new though, basically it is what the "SoftSynth" is a scaled down version of (Because hardware is usually better than software I feel, and you wouldn't get the same results from a softsynth - beleive me I tried once - nor does the Softsynth have as many features) - Also keep in mind the Mega Drive has a Yamaha synthesizer in it (As of course you know, so I won't go into detail on the YM2612) so there would be that familiarity mixed with the more modern sound (the trained ear can always tell when it's a yamaha).

    Let me know if it's all still acceptible and if it is I will try to put the rest of the tracks up over the next few days.

    The Boss Fight tune... Hmm, I could never get that sounding quite as good as the others, if you still want it I will try to dig it out (as all my MIDI are scattered about in different folders - as is every other file I have, I should tidy my computer up)

    Yeah, so let me know if you are still interested.
  20. Tweaker


    Oh, believe me, I agree—hardware synths are far superior; I just don't have the monetary resources to get one of my own. The softsynth does act as a nice substitute, though. :words:

    I should stress that I don't believe the sound created by that synth is inherently bad; I just think that the bar in terms of music quality for this project has been raised much higher multiple times throughout the course of its existence. MIDI renders with badass synths certainly sound nice, but I don't think they live up to, say, some of the tracks scubaSteve has produced over the past few months or so.
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