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Music Remastered

Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by Athelstone, Apr 24, 2008.

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  1. Hey walrus, thats a sweet sounding version. I'm not too sure about the instrument you're using on the melody though. I'm wondering what panpipes would sound like for the melody?
  2. BorgMan


    There's this dude over at Newgroounds who copied Cinossu's own rendition of EHZ and posted it as his. You can find the file here.
  3. Tweaker


    Not only that, but Mystic Cave Zone is also either Cinossu's or Blaze's—I don't remember whose—and his Death Egg "remix" is just a rendered MIDI.

    It kind of reminds me of this one time some random YouTube kid tried to pass himself off as the creator of Megamix... by selectively approving comments on the video. Good going, champ! :colbert:
  4. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.
    That's not very nice. I'd never do something like that. If I caught someone doing that to one of my creations I'd be forced to have to hurt him.
  5. BorgMan


    OK, I didn't recognise them but I had the suspicion they were not his. For the record, the link is invalid now, as Newgrounds has removed the song from their servers.
  6. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
    Sorry for the slow updates, but I've been having some personal issues take up a good chunk of my time recently.

    I've followed many of your suggestions regarding instruments, and I think it's progressed quite nicely, but I wanted some feedback before I continue.

    I still haven't done anything with the drums=P

    Here's the link:

    Here's my previous render for reference:

    A few questions that I want answered:

    Likes and dislikes about instrument choices (feel free to make suggestions of alternative instruments).

    Likes and dislikes about the dynamics and overall instrument volume levels in relation to each other.

    Other feedback is welcome as well, of course, but these issues seem to be the critical factors.
  7. BorgMan


    The sucker is whining a lot about it, but I have now checked MCZ2P for myself and have confirmed that it's the same. Not very nice...
  8. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    I like most of them, except for that harmonica-like instrument leading the song. It really changes the style of the music.
  9. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
    First off, which lead are you referring to? The saxophone? Or the the chords that start at the very beginning of the song?

    Could you explain what you think it should sound like? In order to make it better, I first have to know what better is =)

    EDIT: To anyone who has an opinion, please tell, even if it's nasty.

    "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" does not apply here, I need to know where this stands. Even if you completely hate it and have nothing constructive to say (though, constructive is preferred), please tell me.
  10. amphobius


    not so gone, after all Member
    Thrash '25
    The Lead in that doesn't seem to fit Chemical Plant Zone at all, in my opinion. Everything else sounds great, however.
  11. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
    I've just always interpreted in as a saxophonish sound. What did you have in mind?

    Also, listen to the lead from my old render ( and see if that lead fits better.

    After listening to the two, I think I like the old lead sax and bassline better. Give me a minute and I'll post yet another ogg!

    Update: Link to CPZ7.ogg
  12. amphobius


    not so gone, after all Member
    Thrash '25
    I think you've nailed it with that. :)
  13. RedStripedShoes


    And I'm gone again. Member
    I don't. I feel that both the lead and the saxophone are way too mellow.
  14. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
    The lead is a saxophone; please clarify what instruments you are referring to.
  15. RedStripedShoes


    And I'm gone again. Member
    Sorry, when I say lead, I mean the instrument that is most prominent in the intro, before the main loop. The instrument that "leads into the main tune" if you will.
  16. DDRKhat


    Keep on runnin' to the finish! Member
    Chemical Plant is much better now. But I have to agree there is something off about one of the instruments used but I can't pick apart which one it is, so sorry if this comment is basically useless.
    I at least enjoy listening to this song repeatedly now... :)
  17. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Is that really supposed to be a saxophone? :)
  18. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
    Yes, it is. I've played with it a bit though, and the high end is much louder than the low; I was looking to make it sound somewhat artificial and give it some extra punch, mostly because a stock saxophone doesn't really fit in CPZ's environment.

    However, in light of your reply, I've tried the track with the stock sax as well.

    Here's yet another render with the new saxophone (and a bit of tweaks, more reverb, etc)

    Is this more what you were looking for, ICEknight? I actually think it sounds better =D

    So, thanks much for the feedback, folks.

    RedStripedShoes, are the intro chords a better now? I've made them a little brighter.
  19. RedStripedShoes


    And I'm gone again. Member
    Actually, I liked the old better.
  20. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    ...Better, but it still sounds a bit like a harmonica of sorts to me. o_o

    Unless I'm mistaking instruments, the kind of saxophone I was thinking of was whatever instrument kicks in at 0:42 in the Snatcher intro song. If that happens not to be a saxophone, please pardon my musical ignorance...
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